Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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EPOCH45 | UNDIP International Student Spatial Plannung Competition for IKN Forest City , Semarang / Indonesien

Bewerbungsfrist 17.02.2025


Tag der Veröffentlichung
EPOCH45, Semarang
UNDIP and MARS Architects

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EPOCH45 | UNDIP International Student Spatial Plannung Competition for IKN Forest City
EPOCH45, Semarang
UNDIP and MARS Architects
EPOCH45 seeks new strategies for the integrated development of IKN Capital City for the year 2045. Emphasis is on designing the expansion towards an inclusive “Forest City” — a landscape where jungle and metropolitan functions are symbiotic. The existing administrative core will need to expand in two stages from the current settlement to an urban constellation of 1 million by 2035, to a metropolitan region of 2 million people by 2045.
Spatial integration is critical to achieve a vibrant metro region that encompasses 70% diverse jungle by 2045, on what is currently an Acacia and palm oil plantation. The competition unfolds across 3 scales, and asks for: 1. a regional vision that lays out the infrastructural, economic, agricultural and ecological backbone of IKN, 2. town planning of one or more districts, indicating urban fabric, typologies, and transit systems, 3. articulation of the block and street level, including possible architectural impressions, which illustrate how regional and district plans work together and manifest at the scale of its inhabitants.
These goals introduce many practical challenges such as walkability and inclusivity, but also opportunities for IKNs business case. For the two stages of its development, basic urban indicators (i.e. built footprint, GFA, FAR, land use, population density, walkability) and performance indicators should support the vision.
Ultimately, the proposal must reveal how it engages the landscape over time to achieve a self-sustaining, multifunctional region that unites urban, agricultural, and natural systems. In short, EPOCH45 asks: how can the human habitat and the natural habitat — City and Forest — be planned to become complementary?
Epoch45 is an open ideas competition, calling for multidisciplinary teams of around 3 to 6 members consisting at least half of students, academics, or young professionals (graduated after 2020), who can reflect on the general themes listed below. International collaboration is encouraged.
- Regional and City Planning / Landscape Urbanism
- Nature-Based Solutions / Infrastructure Planning / Energy, Water and Environmental Engineering / Resilience
- Geography / GIS / Climate Adaptation
- Ecology / Reforestation / Ecosystem Services / Biodiversity / Permaculture
- Sustainable Architecture / Housing / Material science / Life Cycle Design
- Economic Sustainability / Community Planning.
Announcement: 17 August 2024
Registration Opens: 17 August 2024
Registration Closes: 17 February 2025
Registration Closes: 17 February 2025
Submission Deadline: 1 March 2025
Winner Announcement: 31 March 2025
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