Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Outstanding Architecture and Design Final Degree Project Award , Madrid / Spanien

Bewerbungsfrist 01.02.2022


Tag der Veröffentlichung
Studenti*innen der Architektur und des Design

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IE School of Architecture and Design is pleased to announce its first edition of the Outstanding Architecture and Design Final Degree Project Award.

We are looking for top emerging talent from around the world to join our next intake of the Master in Business for Architecture and Design or our Master in Strategic Interior Design.

All those who hold a Bachelor or a Master Degree in Architecture, Design, Interior Design, Product Design, Graphic Design, Landscape Design or related fields, who graduated between 2011 and 2021 are eligible to compete for the Outstanding Architecture and Design Final Degree Project Award.

The winning entries will be awarded a scholarship toward tuition for the IE Master in Business for Architecture and Design (commencing in April 2022) or the Master in Strategic Interior Design (commencing in October 2022).

IE School of Architecture and Design

IE School of Architecture and Design is one of the leading schools in Europe and expands the boundaries of traditional architectural and design education. Therefore, the establishment of this award, called Outstanding Architecture and Design Final Degree Project Award.

Bringing together knowledge from many fields, including business, technology, design thinking, sustainability and management, along with critical thinking and creative approaches, we seek to empower students to prepare themselves for a changing world.

IE welcomes students who seek challenges and aspire to become leaders in the dynamic and evolving world of architecture and design.

IE Master in Business for Architecture and Design (MBArch)

The Master in Business for Architecture and Design (MBArch) is a cutting-edge program centered on business, innovation, and entrepreneurship, to train the future leaders in all aspects of the built environment. Participants will explore the relationship between architecture and management, and the most advanced approaches to the world of design with top business professors and leading global professionals and companies.

IE Master in Strategic Interior Design (MSID)

This program prepares professionals for work as forward-thinking design strategists. While exploring the evolving relationship between design strategy and business outcomes, the program pays special attention to the role the built environment plays in empowering people and transforming organizations.


The Outstanding Architecture and Design Final Degree Project Award will award the following prizes to the winners:

One First Prize

Admission to IE Master in Business for Architecture and Design or Master in Strategic Interior Design program for the 2022-2023 academic year. Scholarship worth € 12,000 towards the program tuition fees.

Three Second Prizes

Admission to IE Master in Business for Architecture and Design program or Master in Strategic Interior Design for the 2022-2023 academic year. Scholarship worth € 8,000 towards the program tuition fee.


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