Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Peja Culture Pavilion , Peja / Kosovo

Bewerbungsfrist 11.12.2024


Tag der Veröffentlichung
Offener Wettbewerb
Ingenieurwesen/ Fachplanung
Buildner Architecture Competitions
Collective Action for Culture
Ministry of Culture of Kosovo
Municipality of Peja

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Peja Culture Pavilion
Buildner Architecture Competitions
Collective Action for Culture 
Ministry of Culture of Kosovo
Municipality of Peja
The city center of Peja, Kosovo, hosts a historically significant site that has long been a focal point for community gatherings and social interactions. Rich in cultural and recreational elements, this central location, originally designed for leisure and relaxation, has been an integral part of the urban landscape. One of its most notable features is an ancient water source dating back to the 15th century, which remains under the protection of the Ministry of Culture of Kosovo. Despite its historical and cultural importance, the site has been neglected for years, falling into disrepair and disuse. The Peja Culture Pavilion competition aims to revitalize this area, transforming it into a vibrant public hotspot.
The Peja Culture Pavilion competition is spearheaded by Collective Action for Culture in partnership with the Ministry of Culture of Kosovo and the Municipality of Peja. Collective Action for Culture is known for organizing Rrugë Fest, a cultural initiative that rejuvenates urban spaces through artistic expression and community involvement. With the support from these partners, the organization aims to empower artists, engage residents, and transform neglected areas into lively cultural destinations.
The focal point of the Peja Culture Pavilion competition is the ancient 15th-century water fountain, a historically significant artifact reflecting Peja's long and storied past. This water fountain, preserved over centuries, serves as a vital cultural and historical landmark. Participants are encouraged to propose new designs that integrate and celebrate this water fountain, making it a central and vital part of their overall design proposals.
The competition seeks innovative ideas to transform the site into a lively participatory public area. The primary objective is to design a flexible multipurpose pavilion and an engaging outdoor space that revitalizes the area. The pavilion should serve as a cultural center that not only integrates the 15th-century water fountain but also enhances its historical importance. The pavilion should provide a versatile environment for social events, art activities, and community gatherings. Additionally, the outdoor space should be designed to become a vibrant public hotspot, fostering social interactions and cultural engagement. 
Design proposals should balance contemporary architectural advancements with historical conservation, emphasizing the water fountain's historical significance. Proposals should utilize environment-friendly materials and sustainable construction methods, ensuring the site honors its past while embracing modern needs.
Through this competition, the organizers aim to breathe new life into this historically rich site, making it a central point of community activity and cultural pride once again. The revitalized area will honor its historical roots, particularly the ancient water fountain, while paving the way for a vibrant and sustainable future. 
Competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required. 
Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum). 
Correspondence with organizers must be conducted in English; 
All information submitted by participants must be in English.
Closing date for registration: 11 December 2024
Closing date for project submission: 28 January 2025 (LONDON TIME)
Announcement of winners: 11 March 2025
Total Prize Fund: 10,000 € + potential to be realised
1st Prize: 5,000 €
2nd Prize: 2,500 €
3rd Prize: 1,000 €
Buildner Student Award: 1,000 €
Buildner Sustainability Award: 500 €
More information and documents at

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