Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Museum of Contemporary Art, Natural History Museum and Park of Arts & Culture , Podgorica/Montenegro

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Aktualisiert am
48 Arbeiten
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a-fact | architecture factory
LAND Italia
Tragwerk: Maffeis Engineering
Akustik: Charcoalblue






Offener Wettbewerb

The competition for a conceptual architectural design for the building of the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Museum of Natural History,the Park of Arts & Culture and the House of Architecture and other contents in the service of culture is the key development project aimed at improving culture and cultural content of Montenegro.
For this purpose, a site bordering the Morača River, Vaka Đurovića Street and along Ivan Crnojević Boulevard extending to the Millenium Bridge has been selected. The site in question is situated within the area of the former military barracks Morača and occupies a prime location in the Capital City. It is therefore extremely important to valorise this area by establishing new spatial content and creating zones that will become a cultural centre of the city.
The objective of the competition is to select a proposal that will provide the highest quality of design concept, with focus on architectural design of the Museum of contemporary art, Natural history museum, House of Architecture and Park of Arts & Culture. Other cultural contents envisioned within the framework of this competition should be elaborated throughout competitor proposal on masterplan level.
The aim is to present the most rational solution for infrastructure systems and other contemporary urban spaces. Additionally, participants are expected to offer a solution that, through its representativeness, design, and materialisation, contributes to the advancement of the visual identify of both the immediate and wider urban centre.
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Natural History Museum with a botanical garden and the House of Architecture should be positioned within the area adjacent to the Millenium Bridge. A key aim of this competition is to enhance the urban character of this part of the city through a contemporary architectural expression and to create sustainable public spaces and green corridors along the river. The area adjacent to the Morača River should undergo landscaping, incorporating amenities for a wide range of outdoor activities, catering to both active and passive recreational pursuits. In the remaining part of the site, structures and contents should be planned in accordance with the Competition Brief, ensuring that the concept is consistent with the landscaped area of the first zone in contact with Millenium bridge.

Prof. Odile Decq
Prof. Dominique Perrault
Vladan Stevović
Vladislav Šćepanović
Robert Schmitz
Mike Wood

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