Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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ArchDaily 2023 Building of the Year Awards , Santiago/ Chile

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Winner | Best Applied Products

Convento do Beato Event Center / RISCO (Portugal)

Winner | Commercial Architecture

Shanghai Suhe MixC World / Kokaistudios (China)

Winner | Cultural Architecture

Brazilian Pavilion Expo Dubai 2020 / MMBB Arquitetos + Ben-Avid + JPG.ARQ (UAE)

Winner | Educational Architecture

Jadgal Elementary School / Daaz Office (Iran)

Winner | Healthcare Architecture

University Hospital in Tangier / Hajji & Elouali + Architecturestudio (Morocco)

Winner | Hospitality Architecture

House & Restaurant / junya ishigami + associates (Japan)

Winner | Houses

House in Pomar do Cafezal / Coletivo LEVANTE (Brazil)

Winner | Housing

Terrace House / Austin Maynard Architects (Australia)

Winner | Industrial Architecture

Headquarters Carmo Coffees / Gustavo Penna Arquiteto e Associados (Brazil)

Winner | Interior Architecture

Atelier Gardens Studio 1 / MVRDV (Germany)

Winner | Offices

CapitaSpring / BIG + Carlo Ratti Associati (Singapore)

Winner | Public & Landscape Architecture

One Green Mile / MVRDV (India)

Winner | Religious Architecture

The Chamber Church / Büro Ziyu Zhuang (China)

Winner | Small Scale & Installations

Glass House / Max Núñez (Chile)

Winner | Sports Architecture

Quzhou Sports Park / MAD Architects (China)
Awards / Auszeichnungen

Bereits zum 14. Mal in Folge fordern wir unsere Leser auf, die Projekte anzuerkennen und zu belohnen, die mit den ArchDaily's 2023 Building of the Year Awards einen Einfluss auf die Branche haben. Durch Ihre Stimmabgabe sind Sie Teil eines unvoreingenommenen, verteilten Netzwerks von Juroren und Kollegen, das in den letzten Jahren die wichtigsten Projekte ausgezeichnet hat. In den nächsten Wochen wird Ihre kollektive Intelligenz aus über 4.500 Projekten nur 15 herausragende Projekte herausfiltern - die besten in jeder Kategorie auf ArchDaily.

Competition assignment
Now for the 14th consecutive year, we are tasking our readers with the responsibility of recognizing and rewarding the projects that are making an impact in the profession with ArchDaily‘s 2023 Building of the Year Awards. By voting, you are part of an unbiased, distributed network of jurors and peers that has elevated the most relevant projects over the past years. Over the next weeks, your collective intelligence will filter over 4,500 projects down to just 15 stand-outs - the best in each category on ArchDaily.

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:

ArchDaily 2023 Building of the Year Awards
The Award
Now for the 14th consecutive year, we are tasking our readers with the responsibility of recognizing and rewarding the projects that are making an impact in the profession with ArchDaily‘s 2023 Building of the Year Awards. By voting, you are part of an unbiased, distributed network of jurors and peers that has elevated the most relevant projects over the past years. Over the next weeks, your collective intelligence will filter over 4,500 projects down to just 15 stand-outs - the best in each category on ArchDaily.
The Process
During the next weeks, you‘ll be in charge of nominating buildings (in fifteen categories) for the shortlist, and then voting for the winners of each category. We will guide you through these stages accordingly.
During the nominating stage, each registered user of the My ArchDaily platform will have the chance to nominate one project (published for first time between Jan 1st 2022 and Dec 31st 2022) per category. This stage starts on January 31st and ends on February 15th at 12:01AM EST. After this, five projects per category will move into the finalists stage, starting February 15th and ending on February 23rd at 12:01AM EST. The winners will be announced on February 23rd, 2023.
- The nomination process starts on January 31st and ends February 15th, 2023 at 12:01AM EST.
- The finalists round starts on February 15th and ends February 23rd, 2023 at 12:01AM EST.
- The winners will be announced on February 23rd, 2023.
More information about the Award and Nomination/Voting at

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