Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center (BYHMC)
  • Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center (BYHMC)
  • Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center (BYHMC)
  • Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center (BYHMC)
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien

Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center (BYHMC) , Kiew/ Ukraine

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Nicht offener Wettbewerb
Architekten in Zusammenarbeit mit Landschaftsarchitekten
165 Arbeiten
[phase eins], Berlin
Abgabetermin 2. Phase
Preisgerichtssitzung 2. Phase

Wie viele Buchstaben hat "wa"?

1. Preis

querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Wien
Peter Sapp
Mitarbeit: Gil Cloos · Julia Hosner · Julian Link
Claudia Cikanek · Yoana Dimitrova · Tristan Hunt
Kieran Fraser Landscape Design, Wien
Kieran Fraser
Mitarbeit: Jana Forsthuber · Sarah Baumgartner
Statik: Werkraum Ingenieure ZT GmbH, Wien
Peter Resch
Klimakonzept: IPJ Ing.-Büro Jung, Wien
Peter Holzer
TGA: Obkircher plus, Wien, Leo Obkircher
Kosten: Werner Consult ZV GmbH, Wien
Peter Jandl
  • 1. Preis: querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Wien
  • 1. Preis: querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Wien
  • 1. Preis: querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Wien
  • 1. Preis: querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Wien
  • 1. Preis: querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Wien
  • 1. Preis: querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Wien
  • 1. Preis: querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis: querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Wien
  • 1. Preis: querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Wien
  • 1. Preis: querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Wien
  • 1. Preis: querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Wien
  • 1. Preis: querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Wien
  • 1. Preis: querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Wien
  • 1. Preis: querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien
  • 1. Preis © querkraft architekten, Wien

2. Preis

Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
Dorte Mandrup
Mitarbeit: Lars Almgren · Maria Sommer
Magnus Henum
Martha Schwartz Partners, New York
Mitarbeit: Marcus Jatsch · Timothy Nawrocki
Ing.: Thornton Tomasetti, Kopenhagen
Steen Elstead Andersen · Lee Earl
Ing.: Ralph Appelbaum Associates, London
Philip Hughes
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen
  • 2. Preis: Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen

3. Preis

merz merz gmbh & co. kg, Berlin
Prof. Dr.-Ing. h.c. HG Merz
Mitarbeit: Christoph Böckeler · Massimo Pepe
Marian Manten
TOPOTEK 1 Gesellschaft von Landschaftsarchitekten mbH, Berlin
Martin Rein-Cano
Fachberater: Knippers Helbig GmbH, Berlin
Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH, Stuttgart
  • 3. Preis: merz merz gmbh & co. kg, Berlin
  • 3. Preis: merz merz gmbh & co. kg, Berlin
  • 3. Preis: merz merz gmbh & co. kg, Berlin
  • 3. Preis: merz merz gmbh & co. kg, Berlin
  • 3. Preis: merz merz gmbh & co. kg, Berlin
  • 3. Preis: merz merz gmbh & co. kg, Berlin
  • 3. Preis: merz merz gmbh & co. kg, Berlin
  • 3. Preis: merz merz gmbh & co. kg, Berlin
  • 3. Preis: merz merz gmbh & co. kg, Berlin
  • 3. Preis: merz merz gmbh & co. kg, Berlin
  • 3. Preis: merz merz gmbh & co. kg, Berlin
  • 3. Preis: merz merz gmbh & co. kg, Berlin
  • 3. Preis: merz merz gmbh & co. kg, Berlin
  • 3. Preis: merz merz gmbh & co. kg, Berlin

Teilnehmer 2. Phase

BURØ architects, Kiew
Anton Oliinyk · Oleksii Pakhomov
Mitarbeit: Iryna Tsyba · Anton Gerasymovych
Olha Valkova · Mihail Churilov · Sergiy Ferley
Maria Pakhomova · Tatsiana Liaskova
Iurii Rymakov · Yuliia Tymonina
Ielizaveta Myroshnychenko
Oxana Feofilaktova
Ing.: Dmytro Makahon
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: BURØ architects, Kiew

Teilnehmer 2. Phase

Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
Jan Musikowski · Christoph Richter
Mitarbeit: Lewis Horkulak · Sebastian Haufe
fabulism GbR architecture and landscape, Berlin
Giulia Pozzi · Mirko Andolina
L.Arch.: Lysann Schmidt, Wismar
Ing.: ARUP Deutschland GmbH, Berlin
Dr.-Ing. Jan Wurm · Frank Walter
Kristjan Nielsen · Timo Sengewald
Franzesco Pizzutilo
Übersetzung: Yana Koroleva
Modell: Mirko Henriquez
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
  • Teilnehmer 2. Phase: Richter Musikowski Architekten, Berlin
Internationer zweiphasiger Wettbewerb mit vorgeschaltetem Bewerbungsverfahren

Die Holocaust Gedenkstätte Babyn Yar ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation mit dem Ziel, der Opfer der Tragödie von Babyn Yar gebührend zu gedenken, indem sie in Kiew ein innovatives Zentrum des Gedenkens errichtet, welches die Bewahrung und Erforschung der Erinnerung an den Holocaust fördert.
Das Zentrum soll sich direkt neben dem Ort der tragischen Ereignisse in der Schlucht von Babyn Yar in den Jahre 1941-1943 befinden. Es soll daran erinnern, dass die Nazis hier in den zwei Jahren der Besetzung Kiews 70.000 bis 100.000 Menschen hingerichtet haben. Allein am 29. und 30. September 1941 wurden in Babyn Yar 33.771 Juden ermordet. Es ist damit eines der größten Einzelmassaker im Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Ziel des Wettbewerbs war es, einen globalen Ansatz zu entwickeln, der die Schaffung einer Gedenkstätte der nächsten Generation ermöglicht. Die zukünftige Holocaust Gedenkstätte soll alles in einem sein: ein Ort der Erinnerung, ein Museum und eine Plattform für Forschung, öffentlichen Dialog und Reflexion über die Tragödie. Sie soll Ausstellungsräume für Kernund Wechselausstellungen, ein Bildungs- und Forschungszentrum, einen Raum für öffentliche Veranstaltungen sowie Räumlichkeiten für das Archiv und die Museumssammlung umfassen. Das Projekt soll die Landschaft von Babyn Yar und den Gedenkpark mit einem herausragenden Entwurf und einem einzigartigen Besuchererlebnis einbinden.
Mit innovativen und international ausgerichteten Informations- und Begegnungsstätten soll es eine Institution der wissenschaftlichen Forschung sowie ein Ort für pädagogische und methodische Aktivitäten sein.
Das Raumprogramm gliedert sich u.a. in:
Eingang/Foyer 1.084 m2
Ausstellungsräume 3.500 m2
Lern- und Dialogzentrum 1.600 m2
Forschungszentrum 906 m2
Auditorium 1.164 m2
Verwaltung 1.660 m2
Lager 910 m2
Technik 1.200 m2

Competition assignment
The task of the competition is to design the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center that will function in line with the BYHMC mission. It will include exhibition areas and offer education and research programs. The BYHMC is envisioned as a place of information, reflection, debate, research and contemplation and seeks to involve as many people as possible from a wide range of socio-cultural, religious and educational backgrounds and age groups to actively examine and engage with the events surrounding Babyn Yar.
The Babyn Yar Historical Memorial Center (BYHMC) in Kyiv is a national and international project. BYHMC has the potential to become a place of learning for the next generation beyond the borders of Ukraine. A place with its own narrative and visitor-oriented format, which stands out in the context of the international benchmarks – places on the History of the Holocaust.
BYHMC also exists beyond these inconceivable dimensions as an example pointing to the fundamentals of human action and the systems of totalitarianism, and the possibility to understand the truths and stories that lie within them. It can be a place of learning and comprehension for the next generation.
The tasks of the organization are to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, to raise the level of education, to support educational programs, to develop science and scientific achievements, to develop international cooperation of Ukraine, to protecting cultural heritage, to promoting the implementation of similar projects in Ukraine and abroad.
The concept for the BYHMC is based on a museological concept developed by the promoter in cooperation with historians and international consultants.
Located on an authentic site of history and within the framework of the existing landscape of memorials, the BYHMC shall become a place of memory and a multifunctional museum that connects various narrative threads of history in modern and up-to-date exhibitions. With innovative and internationally oriented places of learning and examining a future for history, it shall be an institution of scientific research as well as a place for educational and methodological activities.
First and foremost, the BYHMC shall be more than a place of memory and exhibition of the past - it shall an active center and a symbol for civic sense and tolerant societies within the local and international context, a dynamic contemporary place true to its social, civic and cultural responsibilities. It will acknowledge the historic significance of the site and its adjoining institutions, providing a connective fabric across the authentic site. Specific programs will be designed to engage university students, local schoolchildren and families, young professionals, and patrons. It will also establish networks with other communities in the region and worldwide.

Sir David Adjaye, London (Vors.)
János Kárász, Wien
Anna Kyrii, Kiew
Prof. Wolfgang Lorch, Darmstadt
Prof. Rainer Mahlamäki, Helsinki
Oleksandr Svystunov, Kiew
Kjetil Thorsen, Oslo
Serhii Tselovalnyk, Kiew
Janosh Vigh, Kiew

Yana Barinova, BYHMC, Kiew
Dr. Dieter Bogner, Kunsthistoriker, Wien
Vitali Klitschko, Bürgermeister Stadt Kiew
Ronald Lauder, World Jewish Congress, New York
Tamara Mazur, Kulturministerium, Kiew
Victor Pinchuk, BYHMC, Kiew
December 19, 2018, Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center (BYHMC) in Kyiv has
launched the international design competition and is inviting architects from all
around the world to submit their expressions of interest to participate in the
competition. The invitation is aimed equally at experienced and young architects, large
and small offices. The highest degree of creativity, innovation, inspiration, sensitivity
and commitment is expected.

Subject of the competition is the design of the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center,
a Center with at least 20,000 sqm GFA.
This document provides information regarding the project and explains the
competition procedure.

• The Architectural competition is focusing on the design of two project areas:
Project Area 1: total area 22.000 sqm, due to the overlap with the old Jewish
cemetery only 11.000 sqm can be used for construction
Project Area 2: landscape design of the immediate surroundings with an area of
approx. 55.000 sqm and organization of access to the building
• A total sum of Euro 165,000 (net) for prizes and honoraria
• Working period:
Stage 1. February to April, 2019
Stage 2. May to July, 2019
• Participants will be selected through an open pre-qualification procedure, inviting
architects from around the world
• Stage 1: 8 to 10 participants
Stage 2: 4 to 6 participants
• An internationally renowned professional jury to review the submissions
• Deadline for the submission of applications is January 21, 2019

For further information regarding the competition and application process please
follow the link: www.phase1.de/byhmc-competition

Babyn Yar
In 1941, for the very first time in history, a metropolitan city in Europe lost virtually all
of its Jewish inhabitants to premeditated murder. On September 29 and 30, on the
edge of Kyiv, in and near the ravine called Babyn Yar, more Jews were slaughtered in
two days than in any other single German massacre – 33,771 Jews were brutally

Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center
The Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center is a nonprofit educational institution that
documents and commemorates the Holocaust, in particular the Babyn Yar mass
shootings of September 1941.
BYHMC’s ambition is primarily to build a center of documentation, commemoration
and education on the tragic events of September 1941. It also contributes to the vision
of democratic and resilient society on the foundation of an elaborated and common
picture of history.
Further information regarding the institution could be found at: www.babiyar.org

The Task
The task of the competition is to create a design of the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial
Center which will function in line with organization’s mission. The task of the
organization is to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, to raise the level
of awareness, to support educational programs, to develop science and scientific
achievements, to develop international cooperation of Ukraine, to protect cultural
heritage, to promote the implementation of similar projects in Ukraine and abroad.

Competition Site
The Memorial Center shall be built in proximity to the original site of the historical
events in Kyiv, situated at approx. 6 km west of the historical center of the Ukrainian
capital. The site is adjacent to the National Historical Memorial Preserve “Babyn Yar”
where memorials and monumental objects dedicated to the various groups and
individual victims of the Babyn Yar massacre are situated in various locations.

Charity Organization
Charity Fund “Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial”

Competition Management:
[phase eins]. Architects, Berlin, Germany

Competition Type
The competition is organized by invitation, in two design stages with an open prequalification
procedure. Through an open pre-qualification procedure, 8 to 10
architects shall be selected to enter Stage 1. Between 4 and 6 competitors will be
selected by the jury to proceed with Stage 2. Architects selected for Stage 1 have to
team with a landscape architect.
The government of Ukraine represented by the Kyiv City State Administration is
supporting the project and will be involved in the competition. The languages of the
competition are Ukrainian and English.

The evaluation of the submitted proposals, as well as the selection of award winners,
is carried out by the jury, composed of the following persons (to be completed):
• Sir David Adjaye, Principal of Adjaye Associates, Architect, London/United
• Jánosz Kárász, Founding partner of Aubök + Kárász Landscape Architects,
Landscape Architect, Vienna/Austria
• Prof. Wolfgang Lorch, Founding partner of Wandel Lorch Architekten, Architect,
• Prof. Rainer Mahlamäki, Founding partner of Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects,
Architect, Helsinki/Finland
• Yuri Seryogin, member of the National Union of Ukrainian Architects, Architect,
• Alexander Svistunov, Chief Architect of Kyiv, Kyiv/Ukraine
• Kjetil Trædal Thorsen, Founding partner of Snøhetta, Architect, Oslo/Norway

Eligible participation includes individuals who, on the day of the announcement of the
competition and pursuant to the legal provisions of their country of residence, are
entitled to use the occupational title “Architect” and work independently as
freelancers. Individuals from countries where the occupational title “Architect” is not
subject to statutory regulations are eligible, provided that they hold a degree or submit
any other evidence of qualification or practice permitting them to work as an architect
in their country of residence.
Eligible for participation are also architect associations (bureaus) formed of
individuals and legal entities that include at least one person eligible according to
above stated paragraph. Legal entities are only eligible in such associations (bureaus)
if their statutory objectives include planning activities relevant to the competition task.
Legal entities and architect associations (bureaus) must name a single authorized
representative who will be responsible for the fulfilling of the competition
requirements according to above stated paragraph the authorized representative as
well as all authors of competition entries must meet the eligibility criteria applying to
competitors. Notwithstanding the designation of a single authorized representative,
each member of any association (bureau) shall be jointly and severally liable for any
submission from its association (bureau).

Honoraria and Prizes
The contractor will provide the amount of approx. Euro 165,000 (net) for honoraria and
prizes for services rendered. Each participant of Stage 1, who submits a detailed and
assessable design concept in accordance with the requirements in the competition
brief, will receive a flat-rate fee of Euro 10,000 (net) as compensation for the expenses
incurred. In addition, each participant who advances to Stage 2 and submits a detailed
and assessable design concept in accordance with the requirements in the
competition brief will receive a second flat-rate fee of Euro 10,000 (net) as
compensation for the expenses incurred. A total of Euro 45,000 (net) shall be awarded
as prizes in Stage 2 with the following distribution:
1st prize: Euro 20,000
2nd prize: Euro 15,000
3rd prize: Euro 10,000

Announcement December 19, 2018
Application period, online forum December 19, 2018 - January 21, 2019
Selection January 31, 2019
Jury colloquium February 1, 2019
Participants' colloquium Stage 1 February 2019
Jury meeting Stage 1 May 3-4, 2019
Participants' colloquium Stage 2 May 2019
Jury meeting Stage 2 July 2019
Winner announcement July-August,2019

Online Application
The deadline for the submission of applications is January 21, 2019.
The application shall be made exclusively via an online form on the project homepage

Required information and selection criteria
The selection will be based on three reference projects of the candidates. Information
about the projects must include technical data and a collage of illustrations.
Candidates are encouraged to prove both the comparability of their projects with the
competition project and the innovative character, and quality of their design.

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