Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Begbroke: A new innovation district for Oxford , Oxford/ Vereinigtes Königreich

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Teams aus Architekt*innen, Stadtplaner*innen und Landschaftsarchitekt*innen
40 Arbeiten

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OKRA landschapsarchitecten
Buro Happold
OOZE Architects
Offener Wettbewerb

Seit fast zwei Jahrzehnten beherbergt der Wissenschaftspark der Universität in Begbroke eine breite Palette von Spitzenforschungs- und Entwicklungstätigkeiten, die eine wichtige Rolle in Oxfords „Impact and Innovation“-Strategie spielen und einen Beitrag zur breiteren lokalen, regionalen und nationalen Wirtschaft leisten. Es ist der Standort, der Oxford Nanopore auf den Weg zum Börsengang und zu einer Bewertung von ca. 5 Milliarden Pfund gebracht hat; es ist der Ort, an dem Oxford Photovoltaics zum ersten Mal seine weltweit führenden effizienten Solarpaneele entwickelt hat, und an dem die Forschungsarbeiten durchgeführt wurden, die die Grundlage für die kostengünstigen, einfach anzuwendenden COVID-Schnelltests bilden, die heute an Flughäfen auf der ganzen Welt verfügbar sind.

Nun ist es an der Zeit, Begbroke für die Zukunft als globalen wissenschaftlichen Innovationsbezirk neu zu konzipieren. Die Aktivitäten der Universität werden weiterhin im Mittelpunkt stehen, um den weltweit führenden Ruf Oxfords auszubauen und Forschung, Innovation und Unternehmertum zu fördern, aber Begbroke soll auch ein äußerst nachhaltiger, begehrenswerter Stadtteil werden, an dem Menschen aus allen Gesellschaftsschichten teilhaben wollen: um zu leben, eine Familie zu gründen, zu arbeiten, Ideen auszutauschen und Kontakte zu pflegen.

Begbroke liegt innerhalb des Oxford-Cambridge-Bogens und ist nur 10 Autominuten vom Oxford Parkway Station und weniger als eine Autostunde vom Flughafen Heathrow entfernt. In dem Gebiet, das an den Flughafen Oxford angrenzt, gibt es eine Reihe von Technologieunternehmen.

Es befindet sich im Zentrum eines Geländes, das im lokalen Plan des Cherwell District Council (CDC) für eine hochwertige gemischte Entwicklung vorgesehen ist, die eine Reihe von Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-, Gewerbe-, Wohn- und Universitätsunterkünften sowie damit verbundene soziale und physische Infrastruktureinrichtungen wie Schulen, lokale Zentren, Freizeit- und Erholungseinrichtungen umfasst und eine hervorragende Anbindung an die Stadt Oxford mit nachhaltigen Mitteln bietet.

Die Begbroke-Vorschläge werden parallel zu einer Reihe anderer Wohnbauprogramme und zu einem größeren Gebiet für die Ausweitung der Beschäftigung in Oxford North entstehen, wodurch sich der Schwerpunkt verlagert.

Competition assignment
For nearly two decades, the University’s Science Park at Begbroke has been home to a wide range of cutting edge research and development activities, playing a vital role in Oxford’s ‘impact and innovation’ strategy and contributing to the wider local, regional, and national economy. It is the site that launched Oxford Nanopore on its journey to stock market flotation and a c.£5bn valuation; it is where Oxford Photovoltaics first developed its world-leading efficient solar panel designs, and where the research underpinning the low cost, easy to use, rapid COVID testing now available at airports across the globe was carried out.

The time has now come to reimagine Begbroke for the future, as a global scientific Innovation District. The University activities will remain at the core, expanding on and developing Oxford’s world-leading reputation and fostering research, innovation and entrepreneurship but Begbroke is also destined to become a highly sustainable, desirable district in which people from all walks of life will want to participate: to live, raise a family, work, exchange ideas and socialise.

Begbroke is located within the Oxford Cambridge Arc and is a 10-minute drive to Oxford Parkway Station and less than an hour’s drive from Heathrow Airport. There is a constellation of technology businesses scattered across the local area, which is adjacent to Oxford Airport.

It sits at the centre of land earmarked in Cherwell District Council’s (CDC) Local Plan for a high-quality mixed-use development, comprising a range of research & development, commercial, residential, University accommodation, and associated social and physical infrastructure uses, such as schools, local centres, amenity space and recreation/leisure uses, as well as excellent connectivity to the City of Oxford by sustainable means.

The Begbroke proposals will be coming forward in parallel with a number of other housing schemes and major employment expansion area at Oxford North, it will change the centre of gravity.
Begbroke: A new innovation district for Oxford
Oxford University Development
About the Competition
For nearly two decades, the University’s Science Park at Begbroke has been home to a wide range of cutting edge research and development activities, playing a vital role in Oxford’s ‘impact and innovation’ strategy and contributing to the wider local, regional, and national economy. It is the site that launched Oxford Nanopore on its journey to stock market flotation and a c.£5bn valuation; it is where Oxford Photovoltaics first developed its world-leading efficient solar panel designs, and where the research underpinning the low cost, easy to use, rapid COVID testing now available at airports across the globe was carried out.
The time has now come to reimagine Begbroke for the future, as a global scientific Innovation District. The University activities will remain at the core, expanding on and developing Oxford’s world-leading reputation and fostering research, innovation and entrepreneurship but Begbroke is also destined to become a highly sustainable, desirable district in which people from all walks of life will want to participate: to live, raise a family, work, exchange ideas and socialise.
Begbroke is located within the Oxford Cambridge Arc and is a 10-minute drive to Oxford Parkway Station and less than an hour’s drive from Heathrow Airport. There is a constellation of technology businesses scattered across the local area, which is adjacent to Oxford Airport.
It sits at the centre of land earmarked in Cherwell District Council’s (CDC) Local Plan for a high-quality mixed-use development, comprising a range of research & development, commercial, residential, University accommodation, and associated social and physical infrastructure uses, such as schools, local centres, amenity space and recreation/leisure uses, as well as excellent connectivity to the City of Oxford by sustainable means.
The Begbroke proposals will be coming forward in parallel with a number of other housing schemes and major employment expansion area at Oxford North, it will change the centre of gravity. 
The competion is open to international, UK-based and local teams with collaborations between large, established practices and individuals or emerging practices encouraged ‘to provide new perspectives on how to develop the area to its full potential.
08.11.21 Competition launch
15.11.21 Deadline for any queries about this competition
03.12.21 Deadline for receipt of Stage 1 submissions
15.12.21 Interviews to introduce the teams, held with up to eight competitors
17.21.21 Identify the teams shortlisted to take part in Stage
03.01.22 Announce the shortlist
10.01.22 Site visit and briefing session
w/c 24.01.22 Mid-term charrette
09.02.22 Deadline for receipt of Stage 2 submissions
16.02.22 Interviews with Jury Panel
28.02.22 Winner announced
More information and details at

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