Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Brise-Vent Havre
  • Brise-Vent Havre
  • Brise-Vent Havre
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Le Havre Port Cultural Center | © Öznur Çağlayan, Ece Uğurlu, Devrim Nasmir, Can Özdoğan, Yiğit Doğan, Gaye Karbeyaz (Turkey)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: DiveAscent | © LYT-X STUDIO, Dingdong Tang, Zehui Li, Haisheng Xu (China)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: WIND MACHINE | © JBA, Xavier Brunet, Clémence Prévost, Anthony Fourrier, Sara Belrhaiti, Hiba Elhaddad (France)

Brise-Vent Havre , Le Havre/ Frankreich

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
Student*innen, Architekt*innen, Designer*innen, Stadtplaner*innen, Ingenieur*innen, Künstler*innen, Kreative, Aktivisten und alle, die sich für architektonische Gestaltung interessieren
53 Arbeiten

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?

1. Preis / 1st Prize

Le Havre Port Cultural Center
Öznur Çağlayan, Ece Uğurlu, Devrim Nasmir, Can Özdoğan, Yiğit Doğan, Gaye Karbeyaz (Turkey)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Le Havre Port Cultural Center | © Öznur Çağlayan, Ece Uğurlu, Devrim Nasmir, Can Özdoğan, Yiğit Doğan, Gaye Karbeyaz (Turkey)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Le Havre Port Cultural Center | © Öznur Çağlayan, Ece Uğurlu, Devrim Nasmir, Can Özdoğan, Yiğit Doğan, Gaye Karbeyaz (Turkey)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Le Havre Port Cultural Center | © Öznur Çağlayan, Ece Uğurlu, Devrim Nasmir, Can Özdoğan, Yiğit Doğan, Gaye Karbeyaz (Turkey)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Le Havre Port Cultural Center | © Öznur Çağlayan, Ece Uğurlu, Devrim Nasmir, Can Özdoğan, Yiğit Doğan, Gaye Karbeyaz (Turkey)

2. Preis / 2nd Prize

LYT-X STUDIO, Dingdong Tang, Zehui Li, Haisheng Xu (China)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: DiveAscent | © LYT-X STUDIO, Dingdong Tang, Zehui Li, Haisheng Xu (China)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: DiveAscent | © LYT-X STUDIO, Dingdong Tang, Zehui Li, Haisheng Xu (China)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: DiveAscent | © LYT-X STUDIO, Dingdong Tang, Zehui Li, Haisheng Xu (China)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: DiveAscent | © LYT-X STUDIO, Dingdong Tang, Zehui Li, Haisheng Xu (China)

3. Preis / 3rd Prize

JBA, Xavier Brunet, Clémence Prévost, Anthony Fourrier, Sara Belrhaiti, Hiba Elhaddad (France)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: WIND MACHINE | © JBA, Xavier Brunet, Clémence Prévost, Anthony Fourrier, Sara Belrhaiti, Hiba Elhaddad (France)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: WIND MACHINE | © JBA, Xavier Brunet, Clémence Prévost, Anthony Fourrier, Sara Belrhaiti, Hiba Elhaddad (France)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: WIND MACHINE | © JBA, Xavier Brunet, Clémence Prévost, Anthony Fourrier, Sara Belrhaiti, Hiba Elhaddad (France)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: WIND MACHINE | © JBA, Xavier Brunet, Clémence Prévost, Anthony Fourrier, Sara Belrhaiti, Hiba Elhaddad (France)
Offener Architekturwettbewerb

Brise-Vent Havre – Architekturwettbewerb

Mit dem ehrgeizigen Ziel, die in Vergessenheit geratene Betonstruktur der Brise-Vent wiederzubeleben, zielt dieser neue Wettbewerb darauf ab, ein einzigartiges Museum für den Hafen von Le Havre zu entwerfen.

Da das gigantische graue Segel seinen ursprünglichen Zweck, den Hafen vor Windböen zu schützen, nicht mehr erfüllt, ist die Zeit für ein Stadterneuerungsprojekt endlich gekommen. Obwohl die Neugestaltung des Segels eine große Herausforderung darstellt, würde die Anpassung an ein zeitgemäßes Programm es der Stadt ermöglichen, einen außergewöhnlichen öffentlichen Raum zurückzugewinnen, der derzeit sich selbst überlassen ist.

Der Wettbewerb verlangt ausdrücklich, dass den sozialen Aspekten des Vorschlags volle Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wird, und fordert die Planer auf, an einem hybriden Programm zu arbeiten, das mit einer alltäglichen Nutzung verbunden ist und sowohl der lokalen Gemeinschaft als auch internationalen Touristen offen steht. Wie wäre es möglich, diese faszinierende Ruine in ein kulturelles Zentrum zu verwandeln, das sieben Tage die Woche geöffnet ist?

Competition assignment
Brise-Vent Havre – Architecture Competition

With the ambitious goal of recovering the forgotten concrete structure of the Brise-Vent, this new competition aims to design a one-of-a-kind Museum facing the port of Le Havre.

As the gigantic grey sail no longer serves its original purpose of shielding the harbour from wind gusts, the time to envision an urban regeneration project has finally come. Although it is definitely a challenging architecture to reimagine, its adaptation to a contemporary program would allow the city to get back an extraordinary public space, currently abandoned to itself.

The competition explicitly requires full attention to the social aspects of the proposal, encouraging designers to work on a hybrid program linked to an everyday use, open both to the local community and international tourists. How would it be possible to transform this captivating ruin into a cultural hub open seven days a week?

Rafael Bonet, Bonet + Partners, Paris (France)
Isabella Bhoan, Weston Williamson + Partners London (United Kingdom)
Greg Melitonov, Taller KEN, New York (United States)
Anupama Bharti, School of Planning & Arch., Bhopal (India)
Peixuan Wu, SCAPE, San Francisco (United States)
Luciano Crespi, Politecnico di Milano, Milan (Italy)
Imman Suleiman, Quinn Evans, Ann Arbor (United States)
Olav Werner, Bokemo, Oslo (Norway)

Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinner*innen finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:

Brise-Vent Havre
TerraViva S.r.l.
Via Vallazze 109
Milano, MI 20131
Brise-Vent Havre – Architecture Competition
With the ambitious goal of recovering the forgotten concrete structure of the Brise-Vent, this new competition aims to design a one-of-a-kind Museum facing the port of Le Havre.
As the gigantic grey sail no longer serves its original purpose of shielding the harbour from wind gusts, the time to envision an urban regeneration project has finally come. Although it is definitely a challenging architecture to reimagine, its adaptation to a contemporary program would allow the city to get back an extraordinary public space, currently abandoned to itself.
The competition explicitly requires full attention to the social aspects of the proposal, encouraging designers to work on a hybrid program linked to an everyday use, open both to the local community and international tourists. How would it be possible to transform this captivating ruin into a cultural hub open seven days a week?
The competition is open to students, architects, designers, urbanists, engineers, artists, makers, activists and anyone interested in the architectural design.
Registration Opens on May 20th
Projects Submission Deadline on September 13th
Winners Announcement on September 30th
Prize Pool: 7.000 €
1st Prize: 3.000 €
2nd Prize: 1.000 €
3rd Prize: 500 €
10 Golden Mentions: 250€ each
10 Honorable Mentions: 1 free competition coupon each
30 Finalists
More information and registration at

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