Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time

Neuer Hauptbahnhof , Brünn/Brno/ Tschechische Republik

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb
12 Arbeiten
Kancelář architekta města Brno
(Architektenkammer Brno)
19.10.2020 17:00
Abgabetermin Pläne
Preisgerichtssitzung 1. Phase
Abgabetermin Pläne 2. Phase
Preisgerichtssitzung 2. Phase
ab 30.09.2021

Wie viele Buchstaben hat "wa"?

1. Preis

Benthem · Crouwel Architekten, Amsterdam
Daniel Jongtien · Martin Biewenga · Jan Benthem
West 8 urban design & landscape architecture, Rotterdam
Kosten/SolarEnergie: Arcadis
Tragwerk: SID studio
Verkehr: Goudappel
Wassermanagement: RHDHV
Visualisierung: Play-time
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time
  • Gewinner: Benthem Crouwel Architects + West 8 urban design and landscape architecture / © Play-time

2. Preis

Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH, Berlin
Prof. Thomas Müller · Prof. Ivan Reimann
Mitarbeit: Richard Sukac · Jan Kozak
Sdruženi Pelčák a partner architekti, Brno
Prof. Petr Pelčák · Petr Soldán
Tragwerk: Arup Deutschland GmbH
L.Arch.: Vogt Landschaft GmbH, Berlin
Verkehr: Atelier DPK s.r.o, Brno
Modell: Archimage, Brno
Visualisierung: Atelier Brunecky, Zürich
Mangoshake Studio, Brno
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti
  • © Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten / Pelčák a partner architekti

3. Preis

Ingenhoven Architects, Düsseldorf
Christoph Ingenhoven · Markus Werne
Architektonická kancelář Burian-Křivinka, Brno
architekti Koleček-Jura
Mitarbeit: M. Reuter · A. Buchbinder
Myung-Hun Ha · M. Stenftenagel
C. De Lucas Fernández · H. Kühn · S. Shin
P. Pistorius. · D. Szczygielski · A. Burian
G. Křivinka · N. Polonyankina · I. Koleček
P. Jura · F. Venier · C. Magri · G. Ezgi Boz
A. Parente
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof

4. Preis

BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, Kopenhagen
A8000 s.r.o., Prag
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
  • Neuer Hauptbahnhof
Nicht offener zweiphasiger Wettbewerb mit vorgeschaltetem EWR-offenen Bewerbungsverfahren zur Auswahl von neun Teilnehmer*innen sowie drei Zuladungen

Ziel ist die Gestaltung des neuen Brünner Hauptbahnhofs, einschließlich Überdachung, Bahn-
steige, Innenraumgestaltung, Lage der Hauptfahrgasthalle, Fassaden der Bahngebäude, Gestaltung der Brückenbauwerke und der damit zusammenhängenden öffentlichen Räume. So ist ein weiterer Wettbewerbsgegenstand auch die möglichst optimale Standortfindung sowie das Design des Busbahnhofs: Hier wird sich der Umsteigeterminal zum öffentlichen Nahverkehr befinden, außerdem Parkplätze, Taxistationen und Fahrradabstellplätze. Der Entwurf soll sowohl diese Anbindung an das städtische Verkehrsnetz als auch deren Verbindungen untereinander berücksichtigen, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Qualität der Fußgängerbewegung und des Fußgängerzugangs zum Bahnhofsgebäude sowie nicht zuletzt auch die städtebauliche Anbindung zum neuen Stadtteil.
Der Entwurf soll also auch eine vollständige Lösung des Bahnhofsvorplatzes und des Bereichs hinter dem Bahnhof beinhalten.
Da es sich hierbei um einen Ort des Transeuropäischen Verkehrsnetzes (TEN-T) handelt, wird das Bauwerk mit seiner Bedeutung und seinem Zweck deutlich über die Stadtgrenzen hinausweisen; ebenso wie er auch ein wichtiger Verkehrsterminal für alle weiteren Arten des öffentlichen Verkehrs sein wird. Ziel ist es demnach, eine umfassende Lösung für einen Verkehrsknotenpunkt zu finden, der für die Fahrgäste komfortabel ist, sich sowohl in die städtische Struktur einfügt als auch zum Image der Stadt passt und seiner Umgebung gleichzeitig einen attraktiven öffentlichen Raum bietet.
Nördlicher Teil (Bahnhofsvorplatz): 62.061 m2
Südlicher Teil (hinter dem Bahnhof): 56.311 m2
Baukörper: 117.397 m2 (unterirdisch: 56.588 m2)
Insgesamt: 235.769 m2

Competition assignment
The subject of the Competition was the design of the new Brno main train station, including roofing and platform design, interior layout design, location of the main passenger hall, facade of railway buildings, appearance of the railway body, design of bridge structures and related public spaces in the detail level of an urban-transport-architectural study.
Part of the design has been also to find the optimal location and appearance of the bus station, public transport transfer terminal, parking lots, taxi service stations and bicycle storage. The proposal must take into account both their connection to the urban transport network and their interconnections, especially with regard to the quality of pedestrian movement and pedestrian access through the railway body and, last but not least, the links to the urban structure of the new district.
The design has also included a complete solution of the station forecourt and the area behind the station, including buildings according to the construction programme. This important public building will become not only the new entrance gate to the city of Brno, but also the Centre of a new district south of the historic city centre.
Northern part (station forecourt) 62.061 m2
Southern part (area behind the station) 56.311 m2
Railway body 117.397 m2 of which the ”sub-station“ area 56.588 m2
Total 235.769 m2

Mojmír Nejezchleb, (Vors.)
Ladislav Kubíček · Luděk Minář
Jan Grolich · JUDr. Markéta Vaňkov
Doc. Petr Hlaváček (Vors.)
Prof. Eva Jiřičná · Peter Gero · Igor Marko
Zdeňka Vydrová · Prof. Jan Jehlík · Luboš Knížek
Pavel Paidar · Filip Chvátal, Ph.D.
Doc. Michal Sedláček · Martin Všetečka, Ph.D.
Vladimír Sitta · Doc. Jakub Cigler
Doc. Irena Fialová · Štěpán Valouch
New deadline: 19.10.2020 !

Brno will have the most modern main train station in Europe and its design will be decided in an international competition

The largest architectural competition in the history of the Czech Republic is just starting. Brno is looking for authors of the new main train station’s design. The competition is open to architects from all over the world. On Monday, August 31, the Brno City Chief Architect‘s Office (KAM) launched an international urban-transport-architectural competition. It is organised jointly by the City of Brno and the State organisation Railway Administration. KAM also invited to participate the authors of the main train stations in Vienna, Berlin and Amsterdam. The deadline for submitting portfolios is 25 September 2020.

“The new main train station will form a significant part of the city and it will fundamentally affect its development. It will be a key transport hub with the possibility of fast transfer between train, bus and urban public transport. Based on the results of the feasibility study, I believe that there will also be a possibility of transferring to the north-south railway diameter. It will become not only the new entrance gate to Brno, but also the centre of the new district south of the city’s historic core,” said Filip Chvátal, Councillor for Land-use Planning and Development.

“It will be the largest international competition ever held in the Czech Republic. We want Brno’s new main train station to be one of the best train stations in Europe. We will directly invite three foreign architectural studios with experience in large transport constructions. The competition jury will select nine other competitors based on the submitted portfolios,” said Michal Sedláček, the director of Brno City Chief Architect‘s Office.

The three invited participants are the architect Albert Wimmer, co-author of the new main train station in Vienna, the Dutch studio Benthem Crouwel, the authors of the main train station in Amsterdam, and gmp architekten from Hamburg, who are behind the project of the main train station in Berlin.

The international competition is a two-phase restricted competition. At first, three studios were invited to participate in the competition directly, and the other nine participants will be selected by the competition jury from the submitted portfolios. Any architect who meets the qualification requirements according to the competition conditions can send a portfolio. The deadline for submitting portfolios is 25 September 2020.

In the first phase, twelve competitors will partially prepare their competition proposals and four of them will be selected to participate in the second phase of the competition. In the second phase, the four selected participants will prepare a more detailed version of their proposals, the jury will select the winner and determine the order in the second, third and fourth place. The evaluation of first phase proposals will take place in February 2021, and the second phase will be evaluated in June 2021.

“The new train station will offer greater capacity, improved passenger comfort and modernised railway traffic. It will be located on a bridge seven metres above the ground. It will be passable and it will not become a barrier between the northern and southern parts of the new district. The competition brief also includes the overall solution of public spaces and buildings of the station forecourt and the area behind the station, including their connection with the embankment of the Svratka River. These are public spaces that are unparalleled in Brno in terms of their scope, so it is crucial to find a quality solution,” Sedláček specified.

The competitors will be tasked with designing the station building, including the roof and the platforms, the appearance of the railway body and bridge structures, the layout of the interior and the location of the main station hall, as well as the complete solution of adjacent public spaces. In addition to train transport, it is also necessary to solve the form and location of the bus station, public transport terminal, parking, bicycle storage or pedestrian connection.

The deadline for submitting requests to participate in the competition is 19 October 2020, 5:00 p.m. The competition conditions are published on the contracting authority’s profile zakazky.spravazeleznic.cz/.
You can also find more information at www.kambrno.cz/souteze.

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