Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Business School for the Creative Industries at UCA Epsom
  • Business School for the Creative Industries at UCA Epsom
  • Business School for the Creative Industries at UCA Epsom
  • Gewinner © UNStudio / Visualisierung: FlyingArchitecture
  • Gewinner © UNStudio / Visualisierung: FlyingArchitecture
  • Gewinner © UNStudio / Visualisierung: FlyingArchitecture

Business School for the Creative Industries at UCA Epsom , Epsom/ Vereinigtes Königreich

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Nicht offener Wettbewerb
RIBA Competitions, Leeds

Wie viele Buchstaben hat "wa"?


UNStudio, Amsterdam
Ben van Berkel · Frans van Vuure · Melinda Matuz
Alexander Kalachev · Saba Nabavi Tafreshi
Matthew Harrison · Saeed Hosseini
Local Design Partner: John Robertson Architects
Landscape Architect: Grant Associates
Structure and Facade Engineering: AKT II
Building Services Engineering, Environmental Design,
Lighting Design, Fire Engineering: Atelier Ten
Visualisations: FlyingArchitecture
  • Gewinner © UNStudio / Visualisierung: FlyingArchitecture
  • Gewinner © UNStudio / Visualisierung: FlyingArchitecture
  • Gewinner © UNStudio / Visualisierung: FlyingArchitecture
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
  • Gewinner © UNStudio / Visualisierung: FlyingArchitecture
  • Gewinner © UNStudio / Visualisierung: FlyingArchitecture
  • Gewinner © UNStudio / Visualisierung: FlyingArchitecture
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
  • Gewinner © UNStudio
Nicht offener Wettbewerb mit nachgeschaltetem Verhandlungsverfahren

Wilkinson Eyre Ltd., London
Haworth Tompkins Ltd., London
Hall McKnight, Belfast
Tate Harmer LLP, London
UNStudio BV, Amsterdam

Der Prozess zielt darauf ab, ein von Architekten geleitetes, multidisziplinäres Designteam für die Entwicklung der Business School for the Creative Industries der Universität am Campus Epsom, Surrey, Großbritannien, auszuwählen.

Diese Business School for the Creative Industries mit Sitz in Epsom ist die erste ihrer Art in Großbritannien und bietet eine Reihe von Kursen an, die kreative Entwicklung mit Geschäftsansätzen verbinden und die Verbindungen der Universität zu einer Vielzahl von Unternehmen und kulturellen Institutionen nutzen.

Es wird erwartet, dass das Projekt ein Neubauelement sowie eine Rekonfiguration und Verknüpfung mit bestehenden Grundstücken umfasst, um eine Anlage mit einer geschätzten Nettoinnenfläche von insgesamt ca. 3.875 m2 (NIA) zu schaffen.

Competition assignment
The process is seeking to select an architect-led, multi-disciplinary design team for the development of the University’s Business School for the Creative Industries at its Epsom campus, Surrey, UK.

This Business School for the Creative Industries, based in Epsom, is the first of its kind in the UK and offers a range of courses that combine creative development with business approaches, capitalising on the University’s links with a diverse range of businesses and cultural institutions.

The project is expected to comprise a new-build element together with reconfiguration and linking to existing estate to provide a facility with a total estimated net internal area of c.3,875m2 (NIA).
Business School for the Creative Industries at UCA Epsom

University for the Creative Arts (UCA)
Falkner Rd, Farnham GU9 7DS,
United Kingdom

Competition Contact
RIBA Competitions
No. 1 Aire Street

Tel.:+ 44 (0) 113 203 1490
E-mail: riba.competitions@riba.org

The Competition
RIBA Competitions is pleased to announce the launch of a ‘Competitive Procedure with Negotiation’ process on behalf of the University for the Creative Arts (UCA). The process is seeking to select an architect-led, multi-disciplinary design team for the development of the University’s Business School for the Creative Industries at its Epsom campus, Surrey, UK.

This Business School for the Creative Industries, based in Epsom, is the first of its kind in the UK and offers a range of courses that combine creative development with business approaches, capitalising on the University’s links with a diverse range of businesses and cultural institutions.

The project is expected to comprise a new-build element together with reconfiguration and linking to existing estate to provide a facility with a total estimated net internal area of c.3,875m2 (NIA).

In the first instance, Expressions of Interest are invited in accordance with the requirements set out in a Selection Questionnaire. Details of how to obtain the SQ together with supporting information are contained within the Memorandum of Information brief on this website.

Up to a maximum of five bid teams will be short-listed and invited to participate in the negotiation phase, which will include design approach workshop sessions leading to the submission of final tenders in February 2019. An equal honorarium of GBP £7,500 (+VAT) will be paid to each of the bid teams that are invited to, and submit a compliant final tender, and who attends a clarification interview presentation. Honorarium payments will be paid to the architect firm leading each multi-disciplinary design team.

The Memorandum of Information provides further details about the scope of the UCA Epsom Business School for the Creative Industries, its procurement and programme. The deadline for receipt of SQ returns is 14.00hrs (BST) on Fri. 26 October 2018.

More information and details at

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