Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • CALL FOR COMPETITIONS - Challenge For Original Contest Topics
  • CALL FOR COMPETITIONS - Challenge For Original Contest Topics | Results

CALL FOR COMPETITIONS - Challenge For Original Contest Topics , Mailand/ Italien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
Architekten, Designer, Studenten, Stadtplaner, Ingenieure, Künstler, Macher und alle, die sich für die Bereiche Architektur und Stadtplanung interessieren.
16.12.2023 – 16.01.2024

Wie lautet der dritte Buchstabe von "wettbewerbe"?

Gewinner/ Winner

Alessia Aliaga Saenz [Perú]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Alessia Aliaga Saenz [Perú]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Alessia Aliaga Saenz [Perú]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Alessia Aliaga Saenz [Perú]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Alessia Aliaga Saenz [Perú]

Gewinner/ Winner

Anastasija Risteska & Eva Zovic [North Macedonia]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Anastasija Risteska & Eva Zovic [North Macedonia]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Anastasija Risteska & Eva Zovic [North Macedonia]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Anastasija Risteska & Eva Zovic [North Macedonia]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Anastasija Risteska & Eva Zovic [North Macedonia]

Gewinner/ Winner

Andi Pratama & Jonathan Timotius [Indonesia]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Andi Pratama & Jonathan Timotius [Indonesia]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Andi Pratama & Jonathan Timotius [Indonesia]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Andi Pratama & Jonathan Timotius [Indonesia]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Andi Pratama & Jonathan Timotius [Indonesia]

Gewinner/ Winner

Doni Hallko [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Doni Hallko [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Doni Hallko [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Doni Hallko [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Doni Hallko [Italy]

Gewinner/ Winner

Esin Tekin [Türkiye]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Esin Tekin [Türkiye]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Esin Tekin [Türkiye]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Esin Tekin [Türkiye]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Esin Tekin [Türkiye]

Gewinner/ Winner

Gabriele Lupo [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Gabriele Lupo [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Gabriele Lupo [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Gabriele Lupo [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Gabriele Lupo [Italy]

Gewinner/ Winner

Marco Cau [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Marco Cau [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Marco Cau [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Marco Cau [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Marco Cau [Italy]

Gewinner/ Winner

Mario Maiorani [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Mario Maiorani [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Mario Maiorani [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Mario Maiorani [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Mario Maiorani [Italy]

Gewinner/ Winner

Mohamed Mekawi [Libya]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Mohamed Mekawi [Libya]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Mohamed Mekawi [Libya]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Mohamed Mekawi [Libya]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Mohamed Mekawi [Libya]

Gewinner/ Winner

Nadina Bajric [Bosnia and Herzegovina]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Nadina Bajric [Bosnia and Herzegovina]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Nadina Bajric [Bosnia and Herzegovina]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Nadina Bajric [Bosnia and Herzegovina]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Nadina Bajric [Bosnia and Herzegovina]

Gewinner/ Winner

Nina Avdalyan & Ivane Gventsadze [Georgia] #1 proposal
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Nina Avdalyan & Ivane Gventsadze [Georgia] #1 proposal
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Nina Avdalyan & Ivane Gventsadze [Georgia] #1 proposal
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Nina Avdalyan & Ivane Gventsadze [Georgia] #1 proposal
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Nina Avdalyan & Ivane Gventsadze [Georgia] #1 proposal

Gewinner/ Winner

Nina Avdalyan & Ivane Gventsadze [Georgia] #2 proposal
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Nina Avdalyan & Ivane Gventsadze [Georgia] #2 proposal
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Nina Avdalyan & Ivane Gventsadze [Georgia] #2 proposal
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Nina Avdalyan & Ivane Gventsadze [Georgia] #2 proposal
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Nina Avdalyan & Ivane Gventsadze [Georgia] #2 proposal

Gewinner/ Winner

Sara Lamon [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Sara Lamon [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Sara Lamon [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Sara Lamon [Italy]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Sara Lamon [Italy]

Gewinner/ Winner

Simona Chingoska [North Macedonia]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Simona Chingoska [North Macedonia]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Simona Chingoska [North Macedonia]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Simona Chingoska [North Macedonia]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Simona Chingoska [North Macedonia]

Gewinner/ Winner

Tim Ingleby & Will Fraser [UK]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Tim Ingleby & Will Fraser [UK]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Tim Ingleby & Will Fraser [UK]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Tim Ingleby & Will Fraser [UK]
  • Gewinner/ Winner: Tim Ingleby & Will Fraser [UK]
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Um neue Konzepte und frische Ideen aus der ganzen Welt zu fördern, fordert dieser Open Call Architekten, Designer und Enthusiasten auf, originelle und unkonventionelle Designthemen für zukünftige Wettbewerbe einzureichen. Ziel ist es, die Kreativen unserer Community direkt einzubinden und ihnen die Möglichkeit zu geben, Botschafter der TerraViva zu werden oder - wenn sie es wünschen - sogar in Teilzeit oder Vollzeit mitzuarbeiten.

Worum geht es bei dieser neuen Initiative? Im Wesentlichen geht es darum, neue Projektthemen vorzuschlagen, die als Architektur-, Städtebau- oder Landschaftsgestaltungswettbewerbe funktionieren könnten. Wir glauben fest an das Potenzial unserer Unterstützer und sind sicher, dass die Erfahrungen jedes Einzelnen eine Quelle unendlicher Inspiration sein können. Heute sind Sie nicht nur der Protagonist dieses Aufrufs, sondern Sie haben auch die Möglichkeit, Ihre eigenen Ideen einzubringen und sie in einzigartige Herausforderungen zu verwandeln, um die wichtigsten städtebaulichen und architektonischen Themen zu bewältigen.

Wir ermutigen die Teilnehmer, interessante und attraktive Wettbewerbsthemen vorzulegen, die auf ihren eigenen Erfahrungen, ihrer Geografie und ihrem Hintergrund basieren. Jeder Vorschlag sollte standortspezifisch sein und die Besonderheiten des Ortes berücksichtigen, z. B. den städtischen Kontext, die natürliche Umgebung sowie die lokale Geschichte und Kultur. Sind Sie bereit, an der ersten Ausgabe dieser neuen Forschungserfahrung teilzunehmen?

Competition assignment
Fostering new concepts and fresh ideas from around the globe, this open call challenges architects, designers and enthusiasts to submit original and unconventional design themes for future competitions. The goal is to directly involve our community of creatives, giving them the chance to become TerraViva ambassadors or – if they wish – even part-time and full-time collaborators.

What is this new initiative about? Basically, it requires the proposal of new project subjects that could work as architecture, urbanism or landscape design competitions. We strongly believe in the potential of our supporters and we are certain that the experience of each one could represent a source of infinite inspiration. Today you are not only the protagonist of this call, but you will also have the power to share your own ideas, turning them into unique challenges to face the most relevant urban and architectural matters.

We encourage participants to present interesting and attractive contest themes, based on their own experience, geography and background. Intended to be site-specific, each tender proposal should take into account the peculiarities of the place, such as the urban context, the natural environment and the local history and culture. Are you ready to be part of the first edition of this new research experience?

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinner*innen finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:

CALL FOR COMPETITIONS - Challenge For Original Contest Topics
TerraViva S.r.l.
Via Vallazze 109
Milano, MI 20131
About the Competition
Fostering new concepts and fresh ideas from around the globe, this open call challenges architects, designers and enthusiasts to submit original and unconventional design themes for future competitions. The goal is to directly involve our community of creatives, giving them the chance to become TerraViva ambassadors or – if they wish – even part-time and full-time collaborators. 
What is this new initiative about? Basically, it requires the proposal of new project subjects that could work as architecture, urbanism or landscape design competitions. We strongly believe in the potential of our supporters and we are certain that the experience of each one could represent a source of infinite inspiration. Today you are not only the protagonist of this call, but you will also have the power to share your own ideas, turning them into unique challenges to face the most relevant urban and architectural matters. 
We encourage participants to present interesting and attractive contest themes, based on their own experience, geography and background. Intended to be site-specific, each tender proposal should take into account the peculiarities of the place, such as the urban context, the natural environment and the local history and culture. Are you ready to be part of the first edition of this new research experience? 
The competition is open to architects, designers, students, urbanists, engineers, artists, makers and anyone interested in the fields of architecture and urban design.
Participants can join the competition either individually or with a team.
The call is FREE! No registration fee is required to participants.
Registration Opening: September 11th, 2023
Submission Deadline: December 15th, 2023
Winners Announcement: January 8th, 2024
Prize Money: up to 15.000 €
n. 10 Awards of 1.000 € each
n. 5 Additional Prizes* of 1.000 € each
*5 additional prizes will be awarded only in the event that subsequent proposals that deserve recognition are selected among the winners.
More information and registration at

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