Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Competition for conceptual architectural design of a primary school in City Kvart in Podgorica , Podgorica/ Montenegro

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
Architekt*innen ggf. mit weiteren Fachleuten
116 Arbeiten
13., 14. und 15.09.2023

Wie lautet der dritte Buchstabe von "wettbewerbe"?

1. Preis / 1st Prize

Mirko Popović · Žaklina Nježić · Zoltán Schrammel (Montenegro / Ungarn)

2. Preis / 2nd Prize

Martin Benavidez · Manuela Garcia · Stefania Casarin · Emanuel Polito · Rui Furtado
Paulo Gonçalves Silva · Raul Serafim · Carlos Almeida (Argentinien)
Mitarbeit / Collaborators: Facundo Rasch · Gabriela Zabala · Giovanni Pemintel
Juan Pablo Porco · Mateo Goyeneche Faya · Camila Giuffrida

3. Preis / 3rd Prize

„OOUR“ DOO (Montenegro)
Marko Stjepčević · Nemanja Milićević
Danilo Drobnjak · Ksenija Rakočević

Honorable Mention

„ANDU architects“ DOO (Montenegro)
Goran Andrejin · Sonja Dubak · Haris Abdić
Bojana Ćulafić · Nikola Mandić · Jelena Živković

Honorable Mention

Carlos Di Napoli · Bernardo Luna · Martin Gonzales (Argentinien)
Offener Wettbewerb

Das Ministerium für Ökologie, Raumplanung und Städtebau von Montenegro hat einen internationalen Wettbewerb für einen architektonischen Entwurf einer Grundschule in der Stadt Kvart in Podgorica ausgeschrieben.

Gegenstand des Wettbewerbs ist die Entwicklung eines architektonischen Konzepts für eine Grundschule in Podgorica auf dem städtischen Grundstück Nr. 20, innerhalb der Katasterparzellen Nr. 1503/46 und 1503/48 (CM Podgorica I), die vom detaillierten Stadtplan "Radoje Dakić" (Amtsblatt von Montenegro - Gemeindeordnung, 23/12) erfasst werden. Das Wettbewerbsgebiet ist 18.660,00 m² groß.

Von den Wettbewerbsbeiträgen wird erwartet, dass sie die visuelle Identität des Blocks angemessen hervorheben und eine optimale funktionale Gestaltung für die geplanten Programminhalte bieten, indem sie die vorhandenen städtebaulichen Werte der engeren und weiteren Lage sowie die räumlich-urbanen und architektonisch-konstruktiven Merkmale berücksichtigen. Erwartet wird ein innovativer Ansatz bei der räumlichen und architektonischen Gestaltung sowie bei der Verwendung von Materialien, die der Zweckbestimmung des Gebäudes entsprechen.

Competition assignment
Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism of Montenegro has announced an International Competition for a conceptual architectural design of a primary school in City Kvart in Podgorica.

The subject of the Competition is the development of a conceptual architectural design for a primary school in Podgorica on urban plot no. 20, within cadastral plots no. 1503/46 and 1503/48 (CM Podgorica I), covered by the Detailed Urban Plan “Radoje Dakić” (Official Gazette of Montenegro – Municipal Regulations, 23/12). The competition area is 18.660,00 m².

Competition entries are expected to appropriately enhance the visual identity of the block and offer an optimal functional design for the planned programme contents by taking into account the existing urban values of narrower and wider location, as well as spatial-urban and architectural-construction characteristics. An innovative approach to spatial and architectural design and to the use of materials is expected, all in line with the purpose of the building.

Vladan Stevović, M.Arch., Chief State Architect in the Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism Montenegro – Chairperson of the Jury;
Dr Snežana Vesnić, Architect, senior lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade – expert member;
Maja Velimirović Petrović, Architect, representative of the Chamber of Engineering of Montenegro – expert member;
Vesna Krivokapić, Civil Engineer – representative of the Ministry of Education – expert member;
Srđan Tadić, Architect – expert member;
Dr Bojan Karanakov, Architect, professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje – expert member;
Radovan Radoman, Architect – expert member.

Weitere Informationen zu dem Ergebnis und den Gewinner*innen finden Sie unter /
More information about the competition result and the winners can be found at:

Competition for conceptual architectural design of a primary school in City Kvart in Podgorica
About the Competition
Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism of Montenegro has announced an International Competition for a conceptual architectural design of a primary school in City Kvart in Podgorica.
The subject of the Competition is the development of a conceptual architectural design for a primary school in Podgorica on urban plot no. 20, within cadastral plots no. 1503/46 and 1503/48 (CM Podgorica I), covered by the Detailed Urban Plan “Radoje Dakić” (Official Gazette of Montenegro – Municipal Regulations, 23/12). The competition area is 18.660,00 m².
Competition entries are expected to appropriately enhance the visual identity of the block and offer an optimal functional design for the planned programme contents by taking into account the existing urban values of narrower and wider location, as well as spatial-urban and architectural-construction characteristics. An innovative approach to spatial and architectural design and to the use of materials is expected, all in line with the purpose of the building.
The Competition is open to persons who have their residence or headquarters in the territory of Montenegro, as well as to persons who have their headquarters and residence in the territory of another country, provided that at least one of the authors of the Competition (an individual or the leader of the team of authors) is a responsible person with an architectural background (licensed architect). The author or the leader of the team of authors may involve specialists from other professions to improve the Competition Entry (one member of the team of authors would preferably be a Landscape Architect).
Submission deadline: September 4th 2023, 23:59h (Montenegro local time)
Results announcement: September 26th 2023
I prize - 18.000,00 €
II prize - 11.000,00 €
III prize - 7.000,00 €
Two honorable mentions of - 2,000.00 €
More information and documents at:

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