Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Conceptual Design of Leškopoljska Gorica Forest Park , Podgorica/ Montenegro

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
38 Arbeiten
30.07., 01.08., 05.08. und 07.08.2024

Wie viele Buchstaben hat "wa"?

1. Preis / 1st Prize

OPENACT architecture, Türkei, Spanien
Zuhal Kol, Karlos Zarco Sanz, Berna Yaylali

2. Preis / 2nd Prize

re:a.c.t architects, Montenegro
Srđan Tadić, Dejan Milanović, Aleksandra Vukićević, Aleksandar Marsenić, Bojan Vlahović
Mitarbeit: Boro Vuković, Ana Medojević, Tomo Komnenić

3. Preis / 3rd Prize

Nøha, Schweiz, Armenien
Andrea Angelo Suardi, Ani Safaryan

Lobende Erwähnung / Honourable Mention

Atelier Birches, England
Ismail Kocatas
Mitarbeit: Hüsna Nur Pehlivan, Eylül Güngör, Rümeysa Yapar,
Ezgi Yaman, Rana Buse Tavşan, Khusniddin Khakimov

Lobende Erwähnung / Honourable Mention

LAND Italia Srl, Italien
Andreas Otto Kipar, Jens Dietmar Hoffmann, Giuliana Bonifati

Lobende Erwähnung / Honourable Mention

Zhang Tie, Qu Yating, Lu Xiaolan, Wang Falong, Zhou Leshi, Liu Jin, Yang Fan, Wu Li, Liu Tianqi,
Lu Ping, Li Xinwei, Wu Dan, Jiang Shirong, Zhang Chenhui, Ding Taifeng, China
Offener Wettbewerb

Das vorrangige Ziel des Wettbewerbs ist es, eine Vision für die Umwandlung dieses Gebiets in eine blühende Naturoase zu entwickeln, die das Streben nach Wiederherstellung der Natur und ökologischer Harmonie in einem städtischen Umfeld verkörpert. Dieses Projekt soll als Modell für weitere Aufforstungsprojekte in städtischen Gebieten und für die Erhaltung der bestehenden Wälder in Podgorica und im ganzen Land dienen.

Competition assignment
The primary objective of the competition is to provide a vision for the transformation of this area into a thriving natural oasis, embodying the aspiration for nature restoration and ecological harmony in an urban setting. This project is intended to serve as a model for contemplating further afforestation projects of urban areas, and preserving existing forests in Podgorica, as well as throughout the entire country.

Vladimir Đurović, landscape architect, (Vorsitz / Head of the Jury)
Nenad Ravnić, architect
Jakov Lopušina, architect
Vuk Marković, landscape architect
Duška Mačić, chief city architect

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter /
More information can be found at:

Competition for Conceptual Design of Leškopoljska Gorica Forest Park in Podgorica
Capital City Podgorica
Njegoševa, br. 13, Podgorica
Aim of the Competition
The primary objective of the competition is to provide a vision for the transformation of this area into a thriving natural oasis, embodying the aspiration for nature restoration and ecological harmony in an urban setting. This project is intended to serve as a model for contemplating further afforestation projects of urban areas, and preserving existing forests in Podgorica, as well as throughout the entire country.
Language of the Competition
Competition is announced and conducted by the organizer in Montenegrin and English.
Announcement of the Competition: April 15th, 2024
Deadline for Asking Questions: May 22nd, 2024
Deadline for Submission of Works: 23:59h (UTC+2) July 17th, 2024
Results of the Competition: no later than August 8th, 2024
Vladimir Đurović, landscape architect, expert member;
Nenad Ravnić, architect, expert member;
Jakov Lopušina, architect, representative of the Montenegrin Chamber of Engineers;
Vuk Marković, landscape architect, expert member;
Duška Mačić, architect, representative of the competition organizer.
More information and documents at

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