Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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#COPENHAGENCALL - Copenhagen Conference Hall , Kopenhagen/ Dänemark

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
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Offener Wettbewerb
Keine Teilnahmebeschränkung
104 Arbeiten

Wie lautet der dritte Buchstabe von "wettbewerbe"?

1. Preis

Adrianna Tkaczyk, Polen
  • 1. Preis: Adrianna Tkaczyk, Polen
  • 1. Preis: Adrianna Tkaczyk, Polen

2. Preis

Junfei Pei, USA
  • 2. Preis: Junfei Pei, USA
  • 2. Preis: Junfei Pei, USA

3. Preis

Larissa Kock Adriano · Guilherme Souza Lessa · Mauricio Storchi, Brasilien
  • 3. Preis: Larissa Kock Adriano · Guilherme Souza Lessa · Mauricio Storchi, Brasilien
  • 3. Preis: Larissa Kock Adriano · Guilherme Souza Lessa · Mauricio Storchi, Brasilien


Stavros Konstantinos Zotos · Konstantinos Xanthopoulos, Griechenland
  • Anerkennung: Stavros Konstantinos Zotos · Konstantinos Xanthopoulos, Griechenland
  • Anerkennung: Stavros Konstantinos Zotos · Konstantinos Xanthopoulos, Griechenland


Agata Sikora · Anna Petrzyk, Polen
  • Anerkennung: Agata Sikora · Anna Petrzyk, Polen
  • Anerkennung: Agata Sikora · Anna Petrzyk, Polen


Stefan Videnov, Bulgarien
  • Anerkennung: Stefan Videnov, Bulgarien
  • Anerkennung: Stefan Videnov, Bulgarien


Martin Taglianetti · Matteo Torracchi, Italien
  • Anerkennung: Martin Taglianetti · Matteo Torracchi, Italien
  • Anerkennung: Martin Taglianetti · Matteo Torracchi, Italien


Li Ka Yiu Karry, Hong Kong
  • Anerkennung: Li Ka Yiu Karry, Hong Kong
  • Anerkennung: Li Ka Yiu Karry, Hong Kong
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Copenhagen is a city that has a strong connection with its own waterfront. Founded in the twelfth century as a small fishing community, it has always meant the port area as the first defensive bulwark of warfare that has influenced the interior design. The historic palaces, on which the Kronborg Castle stands, feature ancient atmospheres that are perfectly suited to contemporary mold architecture. Cultural ferment translates socially into events inspired by the most innovative trends in fashion, design and architecture. We want to imagine the Copenhagen Conference Hall, near Tivoli Park and the railway station, a new symbol for an evolving context; a multidisciplinary pole that, through exhibitions and meetings, can foster the connections between cultures. An architecture that is able to enter fully into the progressive icons of the Danish capital.
COPENHAGENCALL - Copenhagen Conference Hall
Auslober / Organizer
Architectural Ideas Contest
Wettbewerbsbetreuung / Competition Contact
For some questions you can use our email: 
Wettbewerbsaufgabe / Competition Assignment
Copenhagen is a city that has a strong connection with its own waterfront. Founded in the twelfth century as a small fishing community, it has always meant the port area as the first defensive bulwark of warfare that has influenced the interior design. The historic palaces, on which the Kronborg Castle stands, feature ancient atmospheres that are perfectly suited to contemporary mold architecture. Cultural ferment translates socially into events inspired by the most innovative trends in fashion, design and architecture. We want to imagine the Copenhagen Conference Hall , near Tivoli Park and the railway station, a new symbol for an evolving context; a multidisciplinary pole that, through exhibitions and meetings, can foster th e connections between cultures. An architecture that is able to enter fully into the progressive icons of the Danish capital.
Wettbewerbsart / Competition Type
Open Ideas Competition
Zulassungsbereich / Admission Area
Teilnehmer / Participants
Students, graduates and professionals. There are no age limits or provenance.
Termine / Schedule
Special Entry: 22th January – 02nd March 2018
Ordinary Entry: 03rd March – 30th April 2018
Registration Deadline: 30th April 2018, by 23:59 (Copenhagen time)
Announcement of Results: no later than 14th May 2018
Anmeldung / Registration
Registration is open until the day of delivery, 30th of April 2018. It is possible pay using PayPal service ( the mail for payment is: archicontest@gmail.com) or bank transfer (you can find info about bank code in brief). 
Types of registration are this:
SPECIAL ENTRY: 22th of January – 02nd of March_15,00 euro (with PayPal) / 20,00 euro (with Bank Transfer)
ORDINARY ENTRY: 03rd of February – 30th of April_20,00 euro (with PayPal) / 25,00 euro (with Bank Transfer)
The fee is for each participant.
Fachpreisrichter / Jury
3NDY Studio - AM3 Architetti  Associati – Bianchivenetoarchitetti – Demogo  Studio - Didon È Comacchio Architetti – Inout Architettura – Km429 Architettura - Laprimastanza – Morana Rao Architettura – Opps Architettura – Pardini Hall Architecture – Mide Studio - RRS Studio – Walter Leone Santos
Preise / Prizes
The winners will be announced on the website of the Association no later than the date of 14th of May 2018. Will be deserving the first three works as well as any other projects which are not excluded special mentions.
– The winner will receive a prize of 500,00 euro (excluding TAX) for each participant.
– Top three finishers will have an annual subscription to the DOMUS magazine in digital format.
– The winners and mentioned might take part for life at all our future competitions that we will propose on our portal.
Leistungen / Submission
A table A0, the project report and the MODEL A, no later than the date of 30th of April 2018.
Unterlagen / Documents

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