Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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CTBUH 2022 Award of Excellence , Chicago/ Vereinigte Staaten

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Overall Category Winners 2022

Best Tall Building Worldwide + Best Tall Building under 100 meters + Best Tall Building Americas

Project: The David Rubenstein Forum, Chicago (USA)
Owner/Developer: University of Chicago
Architect: Brininstool + Lynch; Diller Scofidio + Renfro
Structural Engineer: LERA Consulting Structural Engineers
Main Contractor: Turner Construction Company
Other Consultant | Façade: Thornton Tomasetti
Geotechnical: GEI Consultants
Interiors: Brininstool + Lynch
Vertical Transportation: SYSKA Hennessy Group
Material Supplier | Post-Tensioning: AMSYSCO

Best Tall Building 100-199 meters

Project: Olderfleet, Melbourne (USA)
Owner/Developer: Mirvac Group
Architect: Grimshaw Architects
Structural Engineer: AECOM; MEP Engineer; Arup
Main Contractor: Mirvac Group
Other Consultant | Fire: Irwinconsult Pty.; WSP
Traffic: Cardno
Material Supplier | Elevator: KONE

Best Tall Building 200-299 meters

Project: Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences, One Dalton Street, Boston (USA)
Owner/Developer: Carpenter and Company, Inc.
Architect: Cambridge Seven Associates; Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP
Structural Engineer: WSP
Peer Review: LeMessurier
MEP Engineer: WSP
Project Manager: AECOM Tishman Construction
Other Consultant | Vertical Transportation: Lerch Bates
Wind: RWDI
Material Supplier | Elevator: KONE
Formwork: Doka GmbH
Foundation Equipment: Soilmec

Best Tall Building 300-399 meters

Project: The St. Regis Chicago (USA)
Owner/Developer: Magellan Development Group
Architect: Studio Gang
Architect of Record: bKL Architecture
Structural Engineer: Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Main Contractor: James McHugh Construction Co.
Other Consultant | Façade: Curtain Wall Design and Consulting, Inc.; Lee Herzog Consulting
Geotechnical: GEI Consultants
Interiors: Gensler
Wind: RWDI
Material Supplier | Formwork: Doka GmbH

Best Tall Building 400 meters and above

Project: One Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City (USA)
Owner/Developer: SL Green Realty Corp.
Architect: Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates
Structural Engineer: Severud Associates Consulting Engineers
MEP Engineer: Jaros, Baum & Bolles
Project Manager: Hines
Main Contractor: AECOM Tishman Construction
Other Consultant | Acoustics: Cerami & Associates
BIM: Thornton Tomasetti
Civil: Stantec Ltd.; Langan Engineering
Code: Code Consultants, Inc.
Damping: Metropolitan Walters: A Walters Group Company; RWDI
Façade: Permasteelisa Group
Fire: Jaros, Baum & Bolles
Geotechnical: Langan Engineering
Interiors: Gensler
Land Surveyor: Langan Engineering
Marketing: CBRE
Traffic: Stantec Ltd.
Vertical Transportation: Van Deusen & Associates
Wind: RWDI
Material Supplier | Concrete: Peri Group
Damper: A&H Tuned Mass Dampers
Elevator: Schindler
Formwork: Doka GmbH
Rebar: Nucor
Steel: ArcelorMittal

Best Tall Office Building

Project: Trinity, Puteaux, Paris (France)
Urban developer: Paris la Défense
Client: SCI Trinity Défense represented by Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield
Architect & Interior Designer (common areas, lobby and lobby furniture): Cro&Co Architecture
Landscape Architect: Bureau Bas Smets
Interior Designer (catering area): Saguez & Partners
Artist: Ateliers Cruz-Diez
Site Management: Artelia
Engineering: Setec TPI, Barbanel, AE75, Arcora, ALTO, Tisseyre+Associés,
Restauration Conseil, Gérard Plenacoste, Les Ateliers de l'éclairage
Consultants: Socotec, CSD Faces, Phytoconseil, Cabinet P. Fauchère et M. Le Floch
General contractor: Bateg
Photos: ©Luc Boegly, ©Laurent Zylberman

Best Tall Residential or Hotel Building

Project: 111 West 57th Street, New York City (USA)
Owner/Developer: JDS Development Group
Architect: SHoP Architects
Structural Engineer: WSP
MEP Engineer: Jaros, Baum & Bolles
Project Manager: WSP
Main Contractor: JDS Construction Group
Other Consultant | Acoustics: Longman Lindsey
Code: Code Consultants, Inc.
Damping: RWDI
Façade: BuroHappold
Geotechnical: Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers
Vertical Transportation: Van Deusen & Associates
Wind: RWDI
Material Supplier | Cladding: Shanghai Yaohua Pilkington Glass Group Co., Ltd.; Hilti AG
Damper: A&H Tuned Mass Dampers

Best Tall Mixed-Use Building + Best Tall Building Australia

Project: Collins Arch, Melbourne (Australia)
Owner: ISPT
Architect: Woods Bagot; SHoP Architects
MEP Engineer: Norman Disney & Young; WSP
Project Manager: Duo Projects
Main Contractor: Multiplex
Other Consultant | Environmental: WSP
Façade: AECOM
Fire: Norman Disney & Young
Lighting: WSP
Quantity Surveyor: Rider Levett Bucknall
Vertical Transportation: Norman Disney & Young
Material Supplier | Elevator: KONE

Best Tall Building Asia

Project: Qingdao Hai Tian Center, Qingdao (China)
Owner/Developer: QingDao Conson Hai Tian Center Co. LTD
Architect: Archilier Architecture
Architect of Record: CCDI Group
Structural Engineer: CCDI Group
Peer Review: Thornton Tomasetti
MEP Engineer: CCDI Group
Peer Review: Parsons Brinckerhoff Consultants Private Limited
Other Consultant | Façade: Meinhardt Facade Technology
Fire: RJA Fire Protection Technology Consulting Co., Ltd.
Interiors: Cheng Chung Design (HK) Ltd.; P & T Group; Woods Bagot
Landscape: SWA Group
Lighting: Brandston Partnership, Inc.
Property Management: Mori Building; Shanghai Tower Business Operation & Management Co., Ltd.
Vertical Transportation: Lerch Bates
Wind: RWDI

Best Tall Building Europe

Project: One Crown Place South, London (UK)
Developer: CBRE
Architect: Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates
Structural Engineer: AKT II
MEP Engineer: AECOM
Project Manager: CBRE
Other Consultant | Façade: Billings Design Associates; Permasteelisa Group; Scheldebouw
Façade Maintenance: CoxGomyl
Foundation: Getjar Ltd
Marketing: CBRE
Planning: CBRE
Vertical Transportation: Schindler
Material Supplier | Façade Maintenance Equipment: CoxGomyl

Best Tall Building Middle East & Africa

Project: Azrieli Town Tower, Tel Aviv (Isreal)
Owner/Developer: Azrieli Group
Architect: Moshe Zur Architects and Town Planners
Structural Engineer: David Engineers Ltd.
Project Manager: Waxman Govrin Geva Engineering LTD.
Other Consultant | LEED: Alfa-Sustainable Projects
Sustainability: Alfa-Sustainable Projects

Best Tall Non-building

Project: Copenhill, Copenhagen (Denmark)
Architect: Bjarke Ingels Group
Structural Engineer | Concept: AKT II; Ramboll Group
Other Consultant | Energy Concept: Ramboll Group
Façade: AKT II
Wind: SOH Wind Engineering LLC; Svend Ole Hansen ApS
Material Supplier | Joints/Fasteners: Peikko
Steel: Peikko

Innovation Award

HydroSKIN: Lightweight Façade for Precipitation Retention and Evaporative Cooling

Renovation Award

Project: 55 Southbank, Melbourne (Australia)
Owner/Developer: Hume Partners Property
Architect: Bates Smart
Structural Engineer: WSP Group
Project Manager: Duo Projects
Other Consultant | Façade: Inhabit Group

Interior Design Award

Project: Beijing Lize Ping An Finance Centre (China)
Architect: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
Architect of Record: China Architecture Design & Research Group
Structural Engineer: China Architecture Design & Research Group
MEP Engineer: Arup
Other Consultant | Façade: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
Interiors: JUND Architects
Landscape: SWA Group
Lighting: Brandston Partnership, Inc.
Material Supplier | Elevator: Hitachi Elevator (China) Co,. Ltd.

Construction Award

Project: Sydney Greenland Centre (Australia)
Owner/Developer: Greenland Group
Architect: BVN; Woods Bagot
Structural Engineer: Arup
Peer Review: Robert Bird Group
MEP Engineer: Wood and Grieve Engineers
Other Consultant | Façade: Arup
Fire: WSP
Landscape: Aspect Studios
Planning: Ethos Urban
Quantity Surveyor: Rider Levett Bucknall
Security: WSP
Sustainability: WSP
Vertical Transportation: WSP
Wind: Windtech Consultants Pty Ltd
Material Supplier | Elevator: KONE
Formwork: Doka GmbH

Structural Engineering Award

Project: Ten Degrees Croydon, London (UK)
Developer: Tide Construction
Architect: HTA Design LLP
Structural Engineer: Barrett Mahony Consulting Engineers; MJH Structural Engineers
Main Contractor: Tide Construction
Other Consultant | Civil: Barrett Mahony Consulting Engineers
Façade: Mott MacDonald Group
Sustainability: HTA Design LLP

Systems Award

Project: TrIIIple, Vienna (Austria)

Geotechnical Engineering Award

Project: 18 Robinson, Singapore
Owner/Developer: Tuan Sing Holdings Limited
Architect: Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates
Structural Engineer: KTP Consultants Private Limited
Other Consultant | Façade: Meinhardt
Foundation: KTP Consultants Private Limited
Geotechnical: KTP Consultants Private Limited
Quantity Surveyor: Arcadis
Wind: CPP Wind Engineering and Air Quality Consultants
Material Supplier | Formwork: Peri Group

Façade Engineering Award

Project: Arlozorov 17, Tel Aviv (Israel)
Architect: Moshe Zur Architects and Town Planners
Structural Engineer: David Engineers Ltd.
Project Manager: Waxman Govrin Geva Engineering LTD.
Main Contractor: ASHTROM GROUP LTD
Façade: Aluminum Construction Ltd.
Material Supplier | Aluminium: Aluminum Construction Ltd.

Life Safety Design Award

Project: Mjøstårnet, Brumunddal (Norway)
Structural Engineer: Moelven; SWECO AB
Main Contractor: Moelven
Other Consultant | Fire: SWECO AB
Material Supplier | Joints/Fasteners: Rotho Blaas s.r.l.
Structural Timber: Moelven

10 Year Award

Project: De Karel Doorman, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Architect: Ibelings Van Tilburg Architecten
Structural Engineer: Royal Haskoning DHV
Material Supplier | Aluminium: Schüco
Formwork: Doka GmbH

Lynn S. Beedle Achievement Award

Peter Wynne Rees, London (UK)

Fazlur R. Khan Lifetime Award

Hanif Kara, London (UK)
Press release by Cro&Co Architecture | November 2022

La Tour Trinity a été élue meilleur immeuble de bureaux au monde en 2022 par le Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat - CTBUH à Chicago.

Trinity was elected Best Tall Office Building Worldwide in 2022 by Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat

La Tour Trinity est lauréate 2022 du prix Best Tall Office Building, sélectionnée parmi 9 projets exceptionnels situés à New York, Melbourne, Sydney, Toronto, Tokyo, Jakarta et Baotou. Suite à une présentation orale à Chicago, la Tour Trinity à Paris La Défense a été distinguée pour son extraordinaire contribution à l'évolution des immeubles de bureaux de grande hauteur et des villes de demain.

Trinity is the 2022 winner of the Best Tall Office Building award, selected from 9 outstanding projects in New York, Melbourne, Sydney, Toronto, Tokyo, Jakarta and Baotou. Following an oral presentation in Chicago, the Trinity Tower in Paris La Défense was awarded for its extraordinary contribution to the evolution of high-rise office buildings and cities of the future.

Le concours annuel du Prix d'excellence du CTBUH a fait l'objet d'un large appel à candidatures. Chaque projet sélectionné a ensuite été présenté devant un jury composé de membres du CTBUH du monde entier lors de la conférence annuelle de l'organisation du 9 au 12 novembre à Chicago. Les lauréats de chaque catégorie ont été annoncés lors de la cérémonie de remise de prix le 11 novembre. Jean-Luc Crochon, de l'agence Cro&Co Architecture et Vincent Jean-Pierre d'Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield ont ainsi défendu les spécificités de la Tour Trinity.

Le jury a salué son architecture durable et innovante, qui en fait un lieu de travail inspirant, réinventant le vivre ensemble et reconnectant les usagers à leur environnement. Il a en particulier apprécié la possibilité offerte aux utilisateurs d'accéder à un espace extérieur à chaque étage ainsi que d'ouvrir une fenêtre pour garder une connexion permanente avec l'extérieur. Parmi les autres qualités de Trinity, soulignons le parti pris architectural de décentrer le noyau pour créer un véritable cœur de vie, animé par des ascenseurs panoramiques et de larges paliers aménageables visibles de l'extérieur. Ce choix structurel a permis de libérer de grands plateaux de bureaux bénéficiant de lumière naturelle avec une triple orientation. Enfin, l'implantation de l'auditorium et du fitness au 25e étage permet un partage de la vue avec tous les utilisateurs. Malgré le contexte sanitaire et économique actuel, le taux d'occupation très élevé confirme que la tour Trinity a également rencontré ses utilisateurs.

Submissions for CTBUH’s annual Award of Excellence competition were solicited widely. Each selected project was then presented to a jury of CTBUH members from around the world at the organization's annual conference from 9 to 12 November in Chicago. The winners in each category were announced at the awards ceremony on 11 November. Jean-Luc Crochon of Cro&Co Architecture and Vincent Jean-Pierre of Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield defended the specificities of the Trinity Tower.

The jury praised its sustainable and innovative architecture, which makes it an inspiring place to work, reinventing community life and reconnecting users to their environment. They particularly appreciated the possibility for users to access an outdoor space on each floor and to open a window to maintain a permanent connection with the outside. Other qualities of Trinity include the architectural decision to decentralize the core to create a real living space, with panoramic lifts and large, externally visible, convertible landings. This structural choice allowed for the creation of large office spaces that benefit from natural light with a triple orientation. Finally, the location of the auditorium and fitness center on the 25th floor allows all users to share the view. Despite the current health and economic context, the very high occupancy rate confirms that Trinity Tower has also met its users.

Fondé en 1969, le CTBUH, dont le siège se trouve dans le Monroe Building, un bâtiment historique de Chicago, est un organisme à but non lucratif qui facilite l'échange de connaissances sur les questions relatives aux immeubles de grande hauteur et aux villes du futur. Le CTBUH rassemble des professionnels qui s'intéressent à la conception, et à l'exploitation des immeubles de grande hauteur et à la construction de villes plus intelligentes et plus durables par le biais de publications, de recherches, d'événements, de groupes de travail, de la base de données mondiale des Tours SkyscraperCenter.com et de son vaste réseau de membres internationaux. Avec des bureaux à l'Université de Tongji, à Shanghai, à l'Université Iuav de Venise, en Italie, et à l'Illinois Institute of Technology, à Chicago, le CTBUH a également élaboré les normes internationales de mesure des immeubles de grande hauteur.

Pour plus d'informations sur le Prix d'excellence CTBUH, y compris la liste complète des concurrents et des membres du jury par catégorie, veuillez consulter le site :

The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) is the world’s leading resource for professionals focused on the inception, design, construction, and operation of tall buildings and future cities. Founded in 1969 and headquartered in Chicago’s historic Monroe Building, CTBUH is a not-for-profit organization that facilitates the exchange of the latest knowledge available on tall buildings through publications, research, events, working groups, the global tall buildings database SkyscraperCenter.com and its extensive network of international members. With offices at Tongji University, in Shanghai, Iuav University of Venice, in Italy, and the Illinois Institute of Technology, in Chicago, CTBUH also developed the international standards for measuring tall building height.

For more information on the CTBUH Award of Excellence, including the full slate of competitors and jury members by category, please visit

Programme : Bureaux, commerces, aménagements urbains
Surface : 49 400 m² SDP
Profil environnemental : certifications HQE passeport bâtiment durable niveau Exceptionnel, BREEAM Excellent, RT 2012 -25%
Livraison : 2020
Aménageur : Paris la Défense
Maître d'ouvrage : SCI Trinity Défense représentée par Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield
Architecte mandataire & Architecte d'intérieur (parties communes, hall, mobilier) : Cro&Co Architecture
Paysagiste : Bureau Bas Smets, Design espace restauration : Saguez & Partners, Artiste : Ateliers Cruz-Diez, MOEX : Artelia,
Ingénierie : Setec TPI, Barbanel, AE75, Arcora, ALTO, Tisseyre+Associés, Restauration Conseil, Gérard Plenacoste, Les Ateliers de l'éclairage,
Conseils : Socotec, CSD Faces, Phytoconseil, Cabinet P. Fauchère et M. Le Floch
Entreprise Générale : Bateg
Photos : ©Luc Boegly, ©Laurent Zylberman

Program: Offices, retail, urban connections
Area : 49,400 m²
Environmental profile : HQE certification, sustainable building passport, Exceptional level, BREEAM Excellent, Thermal regulations 2012 -25%
Completion : 2020
Urban developer : Paris la Défense
Client : SCI Trinity Défense represented by Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield
Architect & Interior Designer (common areas, lobby and lobby furniture) : Cro&Co Architecture
Landscape Architect : Bureau Bas Smets, Interior Designer (catering area) : Saguez & Partners , Artist : Ateliers Cruz-Diez , Site Management : Artelia,
Engineering : Setec TPI, Barbanel, AE75, Arcora, ALTO, Tisseyre+Associés, Restauration Conseil, Gérard Plenacoste, Les Ateliers de l'éclairage,
Consultants : Socotec, CSD Faces, Phytoconseil, Cabinet P. Fauchère et M. Le Floch
General contractor: Bateg
Photos : ©Luc Boegly, ©Laurent Zylberman

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