Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Development of a Recreational Area in „Papushevo Park“ Cottage Settlement
  • Development of a Recreational Area in „Papushevo Park“ Cottage Settlement
  • Development of a Recreational Area in „Papushevo Park“ Cottage Settlement
  • 1. Preis: Mahnaz Yousefi Salekdeh · Hamed Malekandeh · Maryam Shabanian, architects, Tehran (Iran)
  • 2. Preis: Ksenia Yakimenko · Alexandra Chislavleva · Sergey Ogorodnikov, architects, Krasnoyarsk (Russland)
  • 3. Preis: FIVE Architects (IE Rotar Stefan Leonidovich), Moskau (Russland)

Development of a Recreational Area in „Papushevo Park“ Cottage Settlement , Moskau Oblast/ Russische Föderation

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
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Offener Wettbewerb
Architekt*innen, Designer*innen und Student*innen
117 Arbeiten

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1. Preis

Mahnaz Yousefi Salekdeh · Hamed Malekandeh · Maryam Shabanian, architects, Tehran (Iran)
  • 1. Preis: Mahnaz Yousefi Salekdeh · Hamed Malekandeh · Maryam Shabanian, architects, Tehran (Iran)
  • 1. Preis: Mahnaz Yousefi Salekdeh · Hamed Malekandeh · Maryam Shabanian, architects, Tehran (Iran)
  • 1. Preis: Mahnaz Yousefi Salekdeh · Hamed Malekandeh · Maryam Shabanian, architects, Tehran (Iran)
  • 1. Preis: Mahnaz Yousefi Salekdeh · Hamed Malekandeh · Maryam Shabanian, architects, Tehran (Iran)

2. Preis

Ksenia Yakimenko · Alexandra Chislavleva · Sergey Ogorodnikov, architects, Krasnoyarsk (Russland)
  • 2. Preis: Ksenia Yakimenko · Alexandra Chislavleva · Sergey Ogorodnikov, architects, Krasnoyarsk (Russland)
  • 2. Preis: Ksenia Yakimenko · Alexandra Chislavleva · Sergey Ogorodnikov, architects, Krasnoyarsk (Russland)
  • 2. Preis: Ksenia Yakimenko · Alexandra Chislavleva · Sergey Ogorodnikov, architects, Krasnoyarsk (Russland)
  • 2. Preis: Ksenia Yakimenko · Alexandra Chislavleva · Sergey Ogorodnikov, architects, Krasnoyarsk (Russland)

3. Preis

FIVE Architects (IE Rotar Stefan Leonidovich), Moskau (Russland)
  • 3. Preis: FIVE Architects (IE Rotar Stefan Leonidovich), Moskau (Russland)
  • 3. Preis: FIVE Architects (IE Rotar Stefan Leonidovich), Moskau (Russland)
  • 3. Preis: FIVE Architects (IE Rotar Stefan Leonidovich), Moskau (Russland)
  • 3. Preis: FIVE Architects (IE Rotar Stefan Leonidovich), Moskau (Russland)
Offener Wettbewerb

Wir laden Sie ein, an einem GROSSEN INTERNATIONALEN WETTBEWERB teilzunehmen, dessen Hauptaufgabe darin besteht, ein ARCHITEKTONISCHES KONZEPT FÜR EINEN FREIZEITBEREICH IN EINEM LANDHAUSDORF ZU ENTWERFEN. Der Preisfonds beträgt 1.000.000 Rubel. An dem Wettbewerb können junge Berufstätige und Studenten ebenso teilnehmen wie praktizierende Architekten und Studios aus der ganzen Welt. Die Hauptsache ist, dass das Wettbewerbsprojekt eine ungewöhnliche und einzigartige Lösung mit einer harmonischen Symbiose von Infrastruktur und Tierwelt bietet. Die Teilnahme am Wettbewerb ist offen und kostenlos.

Globale Umweltprobleme und sich verschlechternde Lebensbedingungen in den Großstädten zwingen die Menschheit dazu, nach einem komfortableren Lebensumfeld zu suchen. Die Entwicklung der Informationstechnologien, die es uns ermöglichen, viele alltägliche und soziale Probleme aus der Ferne zu lösen, trägt viel zu dieser Suche bei.

Viele Bewohner von Megastädten ziehen aufs Land, weil sie sich dort eine andere Lebensqualität erhoffen. Viele entscheiden sich für Landhaussiedlungen in unmittelbarer Nähe ihrer Stadt. Dies ermöglicht ihnen einerseits die Nähe zur Natur und andererseits den Kontakt zu ihrem Büro, ihren Verwandten und Freunden und, was noch wichtiger ist, die Zugehörigkeit zu ihrer vertrauten Gemeinschaft.

Das Leben auf dem Lande, in der Natur und in der Nähe der Stadt löst zwar viele Probleme, ist aber keine erschöpfende Antwort. Ein ausgewogenes Leben außerhalb der Stadt erfordert eine hochwertige und gut ausgebaute Infrastruktur. Dieser Wettbewerb ist der Entwicklung einer solchen Infrastruktur gewidmet.

Competition assignment
We invite you to participate in a LARGE - SCALE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION, the main task of which is to DEVELOP AN ARCHITECTURAL CONCEPT OF a RECREATIONAL AREA in a cottage village. THE PRIZE FUND IS 1,000,000 rubles. Young professionals and students can take part in the competition along with practicing architects and studios from all over the world. The main thing is that the competition project offers an unusual and unique solution with a harmonious symbiosis of infrastructure and wildlife. Participation in the contest is open and free of charge.

Global environmental problems and deteriorating living conditions in big cities are forcing humanity to look for a more comfortable living environment. The development of information technologies that lets us solve many daily and social problems remotely contributes a lot to such a search.

Many megacity residents move to the country hoping for a different quality of life. Many opt for cottage settlements in the immediate vicinity of their city. On the one hand, this allows them to be close to nature and on the other hand, to stay in touch with their office, relatives and friends, and, more importantly, to remain a part of their familiar community.

However, although living in a country, in the heart of nature and near the city solves many problems, it does not provide an exhaustive answer. Balanced life outside the city requires a high-quality, well-developed infrastructure. This competition is dedicated to the development of such an infrastructure.

ANTONELLO GENTILINI, chairman of the jury (the opinion of the chairman of the jury is decisive in determining the winners), responsible representative of the competition Organizer, director of construction of LLC "DSK GROUP", Italy – Russia
BORIS LEVYANT, Founder and CEO of ABD architects, Russia
GULNARA SAFAROVA, Head of the Landscaping Department of the Wowhaus Bureau, Russia
DMITRY OVCHAROV, founder and Chief Architect of Nefa Architects Studio, Russia
ILYA MOCHALOV, practicing landscape architect, Director of the company "Ilya Mochalov and Partners", Russia
THOMAS NUGENT, Design Director at LLC “Aukett Swanke, Great Britain – Russia
SNEHAL AND BHADRI SUTHAR, architects, founders of tHE gRID Architects, India

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinner finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:

International Architectural Competition for the Development of a Recreational Area in „Papushevo Park“ Cottage Settlement
About the Competition
We invite you to participate in a LARGE - SCALE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION, the main task of which is to DEVELOP AN ARCHITECTURAL CONCEPT OF a RECREATIONAL AREA in a cottage village. THE PRIZE FUND IS 1,000,000 rubles. Young professionals and students can take part in the competition along with practicing architects and studios from all over the world. The main thing is that the competition project offers an unusual and unique solution with a harmonious symbiosis of infrastructure and wildlife. Participation in the contest is open and free of charge.
Global environmental problems and deteriorating living conditions in big cities are forcing humanity to look for a more comfortable living environment. The development of information technologies that lets us solve many daily and social problems remotely contributes a lot to such a search.
Many megacity residents move to the country hoping for a different quality of life. Many opt for cottage settlements in the immediate vicinity of their city. On the one hand, this allows them to be close to nature and on the other hand, to stay in touch with their office, relatives and friends, and, more importantly, to remain a part of their familiar community.
However, although living in a country, in the heart of nature and near the city solves many problems, it does not provide an exhaustive answer. Balanced life outside the city requires a high-quality, well-developed infrastructure. This competition is dedicated to the development of such an infrastructure.
The competition is open for individuals over 18 years of age (architects, designers, students of specialized educational facilities), and legal entities (design teams, architectural workshops, and design bureaus) from all over the world.
Individual and group participation is allowed, including as part of multidisciplinary teams.
Registration: from 15th of June until 16th of July 2021
Submission of projects: from 16.07.2021 until 09.08.2021 (no later than 23:59 Moscow time)
Analysis of the projects: from 10.08.2021 until 18.08.2021
Announcement of the results of the competition: until 20.08.2021
Awarding of the winners: until 31.08.2021
Prize foudation is 1 000 000 rubles.
- 1st prize of 600 000 rubles
- 2nd prize of 300 000 rubles
- 3rd prize of 100 000 rubles
More information and documents at

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