- wa-ID
- wa-2025977
- Tag der Veröffentlichung
- 28.02.2019
- Aktualisiert am
- 17.06.2019
- Verfahrensart
- Offener Wettbewerb
- Zulassungsbereich
- Teilnehmer
- Keine Teilnahmebeschränkung
- Auslober
- Bubble Design Competitions
- Bewerbungsschluss
- 08.04.2019
- Abgabetermin
- 12.04.2019
- Bekanntgabe
- 05.05.2019
Offener Ideenwettbewerb
Der Wettbewerb Eliminieren Sie die Einsamkeit bietet eine öffentliche Plattform, um das Thema Einsamkeit und Isolation in der Gesellschaft durch Design anzugehen. Wir fordern Sie auf, Ihre Vorstellungskraft anzuregen und die Systeme, Räume und Interaktionen zu berücksichtigen, die in der heutigen Welt Sinnhaftigkeit und Verbindung erzeugen könnten.
Unser Ziel ist es, Designideen zu sammeln, die auf die Bewältigung der Einsamkeit ausgerichtet sind. Ob dies nun individuell oder kollektiv, mikro- oder makroökonomisch, digital oder greifbar, produkt- oder raumbezogen ist, liegt ganz bei Ihnen. Wir bitten Sie, die grundlegenden Ursachen der Einsamkeit, ihre Ströme, Bedingungen und Auswirkungen zu hinterfragen. Dem Ethos von Bubble folgend, bitten wir Sie dann, in mehreren Bereichen zu agieren und über das übliche Maß hinauszugehen, um das Problem der Einsamkeit durch eine kreative, designorientierte Lösung anzugehen.
Der Maßstab, die Lage und die Parameter liegen ganz bei Ihnen. Was auch immer Ihre Antwort ist, wir sind gespannt auf Ideen, die Verbindung, Zusammenarbeit und Engagement fördern.
Lassen Sie Ihre Ideen intelligent, mutig und schön sein. Sei provokant. Entwerfen Sie die Welt so, wie Sie es für richtig halten.
Competition assignment
The “Eliminate Loneliness” competition provides you a public platform to tackle the issue of loneliness and isolation in society through design. We challenge you to set your imagination alight, and consider the systems, spaces, and interactions that could generate meaningfulness and connection in today’s world.
Our aim is to collect design ideas geared towards tackling loneliness. Whether this be on the individual or collective, micro or macro, digital or tangible, product or space, is entirely up to you. We ask you to question the fundemental causes of loneliness, their flows, conditions, and effects. Following the ethos of Bubble, we then ask you to operate across multiple spheres, reaching beyond convention to tackle the issue of loneliness through a creative, design-led solution.
The scale, location, and parameters are entirely your decision. Whatever your response, we are eager to receive ideas that encourage connection, co-operation, and engagement.
Let your ideas be smart, bold, and beautiful. Be provocative. Design the world as you believe it should be.
David Basulto: Founder and CEO, ArchDaily
Anna Blinova: Art Director, VIGO Industries
Craig Martin: Professor of Architecture, TU Delft
Rob Roggema: Professor of Sustainable Spatial Transformations, Hanze University Groningen
Tom Jefferies: Professor of Architecture, Manchester School of Architecture
Offener Ideenwettbewerb
Der Wettbewerb Eliminieren Sie die Einsamkeit bietet eine öffentliche Plattform, um das Thema Einsamkeit und Isolation in der Gesellschaft durch Design anzugehen. Wir fordern Sie auf, Ihre Vorstellungskraft anzuregen und die Systeme, Räume und Interaktionen zu berücksichtigen, die in der heutigen Welt Sinnhaftigkeit und Verbindung erzeugen könnten.
Unser Ziel ist es, Designideen zu sammeln, die auf die Bewältigung der Einsamkeit ausgerichtet sind. Ob dies nun individuell oder kollektiv, mikro- oder makroökonomisch, digital oder greifbar, produkt- oder raumbezogen ist, liegt ganz bei Ihnen. Wir bitten Sie, die grundlegenden Ursachen der Einsamkeit, ihre Ströme, Bedingungen und Auswirkungen zu hinterfragen. Dem Ethos von Bubble folgend, bitten wir Sie dann, in mehreren Bereichen zu agieren und über das übliche Maß hinauszugehen, um das Problem der Einsamkeit durch eine kreative, designorientierte Lösung anzugehen.
Der Maßstab, die Lage und die Parameter liegen ganz bei Ihnen. Was auch immer Ihre Antwort ist, wir sind gespannt auf Ideen, die Verbindung, Zusammenarbeit und Engagement fördern.
Lassen Sie Ihre Ideen intelligent, mutig und schön sein. Sei provokant. Entwerfen Sie die Welt so, wie Sie es für richtig halten.
Competition assignment
The “Eliminate Loneliness” competition provides you a public platform to tackle the issue of loneliness and isolation in society through design. We challenge you to set your imagination alight, and consider the systems, spaces, and interactions that could generate meaningfulness and connection in today’s world.
Our aim is to collect design ideas geared towards tackling loneliness. Whether this be on the individual or collective, micro or macro, digital or tangible, product or space, is entirely up to you. We ask you to question the fundemental causes of loneliness, their flows, conditions, and effects. Following the ethos of Bubble, we then ask you to operate across multiple spheres, reaching beyond convention to tackle the issue of loneliness through a creative, design-led solution.
The scale, location, and parameters are entirely your decision. Whatever your response, we are eager to receive ideas that encourage connection, co-operation, and engagement.
Let your ideas be smart, bold, and beautiful. Be provocative. Design the world as you believe it should be.
David Basulto: Founder and CEO, ArchDaily
Anna Blinova: Art Director, VIGO Industries
Craig Martin: Professor of Architecture, TU Delft
Rob Roggema: Professor of Sustainable Spatial Transformations, Hanze University Groningen
Tom Jefferies: Professor of Architecture, Manchester School of Architecture
Eliminate Loneliness Design Competition
Bubble Design Competitions
Competition Assignment
The “Eliminate Loneliness” competition provides you a public platform to tackle the issue of loneliness and isolation in society through design. We challenge you to set your imagination alight, and consider the systems, spaces, and interactions that could generate meaningfulness and connection in today’s world.
Our aim is to collect design ideas geared towards tackling loneliness. Whether this be on the individual or collective, micro or macro, digital or tangible, product or space, is entirely up to you. We ask you to question the fundemental causes of loneliness, their flows, conditions, and effects. Following the ethos of Bubble, we then ask you to operate across multiple spheres, reaching beyond convention to tackle the issue of loneliness through a creative, design-led solution.
The scale, location, and parameters are entirely your decision. Whatever your response, we are eager to receive ideas that encourage connection, co-operation, and engagement.
Let your ideas be smart, bold, and beautiful. Be provocative. Design the world as you believe it should be.
Competition Type
Open ideas competition
Admission Area
The “Eliminate Loneliness” competition is open to all people who believe in generating design-led solutions to systemic societal issues. There are no barriers on age, qualifications, profession, or location. Submissions may be undertaken individually, or within a group, with a maximum of 4 participants per group.
Early Registration opens (£30): 19th February 2019
Regular Registration opens (£45): 4th March 2019
Late Registration opens (£60): 25th March 2019
Late Registration closes: 8th April 2019
Submission Deadline: 12th April 2019
Results Publication Deadline: 5th May 2019
Print Publication Launch: September 2019
David Basulto: Founder and CEO, ArchDaily
Anna Blinova: Art Director, VIGO Industries
Craig Martin: Professor of Architecture, TU Delft
Rob Roggema: Professor of Sustainable Spatial Transformations, Hanze University Groningen
Tom Jefferies: Professor of Architecture, Manchester School of Architecture
40x FINALISTS will have their submission listed on the Bubble website, and will be included in a Bubble print publication “Ideas for: Eliminating Loneliness.”
A shorlist of winners will be chosen from the 40 finalists, to be recognised as follows:
7x HONOURABLE MENTIONS will, in addition to the rewards offered for being a finalists, be included in our press packet to be sent to leading design websites for publication.
1x THIRD PLACE WINNER will, in addition to the rewards offered to the finalists and honorable mentions, receive a prize of £250.
1x SECOND PLACE WINNER will, in addition to the rewards offered to the finalists and honorable mentions, receive a prize of £500.
1x FIRST PLACE WINNER will, in addition to the rewards offered to the finalists and honorable mentions, receive a prize of £750.
More information and documents at
Bubble Design Competitions
Competition Assignment
The “Eliminate Loneliness” competition provides you a public platform to tackle the issue of loneliness and isolation in society through design. We challenge you to set your imagination alight, and consider the systems, spaces, and interactions that could generate meaningfulness and connection in today’s world.
Our aim is to collect design ideas geared towards tackling loneliness. Whether this be on the individual or collective, micro or macro, digital or tangible, product or space, is entirely up to you. We ask you to question the fundemental causes of loneliness, their flows, conditions, and effects. Following the ethos of Bubble, we then ask you to operate across multiple spheres, reaching beyond convention to tackle the issue of loneliness through a creative, design-led solution.
The scale, location, and parameters are entirely your decision. Whatever your response, we are eager to receive ideas that encourage connection, co-operation, and engagement.
Let your ideas be smart, bold, and beautiful. Be provocative. Design the world as you believe it should be.
Competition Type
Open ideas competition
Admission Area
The “Eliminate Loneliness” competition is open to all people who believe in generating design-led solutions to systemic societal issues. There are no barriers on age, qualifications, profession, or location. Submissions may be undertaken individually, or within a group, with a maximum of 4 participants per group.
Early Registration opens (£30): 19th February 2019
Regular Registration opens (£45): 4th March 2019
Late Registration opens (£60): 25th March 2019
Late Registration closes: 8th April 2019
Submission Deadline: 12th April 2019
Results Publication Deadline: 5th May 2019
Print Publication Launch: September 2019
David Basulto: Founder and CEO, ArchDaily
Anna Blinova: Art Director, VIGO Industries
Craig Martin: Professor of Architecture, TU Delft
Rob Roggema: Professor of Sustainable Spatial Transformations, Hanze University Groningen
Tom Jefferies: Professor of Architecture, Manchester School of Architecture
40x FINALISTS will have their submission listed on the Bubble website, and will be included in a Bubble print publication “Ideas for: Eliminating Loneliness.”
A shorlist of winners will be chosen from the 40 finalists, to be recognised as follows:
7x HONOURABLE MENTIONS will, in addition to the rewards offered for being a finalists, be included in our press packet to be sent to leading design websites for publication.
1x THIRD PLACE WINNER will, in addition to the rewards offered to the finalists and honorable mentions, receive a prize of £250.
1x SECOND PLACE WINNER will, in addition to the rewards offered to the finalists and honorable mentions, receive a prize of £500.
1x FIRST PLACE WINNER will, in addition to the rewards offered to the finalists and honorable mentions, receive a prize of £750.
More information and documents at