Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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EnTek building, University of Bergen , Bergen/ Norwegen

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Nicht offener Wettbewerb
Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?

1. Preis

Arkitektgruppen Cubus, Bergen
  • 1. Preis: ARKITEMA, Århus C
  • 1. Preis: ARKITEMA, Århus C
  • 1. Preis: ARKITEMA, Århus C
  • 1. Preis: ARKITEMA, Århus C
  • 1. Preis: ARKITEMA, Århus C
  • 1. Preis: ARKITEMA, Århus C
  • 1. Preis: ARKITEMA, Århus C
  • 1. Preis: ARKITEMA, Århus C
The University of Bergen in collaboration with Christian Michelsen Research (CMR), has started the work with planning a new energy and technology building, 'the EnTek building', on a site at Allégaten 66 where the building Auditorium wings currently stands. The Auditorium wing shall be demolished and the new building shall be set up so that it naturally forms an energy and technology cluster consisting of 'EnTek' and the surrounding professional environment. The scope of the 'EnTek building' is estimated to be approx. 17 000 square metres.
A limited plan and design contest will be carried out. Based on the present qualification documentation, three to five tenderers/tender groups will be chosen to participate in the planning and design contest. Those chosen will receive the tender documentation with attachments where further regulations for the contest will be found.
A jury will be appointed, that shall anonymously evaluate the submitted proposals based on criteria that will be found in the tender documentation.
The winner/winners of the planning and design contest will be invited to a consequent contest with negotiations for awarding of the service contract. The service contract will include engineering design to the finished draft project with option on further engineering design and follow-up until the completion of the project.
p> 12/06/2015    S112    European Economic Area - Service contract - Design contest - Restricted procedure  Norway-Bergen: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
2015/S 112-203612
Design contest notice
This contest is covered by: Directive 2004/18/EC

Section I: Contracting authority/entity

I.1) Name, addresses and contact point(s) The University of Bergen
874 789 542
Musèplassen 1
Contact point(s): Inventura AS
For the attention of: Margunn Wikum-Olsen
5007 Bergen
Telephone: +47 95729089
E-mail: margunn.wikum-olsen@inventura.no
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority/entity: https://www.uib.no
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s) Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s) Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)

I.2) Type of the contracting authority
National or federal agency/office

1.3) Main activity

1.4) Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities/entities
The contracting authority/entity is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities/entities: no

Section II: Object of the design contest/description of the project

II.1) Description
II.1.1) Title attributed to the design contest/project by the contracting authority/entity:
Planning and design contest, EnTek building.
II.1.2) Short description:
The University of Bergen in collaboration with Christian Michelsen Research (CMR), has started the work with planning a new energy and technology building, 'the EnTek building', on a site at Allégaten 66 where the building Auditorium wings currently stands. The Auditorium wing shall be demolished and the new building shall be set up so that it naturally forms an energy and technology cluster consisting of 'EnTek' and the surrounding professional environment. The scope of the 'EnTek building' is estimated to be approx. 17 000 square metres.
A limited plan and design contest will be carried out. Based on the present qualification documentation, three to five tenderers/tender groups will be chosen to participate in the planning and design contest. Those chosen will receive the tender documentation with attachments where further regulations for the contest will be found.
A jury will be appointed, that shall anonymously evaluate the submitted proposals based on criteria that will be found in the tender documentation.
The winner/winners of the planning and design contest will be invited to a consequent contest with negotiations for awarding of the service contract. The service contract will include engineering design to the finished draft project with option on further engineering design and follow-up until the completion of the project.
For more information about the pre-qualification, refer to the attached qualification documentation.
II.1.3) Common procurement vocabulary (CPV) 71000000
, 71200000
, 71300000
, 71400000
, 71220000
, 71240000
, 71250000
, 71320000
, 71230000

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information

III.1) Criteria for the selection of participants:
The Contracting Authority will limit the number of tenderers that will be included in the contest. If there is a sufficient number of qualified tenderers who meet the qualification requirements, 3 to 5 tenderer/tender groups will be invited to participate in the contest. The selection will be based on which tenderers are seen to be the best qualified in accordance with the listed qualification requirements, based on the received documentation. The contracting authority will select the qualified tenderers on the basis of the requirements connected to good implementation ability and good experience.
The qualification requirements are in the qualification documentation.

III.2) Information about a particular profession
Participation is reserved to a particular profession: yes
Take a closer look at the competence requirement in the qualification documentation.

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1) Type of contest
Envisaged number of participants minimum number 3. /maximum number 5

IV.2) Names of participants already selected

IV.3) Criteria to be applied in the evaluation of projects:

These will be stated in the tender documentation.

IV.4) Administrative information
IV.4.1) File reference number attributed by the contracting authority/entity:
IV.4.2) Conditions for obtaining contractual documents and additional documents
IV.4.3) Time-limit for receipt of projects or requests to participate
Date: 30.6.2015 - 12:00
IV.4.4) Date of dispatch of invitations to participate to selected candidates
Date: 5.8.2015
IV.4.5) Language(s) in which projects or requests to participate may be drawn up
Other Norwegian.

IV.5) Rewards and jury
IV.5.1) Information about prize(s):
A prize/prizes will be awarded: no
IV.5.2) Details of payments to all participants
The tenderers/tender groups that are chosen for the Planning and design contest, will each receive a remuneration of 400 000 NOK excluding VAT. It is a prerequisite for payment of remuneration, that the tender proposals are delivered in accordance with the tender documentation.
IV.5.3) Follow-up contracts
Any service contract following the contest will be awarded to the winner or one of the winners of the contest: yes
IV.5.4) Decision of the jury
The decision of the jury is binding on the contracting authority/entity: no
IV.5.5) Names of the selected members of the jury

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.1) Information about European Union funds
The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no

VI.2) Additional information:

VI.3) Procedures for appeal
VI.3.1) Body responsible for appeal procedures
VI.3.2) Lodging of appeals
VI.3.3) Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained

VI.4) Date of dispatch of this notice:

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