Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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First Window – Alternatives to Traditional Airports , Koh Phangan/ Thailand

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Alexandr Stankevich,
Projekt: Koh Phangan Airport
  • Gewinner: Alexandr Stankevich,
  • Gewinner: Alexandr Stankevich,
  • Gewinner: Alexandr Stankevich,
  • Gewinner: Alexandr Stankevich,
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Flughäfen sind heute nicht nur hochfrequentierte Verkehrsknotenpunkte, sondern sie dienen auch als wichtige Orte für Arbeit, Handel und Tourismus. Die Globalisierung und eine beispiellose Nachfrage nach Reisen haben zu einer starken Zunahme von Flughäfen in der ganzen Welt geführt.

Die Gestaltung von Flughäfen ist mit einer großen technischen Komplexität und einem funktionalen Design verbunden, das oft Vorrang vor dem lokalen und kulturellen Kontext hat. Wenn wir zum Beispiel einen Flughafen isoliert abholen, kann man seine Lage nicht anhand seines Designs beurteilen. Wenn Flughäfen der erste Ort sind, den wir sehen, wenn wir eine neue Stadt/ein neues Land betreten, wie kann er dann ein echtes Fenster zu dem bieten, was die Stadt bietet?

Und wie können wir eine solche Typologie so gestalten, dass sie mehr bietet als nur die funktionalen Bedürfnisse?

Schlagen Sie ein Konzept für das Flughafendesign der Insel Koh Phangan in Thailand vor. Teilnehmer müssen dafür nicht die technischen Details angeben. Dies ist in erster Linie nur eine konzeptionell-designerische Herausforderung.

Competition assignment
Airports today are not only highly frequented transportation hubs, but they also serve as important places for work, commerce, and recreation. Globalization and unprecedented demand for travel have resulted in the proliferation of airports around the world.

Airport design involves a lot of technical complexity and functional design that often takes precedence over local and cultural context. For example, if we pick up any airport in isolation, one cannot judge its location based on its design. If Airports are the first place we see as we enter a new city/country, how can it provide a true window to what the city offers?

Additionally, how can we design for such a typology to provide more than its functional need?

Propose a concept for the Airport Design of Koh Phangan island in Thailand. Participants need not give the technical details for it. This is primarily a concept-design challenge only.

Preisgericht / Jury
Branko Kincl, Chief Architect, KINCL Ltd, Croatia
Nick Foster, Principal, office of mcfarlane biggar architects + designers inc., Canada
Seyhan Ozdemir Sarper, Co-Founder / Head of Design, Autoban, Turkey
First Window – Alternatives to Traditional Airports

UNI, UNIEGIS NETWORK Private Limited, New Delhi

Airports today are not only highly frequented transportation hubs, but they also serve as important places for work, commerce, and recreation. Globalization and unprecedented demand for travel have resulted in the proliferation of airports around the world.

Airport design involves a lot of technical complexity and functional design that often takes precedence over local and cultural context. For example, if we pick up any airport in isolation, one cannot judge its location based on its design. If Airports are the first place we see as we enter a new city/country, how can it provide a true window to what the city offers?

Additionally, how can we design for such a typology to provide more than its functional need?

Propose a concept for the Airport Design of Koh Phangan island in Thailand. Participants need not give the technical details for it. This is primarily a concept-design challenge only.

Competition type
Open ideas competition

Admission area

Minimum eligible age for participation is 18 years.
There is no restriction to the degree or design disciplines to participate in the challenge.
Participation in the competition can happen in a team as well as an individual.
Maximum numbers of participants in a team are 4.
The challenge is open worldwide for anyone to participate.

Registration ends: February 16, 2020
Submission ends: February 26, 2020
Shortlist entries announced: March 07, 2020
Jury evaluation: March 07 – March 28, 2020
Public voting ends: March 28, 2020
Results announcement: April 07, 2020

More information and documents at

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