Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Funicular Railway to Petřín , Prag/ Tschechische Republik

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Nicht offener Wettbewerb
HAVEL & PARTNERS s.r.o., Prag
DtoB atelier s.r.o., Prag
Ende der 2. Phase
Preisgerichtssitzung 2. Phase

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?

1. Preis

Anna Marešová designers

2. Preis

Spirit Design – Innovation and Brand GmbH
DÖLLMANN Design + Architektur ZT GmbH

3. Preis


4. Preis

N+P Industrial Design
Nicht offener zweiphasiger Wettbewerb

Die Prager Verkehrsbetriebe AG (DPP) und die Hauptstadt Prag bereiten die Generalmodernisierung der Standseilbahn auf den Petřín-Berg vor, die jährlich bis zu 2 Millionen Fahrgäste befördert. Sie ist ein beliebtes Verkehrsmittel für Einheimische, Studenten und Besucher Prags, die die Prager Burg oder den Petřín-Aussichtsturm besichtigen wollen. Spätestens in vier Jahren soll die Standseilbahn modernisiert werden. Es wird jedoch erwartet, dass die ersten Fahrgäste Ende 2023 begrüßt werden können. Neben der Strecke werden auch die Wagen durch neue ersetzt. Deren Gestaltung ist Gegenstand dieses Wettbewerbs.
Gegenstand des Wettbewerbs ist der Entwurf von Standseilbahnwagen mit einer Kapazität von jeweils bis zu 120 Fahrgästen. Konkret geht es um die Gestaltung des Wagenkastens und des Innenraums der Wagen.

Competition assignment
Prague Public Transit Co., Inc. (DPP) and the Capital City of Prague have been preparing the general modernisation of the funicular to the Petřín hill transporting annually up to 2 million passengers. It is a popular means of transport used by local citizens, students, and visitors to Prague wishing to see Prague Castle or the Petřín Lookout Tower. The funicular should be modernised no later than in four years. Nevertheless, the expectation is that the first passengers could be welcomed at the end of 2023. Aside from the track also cars will be replaced with new ones. Their design is the subject of this Competition.
The subject of the competition is a design of funicular cars with the capacity of up to 120 passengers each. Specifically, it is the design of the body (box) and interior of the cars.

Preisrichter*innen / Regular Jury Members
Gerhard Nüssler - Designer, Board Member International Design Center Berlin
Jan Dědek - Designer, Senior interior designer, ŠKODA AUTO
Jiří Pelcl - Designer, Architect, Atelier Pelcl
Adam Scheinherr - Deputy Mayor, Member of the Prague City Council for public transport, Chairman of the Board of the Supervisory Board of the Prague Public Transit Co.
Anna Švarc - Architect – the Metro Dept., Prague Public Transit Co.
Design Competition with dialogue: Funicular Railway to Petřín
Contracting Authority
Prague Public Transit Co. (Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy)
Competition secretary
Anežka Selingerová, HAVEL & PARTNERS s.r.o., 
contact person for the competition participants
Petra Hrubešová, DtoB atelier s.r.o., 
contact person for other questions
hrubes.petra@gmail.com, +420 601 566 493
Legal Advisor
HAVEL & PARTNERS s.r.o., law firm
Design Competition
Prague Public Transit Co., Inc. (DPP) and the Capital City of Prague have been preparing the general modernisation of the funicular to the Petřín hill transporting annually up to 2 million passengers. It is a popular means of transport used by local citizens, students, and visitors to Prague wishing to see Prague Castle or the Petřín Lookout Tower. The funicular should be modernised no later than in four years. Nevertheless, the expectation is that the first passengers could be welcomed at the end of 2023. Aside from the track also cars will be replaced with new ones. Their design is the subject of this Competition.
Subject of the Competition
The subject of the competition is a design of funicular cars with the capacity of up to 120 passengers each. Specifically, it is the design of the body (box) and interior of the cars. 
The result of this competition will be developing the winning design into a designer study based on consultations with Prague Public Transit Co. and qualified producers. 
At the end of the competition, Prague Public Transit Co. will announce a separate tender for the manufacturer of new funicular cars, according to the winning design (or study) prepared by the designer. In addition, the designer will cooperate with the selected manufacturer of new cars to produce shop drawings of new cars.
Competition Type
Two-phase, design, restricted, non-anonymous with a dialogue
4 October 2021 – The announcement of the design competition 
7 October 2021 – Expected date of publication of the competition terms and conditions on the contracting authority´s profile
8 October 2021, at 1:30 pm – A lecture on the funicular at the Design Blok, Gabriel Loci, Holečkova 106/10, Smíchov, Prague 5
1 November 2021 – The deadline for submitting the entry application and portfolios 
November 2021 – The invitation to submit the concept of competition designs – the selection of five participants in the competition’s Phase 1
November 2021 – Site inspection
mid-December 2021 – The deadline for submitting the concept of the competition design.
February 2022 – The end of Phase 2, the selection of the winner
Regular Jury Members 
Gerhard Nüssler - Designer, Board Member International Design Center Berlin 
Jan Dědek - Designer, Senior interior designer, ŠKODA AUTO
Jiří Pelcl - Designer, Architect, Atelier Pelcl
Adam Scheinherr - Deputy Mayor, Member of the Prague City Council for public transport, Chairman of the Board of the Supervisory Board of the Prague Public Transit Co.
Anna Švarc - Architect – the Metro Dept., Prague Public Transit Co. 
Alternate Jury Members
Jan Čtvrtník - Designer, Senior Designer, Liebherr - Hausgeräte GmbH
Jiří Hadaščok - Designer, Design coordinator of the car interior, ŠKODA AUTO
Václav Brejška - Assistant to Adam Scheinherr, the long-term released member of the City Council of Prague and the Deputy Mayor for public transport and historical monument protection
Jan Šurovský - Technical Director – Surface Facilities, Member of the Board of Directors, Prague Public Transit Co.
Michal Andelek - Project Manager, Investment Dept. – Surface Facilities, Prague Public Transit Co.
Prizes and Reimbursement of Expenses
The total prize money and the reimbursement of competition expenses are CZK 1.500.000,- (~ EUR 59.100,-).
All information and documents (in English and Czech) are available at this address:

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