- wa-ID
- wa-2033749
- Tag der Veröffentlichung
- 10.03.2022
- Aktualisiert am
- 19.05.2023
- Verfahrensart
- Award
- Zulassungsbereich
- Teilnehmer
- Personen und Organisationen, die Kindern und Jugendlichen helfen, ein besseres Verständnis für Architektur und die gebaute Umwelt zu entwickeln
- Beteiligung
- 81 Arbeiten
- Auslober
- UIA Architecture & Children Work Programme
- Bewerbungsschluss
- 01.06.2022
- Abgabetermin
- 15.03.2023
- Preisgerichtssitzung
- 29.03.-18.04.2023
Awards / Auszeichnungen
Mit den Golden Cubes Awards (GCA) werden Personen und Organisationen ausgezeichnet, die Kindern und Jugendlichen helfen, ein besseres Verständnis für Architektur und die gebaute Umwelt zu entwickeln. Die Teilnehmer werden aufgefordert, Beiträge einzureichen, die Aktivitäten oder Produkte beschreiben, die Kindern und Jugendlichen vom Vorschulalter bis zum Alter von 18 Jahren etwas über architektonische Gestaltung und die Prozesse, durch die unsere Umwelt geformt wird, vermitteln.
Die Awards würdigen, ermutigen und unterstützen Einzelpersonen und Organisationen, die den Grundstein für eine architektonische Kultur legen und Kindern und Jugendlichen vom Vorschulalter bis zum Alter von 18 Jahren helfen, architektonische Gestaltung und die Prozesse, durch die unsere Umwelt geformt wird, zu verstehen. Dies wird ihnen helfen, als erwachsene Bürger wirksam an der Schaffung und intelligenten Nutzung hochwertiger Architektur mitzuwirken, die menschlich und nachhaltig ist und ihren Kontext respektiert.
Competition assignment
The Golden Cubes Awards (GCA) honour people and organizations that help children and young people to develop a better understanding of architecture and the built environment. Entrants will be invited to submit entries describing activities or products designed to teach children and young people, from pre-school up to and including the age of 18, about architectural design and the processes by which our environment is formed.
The Awards recognise, encourages, and supports individuals and organisations that lay the foundations of an architectural culture and help children and young people, from pre-school up to and including the age of 18, to understand architectural design and the processes by which our environment is shaped. This will help them, as adult citizens, to participate effectively in the creation and intelligent use of high quality architecture that is humane, sustainable and respectful of its context.
The International Jury (below) will evaluate the entries at the International Phase:
Carla Rinaldi (Italy), Pedagogue, President of Reggio Children
Angela Uttke Million (Germany), Professor
Krisztina Somogyi (Hungary), PhD – Communication Specialist, UIA A&C WP member
Jorge Raedo (Colombia), Media specialist
Heba Safey Eldeen (Egypt), Professor, UIA WP Architecture & Children Co-Director
Ken-ichi Suzuki (Japan), Professor, Nagoya City University
Peter Exley (USA), American Institute of Architects (AIA) 2021 President, Architecture is Fun
Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:
Awards / Auszeichnungen
Mit den Golden Cubes Awards (GCA) werden Personen und Organisationen ausgezeichnet, die Kindern und Jugendlichen helfen, ein besseres Verständnis für Architektur und die gebaute Umwelt zu entwickeln. Die Teilnehmer werden aufgefordert, Beiträge einzureichen, die Aktivitäten oder Produkte beschreiben, die Kindern und Jugendlichen vom Vorschulalter bis zum Alter von 18 Jahren etwas über architektonische Gestaltung und die Prozesse, durch die unsere Umwelt geformt wird, vermitteln.
Die Awards würdigen, ermutigen und unterstützen Einzelpersonen und Organisationen, die den Grundstein für eine architektonische Kultur legen und Kindern und Jugendlichen vom Vorschulalter bis zum Alter von 18 Jahren helfen, architektonische Gestaltung und die Prozesse, durch die unsere Umwelt geformt wird, zu verstehen. Dies wird ihnen helfen, als erwachsene Bürger wirksam an der Schaffung und intelligenten Nutzung hochwertiger Architektur mitzuwirken, die menschlich und nachhaltig ist und ihren Kontext respektiert.
Competition assignment
The Golden Cubes Awards (GCA) honour people and organizations that help children and young people to develop a better understanding of architecture and the built environment. Entrants will be invited to submit entries describing activities or products designed to teach children and young people, from pre-school up to and including the age of 18, about architectural design and the processes by which our environment is formed.
The Awards recognise, encourages, and supports individuals and organisations that lay the foundations of an architectural culture and help children and young people, from pre-school up to and including the age of 18, to understand architectural design and the processes by which our environment is shaped. This will help them, as adult citizens, to participate effectively in the creation and intelligent use of high quality architecture that is humane, sustainable and respectful of its context.
The International Jury (below) will evaluate the entries at the International Phase:
Carla Rinaldi (Italy), Pedagogue, President of Reggio Children
Angela Uttke Million (Germany), Professor
Krisztina Somogyi (Hungary), PhD – Communication Specialist, UIA A&C WP member
Jorge Raedo (Colombia), Media specialist
Heba Safey Eldeen (Egypt), Professor, UIA WP Architecture & Children Co-Director
Ken-ichi Suzuki (Japan), Professor, Nagoya City University
Peter Exley (USA), American Institute of Architects (AIA) 2021 President, Architecture is Fun
Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:
Golden Cubes Awards 2023, 5th Edition
UIA Architecture & Children Work Programme
Theme and Objectives
The Golden Cubes Awards (GCA) honour people and organizations that help children and young people to develop a better understanding of architecture and the built environment. Entrants will be invited to submit entries describing activities or products designed to teach children and young people, from pre-school up to and including the age of 18, about architectural design and the processes by which our environment is formed.
The Awards recognise, encourages, and supports individuals and organisations that lay the foundations of an architectural culture and help children and young people, from pre-school up to and including the age of 18, to understand architectural design and the processes by which our environment is shaped. This will help them, as adult citizens, to participate effectively in the creation and intelligent use of high quality architecture that is humane, sustainable and respectful of its context.
The UIA Architecture & Children Golden Cubes Awards invites competitors to present submissions relating to an activity, which is currently active, or to a product produced, or an event which has taken place.
Entries should mirror activities or publications digital or physical performed or produced during the 2020 to 2023.
February 2022 – Announcement
February 2022 - January 2023 – National Nomination Process
1st of June 2022 – Notify UIA Architecture & Children WP of National participation
1st of October 2022 – Deadline for submission of questions about the International Awards
1st of November 2022 – Final FAQ answers issued by International Organizers
15th of March 2023 – Deadline for submission of National Nominations to UIA
April 2023 – International Awards Jury and Announcement of the winners
July 2023 – UIA Congress Copenhagen/ Award ceremony
Jury Members
The International Jury (below) will evaluate the entries at the International Phase:
Carla Rinaldi (Italy), Pedagogue, President of Reggio Children
Angela Uttke Million (Germany), Professor
Krisztina Somogyi (Hungary), PhD – Communication Specialist, UIA A&C WP member
Jorge Raedo (Colombia), Media specialist
Heba Safey Eldeen (Egypt), Professor, UIA WP Architecture & Children Co-Director
Ken-ichi Suzuki (Japan), Professor, Nagoya City University
Peter Exley (USA), American Institute of Architects (AIA) 2021 President, Architecture is Fun
The prize for each winner in the International Awards is a Certificate and/or a Trophy. Winning and special mentioned entries will be included in the UIA Architecture & Children Work Programme exhibition at the UIA Congress in Copenhagen, July 2023.
Winning and special mentioned entries will be exhibited in the UIA Architecture & Children Work Programme exhibition at the UIA Congress in Copenhagen and, together with the Jury’s Report, will be published on the UIA BEE Website. The results will be published in UIA Newsletters and promoted through the international press and media.
More information and documents at