Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Green City Kigali, Republic of Rwanda , Kigali/ Ruanda

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Nicht offener Wettbewerb
Architekt*innen und Stadtplaner*innen
RIBA Competitions, Leeds

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Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
Light Earth Designs
Studio FH Architects
Turner & Townsend LLC
Grant Associates
Atelier Ten
Nicht offener Wettbewerb

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) freut sich, im Namen von Rwanda's Green Fund (FONERWA), KfW Development Bank und dem Green Climate Fund (GCF) den Start eines internationalen Design-Wettbewerbs für das geplante Green City Kigali Projekt in Ruandas Hauptstadt bekannt zu geben.

Ruanda's Green Fund (FONERWA) hat Sweco, eines der führenden europäischen Ingenieur- und Architekturberatungsunternehmen, mit der Durchführung einer Machbarkeitsstudie für das ehrgeizige Stadtentwicklungsprojekt beauftragt. Die Machbarkeitsstudie spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Schaffung der Grundlagen für die Umsetzung von Green City Kigali und den künftigen Bau der geplanten Pilotanlage.

Wie in der Projektbeschreibung dargelegt, zielt Green City Kigali darauf ab, die wichtigsten Herausforderungen des Wohnungsmarktes in Kigali anzugehen: Erschwinglichkeit von Wohnraum, Wohnungsangebot und Zersiedelung der Stadt als Folge des hügeligen Geländes, des Bevölkerungswachstums und der derzeitigen Bebauungsmuster mit geringer Dichte. Green City Kigali soll zu einem transformativen Projekt werden, das erschwinglichen Wohnraum mit Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel und zur Eindämmung des Klimawandels verknüpft, um neue Standards für eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung zu schaffen, die in anderen Teilen Ruandas und darüber hinaus nachgeahmt werden können. Ziel ist es, eine kompakte, gemischt genutzte Siedlung mit Schwerpunkt auf Fußgängerzonen zu schaffen, die ihren Bewohnern öffentliche Freiflächen, Nachbarschaftseinrichtungen und lokale Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten bietet, um eine integrative, sichere, widerstandsfähige und nachhaltige Gemeinschaft zu fördern.

Mit dem Wettbewerb soll ein erfahrenes und qualifiziertes Planungsbüro für Städtebau und Architektur (und ein von ihm zusammengestelltes multidisziplinäres Team von Unterberatern) beauftragt werden, die Vorschläge für den Masterplan für das 600 Hektar große Gebiet Kinyinya Hill weiterzuentwickeln und einen detaillierten Masterplan sowie Informationen zur Bauphase für das Pilotprojekt zu erstellen.

Competition assignment
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), on behalf of Rwanda’s Green Fund (FONERWA), KfW Development Bank and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is pleased to announce the launch of an International Design Competition for the proposed Green City Kigali development in Rwanda’s capital.

Rwanda’s Green Fund (FONERWA) has commissioned Sweco, one of Europe’s leading engineering and architecture consultancy companies, to carry out a feasibility study of the ambitious urban development project. The feasibility study plays a pivotal role in laying the groundwork for the implementation of the Green City Kigali and the future construction of the envisaged pilot development.

As stated in the project brief, Green City Kigali seeks to address the main challenges faced by the housing market in Kigali: housing affordability, housing supply and urban sprawl as a consequence of hilly terrain, population increase, and current patterns of low density development. The ambition is for Green City Kigali to become a transformative project, linking affordable housing with climate change adaptation and mitigation measures to help establish new standards for sustainable urban development that can be replicated elsewhere in Rwanda and beyond. The aim is to create a compact, mixed use development with a pedestrian focus that will provide its residents with public open space, neighbourhood facilities and local employment opportunities to encourage an inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable community.

Through the design competition, the selection process is seeking to appoint an experienced and suitably qualified Urban and Architectural Design Consultant organisation (and their assembled multi-disciplinary sub-consultant team) to further develop their masterplan proposals for the 600 hectare Kinyinya Hill area, together with a detailed masterplan and associated construction stage information for the pilot development.

Paul Finch
Peter Oborn
Martin Rein-Cano
Green City Kigali, Republic of Rwanda
Rwanda’s Green Fund (FONERWA)
KfW Development Bank
Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Competition Contact
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
No 1 Aire Street, Leeds, LS1 4PR
The Competition
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), on behalf of Rwanda’s Green Fund (FONERWA), KfW Development Bank and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is pleased to announce the launch of an International Design Competition for the proposed Green City Kigali development in Rwanda’s capital.  
Rwanda’s Green Fund (FONERWA) has commissioned Sweco, one of Europe’s leading engineering and architecture consultancy companies, to carry out a feasibility study of the ambitious urban development project. The feasibility study plays a pivotal role in laying the groundwork for the implementation of the Green City Kigali and the future construction of the envisaged pilot development.
As stated in the project brief, Green City Kigali seeks to address the main challenges faced by the housing market in Kigali: housing affordability, housing supply and urban sprawl as a consequence of hilly terrain, population increase, and current patterns of low density development. The ambition is for Green City Kigali to become a transformative project, linking affordable housing with climate change adaptation and mitigation measures to help establish new standards for sustainable urban development that can be replicated elsewhere in Rwanda and beyond. The aim is to create a compact, mixed use development with a pedestrian focus that will provide its residents with public open space, neighbourhood facilities and local employment opportunities to encourage an inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable community.
Through the design competition, the selection process is seeking to appoint an experienced and suitably qualified Urban and Architectural Design Consultant organisation (and their assembled multi-disciplinary sub-consultant team) to further develop their masterplan proposals for the 600 hectare Kinyinya Hill area, together with a detailed masterplan and associated construction stage information for the pilot development.
In the first instance, applications are invited in accordance with the requirements set out in the Prequalification Document.
A maximum of five applicant teams will be shortlisted and invited to participate in the design competition and tender phase. Each shortlisted team that makes a design submission and complies with the tender requirements will receive an honorarium payment of Euro €50,000 as a contribution towards the cost of visiting the site, preparing the masterplan proposals and presenting these to the Adjudication Panel at a clarification interview to be held in Kigali.
The deadline for receipt of Prequalification returns is 14.00hrs (GMT) on Wednesday 18 December 2019.
More information and details at

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