Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Hans Sauer Award 2021 // Circular Cities - Designing Urban Communities of Tomorrow , München/ Deutschland

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
2. Quartal 2021

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?

Nominierung Best Pratice

Collaborative reuse of digital devices  to foster social justice & reduce environmental  impacts in the City of Sant Boi de Llobregat

Nominierung Best Pratice


Nominierung Strategy


Nominierung Strategy


Nominierung Idea

Award / Auszeichnung

Hans Sauer Stiftung. München

The negative impact of the linear economic system is most noticeable in urban areas: Cities currently consume 75 percent of the extracted na- tural resources, produce 50 percent of global waste, and emit between 60 and 80 percent of all greenhouse gases. The UN forecasts further growth in urban population from just under 4 billion today to 6.5 billion in 2050 – a demographic trend that will intensify the problems of urban areas.
More and more cities have become aware of their environmental and so- cial challenges and are searching for new solutions. Many turned to one promising idea: circular economy (or circularity). Initially championed by international organizations and the corporate world, circularity is now considered a viable approach to tackle the challenges of urban areas, now and in the future.
Circular economy departs from the continuous use of finite resources by decoupling economic activity from linear consumption. The ultimate goal is the reduction of waste and the creation of a closed-loop system. That is why the majority of pilots for circular cities prioritize technical solutions and material flows. These projects model circularity in line with today’s market structures and a focus on business – societal aspects are often left aside.
However, societal aspects such as participation, social justice, and quality of life are indispensable if circularity as a model is to foster genuine and comprehensive sustainability. In other words: We must broaden the con- cept of circular urban economies to circular urban societies.
We believe: Circular societies are the key to sustainable solutions for the numerous challenges cities face today and in the future. The 2021 Hans Sauer Award “Circular Cities” therefore focuses on the societal aspects of circularity.
The Hans Sauer Foundation is searching for new ways of cross-sector co- operation to transform cities of today into circular societies of tomorrow. And we need everybody – public authorities, citizens, businesses, civil society initiatives, and non-profit-organizations. Let us make the vision of circular societies a reality!
Hans Sauer Award 2021 // Circular Cities - Designing Urban Communities of Tomorrow

Hans Sauer Stiftung
Haus des Stiftens
Landshuter Allee 11
80637 München
T. +49 89 613 67 211

The negative impact of the linear economic system is most noticeable in urban areas: Cities currently consume 75 percent of the extracted na- tural resources, produce 50 percent of global waste, and emit between 60 and 80 percent of all greenhouse gases. The UN forecasts further growth in urban population from just under 4 billion today to 6.5 billion in 2050 – a demographic trend that will intensify the problems of urban areas.
More and more cities have become aware of their environmental and so- cial challenges and are searching for new solutions. Many turned to one promising idea: circular economy (or circularity). Initially championed by international organizations and the corporate world, circularity is now considered a viable approach to tackle the challenges of urban areas, now and in the future.
Circular economy departs from the continuous use of finite resources by decoupling economic activity from linear consumption. The ultimate goal is the reduction of waste and the creation of a closed-loop system. That is why the majority of pilots for circular cities prioritize technical solutions and material flows. These projects model circularity in line with today’s market structures and a focus on business – societal aspects are often left aside.
However, societal aspects such as participation, social justice, and quality of life are indispensable if circularity as a model is to foster genuine and comprehensive sustainability. In other words: We must broaden the con- cept of circular urban economies to circular urban societies.
We believe: Circular societies are the key to sustainable solutions for the numerous challenges cities face today and in the future. The 2021 Hans Sauer Award “Circular Cities” therefore focuses on the societal aspects of circularity.
The Hans Sauer Foundation is searching for new ways of cross-sector co- operation to transform cities of today into circular societies of tomorrow. And we need everybody – public authorities, citizens, businesses, civil society initiatives, and non-profit-organizations. Let us make the vision of circular societies a reality!

The competition is open to municipalities, non-public organizations and initiatives, academic institutions, start-ups, and civil society groups. We welcome everybody mentioned above to hand in their ideas, strategies, or best practice examples for circular city projects. Cross-sectoral colla- borations are viewed particularly favorable. Application requires at least two partners or partner organizations. Only applicants from Europe are permitted. The award language is English.

There are three award categories:
Ideas: Early stage, from small-scale to large-scale
Strategies: Mature ideas and long-term strategies; from initiatives to mu- nicipalities to cross-sectoral collaborations, from top-down to bottom-up; finalized strategies before implementation
Best Practice: Proven and implemented examples
There is one award per category – three in total. The jury will contribute and allocate the prize money of 20.000 Euro in total to the respective categories.

Registration opens on October 1, 2020 and closes January 31, 2021.
The finalists will be announced in February 2021. Finalists will receive an invitation to the award ceremony which will take place in the second quarter of 2021.

Applicants should submit the following documents to: award2021@hanssauerstiftung.com.
A description of the project, building, project, tool, etc. in English. The description should not exceed 1.000 – 2.000 words and contain all visual materials necessary for understanding the submission (images, graphics, illustrations, videos).
Information required in your application:
1. Name of your project
2. Full name, birthdate and email address of all applicants involved 3. Name and addresses of institution, office, company, etc. involved 4. Your chosen award category
The application should address the following questions:
1. How does your project foster societal aspects of creating circularity? 2. What aspects of circularity take priority in your project?
3. What are the participatory elements of your submission?
4. What makes your submission innovative?
5. What are the ecological and social benefits of your submission?

Legal Notice
The process and results of the competition will be communicated via print and internet media. All pro- perty and copyrights for the entries made in the competition remain with the entrants. For the duration
of the competition and publications made in direct connection to this competition, participants will grant the Hans Sauer Foundation temporary use and publication rights for the selected texts, concepts, function models, photos, etc. The participants agree to this with their registration.

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