Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Haus der Märchen , Odense/ Dänemark

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb
475 Arbeiten
Harrer Ingenieure GmbH, Karlsruhe

Wie lautet der dritte Buchstabe von "wettbewerbe"?

1. Preis

Rodion Kitaev, Basel
Artem Staborovsky
Nikolay Martynov
Maxim Spivakov
Leonid Slonimsky
Artem Kitaev

1. Preis

Leith Kerr Architecture, London

1. Preis

Transborder Studio, Oslo
Øystein Ro · Espen Røyseland
Øystein Rø · Espen Røyseland · Fredrikke Frølich

2. Preis

Norell / Rodhe Arkitektur, Stockholm
Daniel Norell · Einar Rodhe
Aron Fidjeland · Axel Wolgers


Soriano & Asociados arquitectos, Madrid
Federico Soriano · Dolores Palacios
Team: Carolina Cabello · Clara Dios Díez
Cristina Fernández Campos · Nicola Ragucci


Peter Sand, Kopenhagen


bFarchitecture Bobby Fogel, Antwerpen
Bobby Fogel
Mitarbeit: Mohamed Bouzrara · Olfa Kammoun


Magdalena Jagoda, Katarzyna Kokot, Katowice


Studio Weave, London
Je Ahn · Maria Smith · Maddie Kessler · Rosie Hervey


Sandor Guba, Wien
Team: Panni Bodonyi · Sandor Guba · Peter Hamori
Nicht offener Realisierungswettbewerb mit vorgeschaltetem Bewerbungsverfahren zur Auswahl von 7 Teilnehmern sowie 3 Zuladungen

Mit einem Ideenwettbewerb soll in der Geburtsstadt von Hans Christian Andersen ein neues Haus der Märchen mit einem Zaubergarten entstehen, unter Einbeziehung der umgebenden historischen Gebäude.
Der alte Distrikt mit dem bestehenden Museum wurde in den 60er Jahren durch eine Schnellstraße größtenteils zerstört. Im Sommer 2014 wird die Schnellstraße stillgelegt und im Rahmen eines großen Stadtentwicklungsprojekts be-baut. Der Garten von Lotze soll nun vergrößert und zum grünen Herz der Stadt werden.
Für den Entwurf können historische Bauten erhalten, integriert oder abgerissen werden, unter besonderer Hervorhebung des Geburtshauses von Andersen. Neue und alte Museumsgebäude, Kinderkulturzentrum und Garten sollen zu einer Einheit verbunden werden, die sich respektvoll in die Umgebung einfügt. Das Haus der Märchen soll als Landmarke von Odense Anwohner und Besucher in die Welt von Andersen einführen. Jährlich werden bis zu 210.000 Besucher erwartet.
Die Gesamtfläche liegt zwischen 4.500 und 6.000m² inklusive der zu erhaltenen bestehenden Gebäude und Anlagen, die sich aus Ausstellungsflächen, Besuchereinrichtungen wie z.B. Foyer, Café, Shop, Garderobe etc., Verwaltung, Technik und Lager zusammensetzen.

Competition assignment
The aim of the competition was to get ideas for the presentation of Hans Christian Andersen’s work by constructing a new House of Fairytales in his native town, laying out a magic garden and incorporating the existing historic building environment. The new and old museum shall be combined and the children’s cultural centre shall be redesigned. Up to 210,000 visitors are expected per year. The total floor area of the house of fairytales is between 4,500m² and 6,000m², including exhibition and presentation areas, visitor facilities, administration facilities, technical rooms and storage.

Jørgen Clausen, Stadt Odense (Vors.)
Anker Boye, Stadt Odense
Jane Jegind, Stadt Odense
Stefan Birkebjerg Andersen, Stadt Odense
Hans Peter Svendler, Realdania
Lars Autrup, Realdania
Torben Grøngaart Jeppesen, Odense City Museum
Asger Halling Lorentzen, Odense City Museum
Prof. Johannes Nørregaard Frandsen,
University of Southern Denmark/Hans Christian Andersen Centre
Christian Have, Have Kommunikation
Signe Cold, Danish Architects’ Association
Gabbe Bat Finke, Danish Architect’s Association
New Hans Christian Andersen House of Fairytales in Odense, Denmark
The eternally pertinent stories of Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen appeal to people all over the world and are read by children and adults alike. However, the treasure trove of fairytales needs a physical setting that matches the poetry. That is why Odense City Museums and the City of Odense are now launching an international open ideas competition for a new presentation concept, a new House of Fairytales and a fairytale garden: a new attraction that should welcome people into Andersen’s fairytale world and also serve as a world-class landmark in Odense, the birthplace of the writer. The ideas competition is co-sponsored by the Realdania Foundation.

Distinctive attraction
The little yellow corner house known as the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen is one of the main attractions in the Danish city of Odense. The main focus of the presentations is currently on the life and character of the writer, but the museum does not fully respond to the great interest in the fairytales shared by the people who come from all over the world to see it.
In launching a large-scale international ideas competition, Odense City Museums and the City of Odense now invite architects, communicators, artists and others to present innovative ideas for an overall concept that can combine the current facilities of the place in a single distinctive attraction. The new House of Fairytales should unite, continue and develop the experiences currently offered by the museum, while at the same time adding a new layer to ensure that the fairytales will to a greater extent be the gateway to the world of Hans Christian Andersen. The House of Fairytales should communicate the power of the stories and offer a complete experience in which curiosity, imagination, experience and reflection go hand in hand with architecture of the very best quality.

The House of Fairytales: part of a new city centre
Right now there is a unique opportunity to rethink the area around the Hans Christian Andersen House in the context of the city of Odense. The competition site is located at the city centre, which is currently undergoing major transformation. The city district that was bisected by the four-lane Thomas B Thriges Gade road in the 1960s will be reconnected, and new green neighbourhoods with housing, workplaces and commercial and cultural facilities will be created.
The result of the ideas competition will be taken into account in the preparation of a subsequent design competition that is to bring the concept even closer to realisation. A total fund of € 100,000 has been set aside for prizes to the winning entries in the competition.

Further information
Torben Grøngaard Jeppesen, museum director,
Odense City Museums, tgj@odense.dk
Tel. +45 65 51 46 00 / +45 20 90 13 10
Jørgen Clausen, chief executive, City of Odense,
jc@odense.dk, tel. +45 65 51 10 00
Lars Autrup, project manager, Realdania;
tel. +45 70 11 66 66

The international ideas competition is open to everyone throughout the world and is particularly aimed at architects, museum professionals, communicators, designers, landscape architects, urban planners, theatre professionals and others with good ideas. The Danish Architects’ Association will act as competition adviser throughout the competition period. Competition entries should take the vision for a Hans Christian Andersen House of Fairytales and a fairytale garden set out in the competition brief into account and should describe the museum presentation and communication aspects and the spatial and architectural framework of the House of Fairytales and the garden in a single concept.

Entries must be submitted no later than 29 November 2013, and the competition result is scheduled for announcement in late March 2014. The subsequent design competition is expected to be launched later in 2014. The scope of the project as well as its budget and time schedule will be determined on the basis of the result of the ideas competition.

The ideas competition brief can be downloaded at

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