Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • 1. Preis / 1st prize: Tania Powers, Araya Gonzalez (Haiti)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd prize: Yuanjie Kong, Jieruo Zhang, Ruijie Yan, Kevin Cristopher He Lan (China)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd prize: Veronica Dominguez, Marcson Tanis (USA)
  • Special Mention: Zainab Riyaz, Shreya Kankaria (India)
  • Honourable Mention: Antonio Crosta (Italy)
  • Honourable Mention: Yeredny Matos, Hillary Ferrer (Cuba)
  • Honourable Mention: Cemre Su Aydoğan (Turkey)
  • Honourable Mention: Hu Jiaming, Qi Mingfeng (China)

HOME 2123 , Indien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
Architekt*innen und Designer*innen
203 Arbeiten

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?

1. Preis / 1st prize

The Cymatic Sanctum
Tania Powers, Araya Gonzalez (Haiti)
  • 1. Preis / 1st prize: Tania Powers, Araya Gonzalez (Haiti)
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • 1. Preis / 1st prize: Tania Powers, Araya Gonzalez (Haiti)

2. Preis / 2nd prize

N+Gen Moldule
Yuanjie Kong, Jieruo Zhang, Ruijie Yan, Kevin Cristopher He Lan (China)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd prize: Yuanjie Kong, Jieruo Zhang, Ruijie Yan, Kevin Cristopher He Lan (China)
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • 2. Preis / 2nd prize: Yuanjie Kong, Jieruo Zhang, Ruijie Yan, Kevin Cristopher He Lan (China)

3. Preis / 3rd prize

TerraWave: A Fluid Grounding House
Veronica Dominguez, Marcson Tanis (USA)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd prize: Veronica Dominguez, Marcson Tanis (USA)
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • 3. Preis / 3rd prize: Veronica Dominguez, Marcson Tanis (USA)

Special Mention

Future Nest Living: A Honeycomb-inspired Futuristic Habitat
Zainab Riyaz, Shreya Kankaria (India)
  • Special Mention: Zainab Riyaz, Shreya Kankaria (India)
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • Special Mention: Zainab Riyaz, Shreya Kankaria (India)

Honourable Mention

Antonio Crosta (Italy)
  • Honourable Mention: Antonio Crosta (Italy)
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • Honourable Mention: Antonio Crosta (Italy)

Honourable Mention

The Nature Nest
Yeredny Matos, Hillary Ferrer (Cuba)
  • Honourable Mention: Yeredny Matos, Hillary Ferrer (Cuba)
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • Honourable Mention: Yeredny Matos, Hillary Ferrer (Cuba)

Honourable Mention

Cemre Su Aydoğan (Turkey)
  • Honourable Mention: Cemre Su Aydoğan (Turkey)
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • Honourable Mention: Cemre Su Aydoğan (Turkey)

Honourable Mention

Hu Jiaming, Qi Mingfeng (China)
  • Honourable Mention: Hu Jiaming, Qi Mingfeng (China)
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • HOME 2123
  • Honourable Mention: Hu Jiaming, Qi Mingfeng (China)
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Archiol Competitions hat diese dritte Ausgabe des zukünftigen Home - Designwettbewerbs organisiert, um die Möglichkeiten der Wohnarchitektur in der Zukunft zu verstehen und um die Vorstellungskraft in der Architektur zu testen.

Home 2123 ist ein Architekturwettbewerb, der von Archiol Competitions organisiert wird. In diesem Wettbewerb laden wir Architekten und Designer ein, die Idee des Wohnens im Jahr 2123 zu erforschen und sich vorzustellen. Auf unserem Weg in die Zukunft werden technologische Fortschritte, Umweltbelange und die sich entwickelnde soziale Dynamik unsere Vorstellung von einem Zuhause neu gestalten. Dieser Wettbewerb soll die Grenzen der Vorstellungskraft und der Innovation erweitern und gleichzeitig die Herausforderungen und Chancen des 22. Jahrhunderts aufgreifen.

Der Architekturwettbewerb "Home 2123" fordert die Teilnehmer auf, sich die Zukunft des Wohndesigns vorzustellen, indem sie fortschrittliche Technologien, ökologische Nachhaltigkeit, Anpassungsfähigkeit, Gemeinschaft und menschliches Wohlbefinden integrieren. Durch die Teilnahme an diesem Wettbewerb haben Sie die Möglichkeit, das Konzept des Wohnens für kommende Generationen zu gestalten. Wir freuen uns darauf, Ihre visionären Ideen und transformativen Entwürfe zu sehen.

Competition assignment
Archiol Competitions has organized this third edition of the future Home - design competition to understand the possibilities of residential architecture in the future and to test the skill of imagination in architecture.

Home 2123 is an architecture design competition organised by archiol competitions. In this competition, we invite architects and designers to explore and envision the idea of home in the year 2123. As we progress into the future, technological advancements, environmental concerns, and evolving social dynamics will reshape our concept of what constitutes a home. This competition aims to push the boundaries of imagination and innovation while addressing the challenges and opportunities of the 22nd century.

The "Home 2123" Architecture Design Competition challenges participants to envision the future of home design by integrating advanced technologies, environmental sustainability, adaptability, community, and human well-being. By participating in this competition, you have the opportunity to shape the concept of home for generations to come. We look forward to witnessing your visionary ideas and transformative designs.

Antonella Marzi, Senior Architect, PhD and author

Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:

HOME 2123
JUL – DEC 2023
"Each new situation requires a new architecture."
- Jean Nouvel
Archiol Competitions has organized this third edition of the future  Home - design competition to understand the possibilities of residential architecture in the future and to test the skill of imagination in architecture.
Home 2123 is an architecture design competition organised by archiol competitions. In this competition, we invite architects and designers to explore and envision the idea of home in the year 2123. As we progress into the future, technological advancements, environmental concerns, and evolving social dynamics will reshape our concept of what constitutes a home. This competition aims to push the boundaries of imagination and innovation while addressing the challenges and opportunities of the 22nd century.
The "Home 2123" Architecture Design Competition challenges participants to envision the future of home design by integrating advanced technologies, environmental sustainability, adaptability, community, and human well-being. By participating in this competition, you have the opportunity to shape the concept of home for generations to come. We look forward to witnessing your visionary ideas and transformative designs.
"To create, one must first question everything."
- Eileen Gray
The primary objective of this competition is to encourage participants to reimagine the concept of home in the year 2123, considering the following aspects:
  1. Technological Integration: Envision the integration of advanced technologies within homes, such as artificial intelligence, automation, augmented reality, renewable energy systems, and sustainable building materials.
  2. Environmental Sustainability: Design homes that are environmentally responsible, considering aspects like energy efficiency, waste reduction, water conservation, and integration with natural surroundings.
  3. Adaptability and Flexibility: Create homes that can adapt to changing needs and lifestyles, allowing for multi-functional spaces, modular structures, and customizable features to accommodate various family sizes, generations, and activities.
  4. Community and Connectivity: Explore how homes can foster a sense of community and interconnectedness, considering shared spaces, collaborative environments, and opportunities for social interaction within neighborhoods and urban contexts.
  5. Human Well-being: Prioritize the physical and mental well-being of residents through the incorporation of biophilic design principles, ample natural light, ergonomic features, indoor air quality optimization, and spaces that promote health, relaxation, and personal growth.
Design Deliverables:
Participants are required to submit the following design deliverables:
  1. Conceptual Design: Present an overall vision and concept for a futuristic home in the year 2123, including floor plans, elevations, and 3D visualizations. Describe how your design addresses the objectives outlined above.
  2. Technological Integration: Describe how advanced technologies are incorporated into the design, such as smart home systems, energy management, automation, and any other innovative features.
  3. Sustainability Strategy: Outline the sustainable features of your design, including energy-efficient systems, renewable energy integration, waste management solutions, and strategies for minimizing environmental impact.
  4. Human-Centric Design: Explain how your design prioritizes the well-being and comfort of the residents, focusing on elements such as natural lighting, ventilation, acoustics, privacy, safety, and biophilic design principles.
  5. Community Integration: Describe how your design fosters a sense of community, connectivity, and social interaction within the home and its surrounding environment.
  • This competition is open to all.
  • You can participate individually or as a team (Maximum 4 members in a team)
Registration deadline:  31st December 2023
  • JUL 02 – JUL 20 – AR 1
  • JUL 21 – AUG 08 – AR 2
  • AUG 09   – AUG 23 – AR 3
  • AUG 24 – SEP 23 – SR 1
  • SEP 24 – OCT 23 – SR 2
  • OCT 24 –  NOV 23 – SR 3
  • NOV 24 – DEC 23 – SR 4
  • DEC 24 – DEC 31 – LR 1
Submission Starts:  23rd December 2023
Submission Ends: 5th January 2024
Result Announcement: 7th March 2024
*All deadlines are 11:59 PM UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
Winners (X3): Certificate of achievement + Publication + Interviews
Honourable mentions (X5): Certificates + Publication
Shortlisted entries (X30): Certificates
*All the certificates will be attested and e-format.
Visit our website: www.archiol.org
Click the competition banner:
Archiol – www.archiol.org
Doubts /Queries related to the competition: contact@archiol.org

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