Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Improving Liveability of Small Houses 2022 - Season III , Ahmedabad/ Indien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
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Offener Wettbewerb
Architekten, Ingenieure, Planer, Innenarchitekten und Möbeldesigner, Studenten, NGOs für Siedlungsentwicklung, Regierungsstellen, Fachkräfte für Aufwertung und Sanierung von Slums, Designer und Betreiber von Unterkünften des informellen Sektors

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?

1. Preis

Projekt: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal
Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale
Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave
  • 1. Preis: Redeveloping Idgah Hills, Bhopal | © Purvis Kathiriya · Dhruv Goel · Kajal Rana · Aparna Vaish · Dnyanesh Kale · Richa Markam · Sushma Rani · Sahil Gandhi · Poonam Visave

2. Preis

Projekt: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu
Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal
  • 2. Preis: A Space that Prioritises “Uyir” (life) and “Equity”, Villivakkam, Tamil Nadu | © Bibi Syeda Hafiza Jamal

3. Preis

Projekt: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore
Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
  • 3. Preis: Fostering Identity, Porosity, and Hierarchy, Adugodi, Bangalore | © Rainmaker Studio Suman Paul
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Der vom Habitat Forum INHAF in Zusammenarbeit mit CREDAI Pune Metro veranstaltete Open Ideas National Competition 2022 "Improving Liveability of Small Houses", richtet sich an praktizierende Architekten, Innenarchitekten, Planer, Ingenieure und Studenten dieser Fachrichtungen, Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs) und Regierungsbehörden; Fachkräfte, die sich mit Slum-Sanierung und -Renovierung befassen, und andere mit innovativen Ideen zur Entwicklung von Vorschlägen zur Verbesserung der Bewohnbarkeit von kleinen, preisgünstigen Wohnungen, die von öffentlichen Einrichtungen und privaten Bauherren im Rahmen des PMAY (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana) und anderer erschwinglicher Wohnungsbauprogramme und -projekte errichtet werden.

Im Rahmen des Wettbewerbs sollen auch aktuelle und frühere In-situ-Slum-Verbesserungsprojekte und Slum-Sanierungsprojekte untersucht werden, um Ideen zur Verbesserung der Projektgestaltung, Planung, Finanzierung und Durchführung solcher Projekte zu finden.

Der Wettbewerb sucht nach innovativen Ideen im anspruchsvollen Bereich der Gestaltung kleiner Häuser. Außerdem soll er Aufmerksamkeit erregen und das Bewusstsein dafür schärfen:

1. Die unzureichende Größe, die durch die Beschränkungen der Erschwinglichkeit diktiert wird, könnte durch Innovationen in der Planung, dem Design und der Konstruktion gestreckt werden
2. Eine auf den Menschen ausgerichtete Projektplanung sollte psychologische, soziale, kulturelle und lebensstilbezogene Faktoren sowie die partizipative/beratende Praxis einbeziehen.
3. Nachhaltige Aspekte der Wasser- und Energieeinsparung und der Abfallbewirtschaftung sollten integraler Bestandteil der Projektplanung sein.
4. Die Gebäude sollten sich konstruktiv in das Stadtbild einfügen, und
5. Der Schwerpunkt sollte auch auf den gemeinschaftlichen Aspekten des Lebens liegen.

Mit diesem Wettbewerb soll den Herausforderungen begegnet werden, die sich bei der Bereitstellung von lebenswerten und gleichzeitig erschwinglichen Häusern in Indien stellen. Es werden Innovationen gesucht, die dies ermöglichen:

- Besser gestaltete kleine Häuser
- Besser funktionierende Gebäude mit nachhaltigen Dienstleistungen und grünen Bauparametern
- Besser funktionierende Nachbarschaften
- Besser verwaltete Gemeinschaftsräume für das Gemeinschaftsleben
- Besser funktionierende Stadtlandschaften

Im Rahmen des Wettbewerbs werden auch Ideen gesucht, wie die Bauvorschriften realistischer gestaltet und auf die Bedürfnisse kleiner Wohnungen und preiswerter Wohnungen abgestimmt werden können. Die Wettbewerbsteilnehmer werden außerdem aufgefordert, innovative Ideen und Lösungen zu ermitteln und zu präsentieren, die von den Bewohnern in ihren Wohnungen entwickelt und umgesetzt wurden, um die Lebensqualität zu verbessern. Das Hauptaugenmerk des Wettbewerbs liegt auf praktischen, machbaren und umsetzbaren Ideen.

Competition assignment
The Open Ideas National Competition 2022 on Improving Liveability of Small Houses organised by Habitat Forum INHAF in partnership with CREDAI Pune Metro seeks to engage practising architects, interior designers, planners, engineers and senior students of these faculties; related Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs); Government agencies; Professionals working on slum-upgrading and slum rehabilitation, and others with innovative ideas in developing proposals on Improving the Liveability of Small Low-cost Housing being constructed by public agencies and private builders under the PMAY (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana) and other affordable housing schemes and projects.

The Competition also intends covering current and past In-situ Slum Improvements Projects and Slum Rehabilitation Projects to seek ideas on improving project design, planning, financing, and implementation of such projects.

The competition seeks innovative ideas in the challenging domain of designing small houses. It also aims to draw attention and raise awareness that:

1. The inadequate size dictated by affordability constraints could be stretched through innovations in planning, designing, and construction
2. People-centric project planning should include psychological, social, cultural and life-style factors as also the participative/ consultative practice
3. Sustainable aspects of water and energy conservation and waste management should be an integral part of the project design
4. Buildings should add to constructively to the larger urban landscape, and
5. Emphasis should also be on the ‘community’ aspects of living

This competition seeks to address the challenges faced in the supply of liveable yet affordable houses in India. Innovations are sought to deliver:

- Better Designed Small Houses
- Better Functioning Buildings with Sustainable Services and Green Building Parameters
- Better Relating Neighbourhoods
- Better Managed Community Spaces for Community living
- Better Functioning Urbanscape

The competition also seeks ideas on making the building bye-laws more realistic and sensitive to the needs of small apartments and low-cost housing. It also asks competition participants to identify and present innovative ideas and solutions created and adopted by residents in their homes to improve liveability. The main emphasis of the competition is on practical, doable, and implementable ideas.

Aravind Unni (Lead of Urban Poverty Reduction Thematic in IGSSS)
Chaitanya Gajbhiye (National Secretary at NASA India)
Kirtee Shah (Founder President of India Habitat Forum INHAF)
Lumanti Joshi (Programme Manager Housing in LUMANTI Support Group for Shelter)
Prem Chandavarkar (Managing Partner of CnT Architects)
Sameep Padora (Architect, Co-Founder of Bandra Collective)
Sandra Durzo (Senior Officer - Shelter and Settlements Division at IFRC)
Sheuli Mitra (Associate Professor in Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning at SPA, Bhopal)
Shyam Khandekar (Co-Founder and Director of MyLiveableCity)
Yatin Pandya (Author, Academician, Architect, with FOOTPRINTS E.A.R.T.H.)

Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:

Open Ideas National Competition 2022 - Season III
Improving Liveability of Small Houses
Habitat Forum (INHAF)
About the Competition
The Open Ideas National Competition 2022 on Improving Liveability of Small Houses organised by Habitat Forum INHAF in partnership with CREDAI Pune Metro seeks to engage practising architects, interior designers, planners, engineers and senior students of these faculties; related Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs); Government agencies; Professionals working on slum-upgrading and slum rehabilitation, and others with innovative ideas in developing proposals on Improving the Liveability of Small Low-cost Housing being constructed by public agencies and private builders under the PMAY (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana) and other affordable housing schemes and projects.
The Competition also intends covering current and past In-situ Slum Improvements Projects and Slum Rehabilitation Projects to seek ideas on improving project design, planning, financing, and implementation of such projects.
The competition seeks innovative ideas in the challenging domain of designing small houses. It also aims to draw attention and raise awareness that:
1. The inadequate size dictated by affordability constraints could be stretched through innovations in planning, designing, and construction
2. People-centric project planning should include psychological, social, cultural and life-style factors as also the participative/ consultative practice
3. Sustainable aspects of water and energy conservation and waste management should be an integral part of the project design
4. Buildings should add to constructively to the larger urban landscape, and
5. Emphasis should also be on the ‘community’ aspects of living
This competition seeks to address the challenges faced in the supply of liveable yet affordable houses in India. Innovations are sought to deliver:
- Better Designed Small Houses
- Better Functioning Buildings with Sustainable Services and Green Building Parameters
- Better Relating Neighbourhoods
- Better Managed Community Spaces for Community living
- Better Functioning Urbanscape
The competition also seeks ideas on making the building bye-laws more realistic and sensitive to the needs of small apartments and low-cost housing. It also asks competition participants to identify and present innovative ideas and solutions created and adopted by residents in their homes to improve liveability. The main emphasis of the competition is on practical, doable, and implementable ideas. 
The competition is open to Architects, Engineers, Planners, Interior and Furniture Designers, Students of above Faculties, Non-Governmental Organisations in the settlement development sector, Government Agencies, Professionals working on slum upgrading and slum rehabilitation, Designers and shelter providers from the Informal sector, both local and international. Participants can participate in the competition either as individuals or as a team or firm/agency.
Registrations: From 12th December 2022 to 28th February 2023 
Submission: Submission 15th March 2023
More information and details at

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