Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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International VELUX Award 2024 , Dänemark

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
468 Arbeiten
Bekanntgabe der regionalen Gewinner
Bekanntgabe der globalen Gewinner

Wie lautet der dritte Buchstabe von "wettbewerbe"?

Global Winner 2024 | Daylight in Buildings

"The Light Filter"
Wan Zilin, Poon Gin Yong & Zang Jiayou with Professor Li Xiaodong,
Tsinghua University (China)

Global Winner 2024 | Daylight Investigations

"Solar Sinter"
Anders Eugen Lund with Professor Runa Johannesen,
Royal Danish Academy (Denmark)

Regional Winners 2024

Daylight in Buildings


"Radiant echoes"
Kenza Kettani & Bouchra Rah School with Professor Aziz Yassir,
International university of Rabat (Morocco)

The Americas

"Lighting up the Rocinha favela"
Paulo André Pereira & Mariana Costa do Carmo with Professor Eliane Silva Barbosa,
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Asia & Oceania

"The Light Filter"
Wan Zilin, Poon Gin Yong & Zang Jiayou with Professor Li Xiaodong,
Tsinghua University (China)

Eastern Europe & the Middle East

Aleksandra Cassino with Professor Anna Lorens,
Politechnika Warszawska Teachers (Poland)

Western Europe

"Silo of the ambient light"
Anniina Rautakoski with Professor Janne Järvinen,
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Daylight investigations


"Sparkling souls"
Bidzan Pout Fabrice Emmanuel, Abega Ebanga Rosalie Valentine, Tambe Mcwilfried Masoda,
Ndibatchou Alexis Junior & Fopa Jerry Karmel with Professor Aba Nkasse Alain,
École Nationale Supérieure des Travaux (Cameroon)

The Americas

Yining Ma with Professor Myrna Ayoub,
University of California, Berkeley (United States)

Asia & Oceania

"Gaplight Collective"
Zehong Zhang, Ruotong Luo, Jiaxun Song, Dasen Li & Xinyue Dong with Professor Zheng Hao,
South China University of Technology (China)

Eastern Europe & the Middle East

"(No) daylight"
Aleksandra Cassino with Professor Tomasz Broma, Iwona Kin,
Alicja Smoczyk, Agata Czugała & Paweł Mordeja (Poland)

Western Europe

"Solar Sinter"
Anders Eugen Lund with Professor Runa Johannesen,
Royal Danish Academy (Denmark)
Award / Auszeichnung für Student*innen

Der Internationale VELUX Award für Architekturstudenten ist zurück für die 2024er Ausgabe!

Der Wettbewerb fordert Studenten heraus, sich mit dem Thema Tageslicht auseinanderzusetzen - um ein tieferes Verständnis für diese immer relevante Quelle von Energie, Licht und Leben zu schaffen.

Seit 2004 lädt die VELUX Gruppe alle zwei Jahre Architekturstudenten zur Teilnahme am Internationalen VELUX Award für Architekturstudenten ein. Der Preis soll die Studenten dazu herausfordern, die Rolle des Tageslichts in der Architektur zu erforschen und neue Denkanstöße zu geben. Ziel des Preises ist es, sich mit Architekturstudenten darüber auszutauschen, wie Sonnen- und Tageslicht als Hauptenergie- und Lichtquellen genutzt werden können und wie Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden der Menschen, die in Gebäuden leben und arbeiten, gewährleistet werden können.

Competition assignment
The International VELUX Award for students of architecture is back for the 2024 edition!

The competition challenges students to explore the theme of daylight – to create a deeper understanding of this ever-relevant source of energy, light, and life.

Every second year since 2004, the VELUX Group has invited students of architecture to participate in the International VELUX Award for students of architecture. The award seeks to challenge the students to explore the role of daylight in architecture and inspire new thinking. The aim of the award is to engage with students of architecture about how to use sunlight and daylight as main sources of energy and light and how to ensure health and well-being of the people who live and work in buildings.

Alberto Veiga
Ewa Kurylowicz
Jenni Reuter
Song Yehao
Kent Holm

Weitere Informationen zu den regionalen und globalen Gewinner*innen finden Sie unter /
More information about the regional and global winners can be found at:

International VELUX Award 2024
The Award
The International VELUX Award for students of architecture is back for the 2024 edition!
The competition challenges students to explore the theme of daylight – to create a deeper understanding of this ever-relevant source of energy, light, and life.
Every second year since 2004, the VELUX Group has invited students of architecture to participate in the International VELUX Award for students of architecture. The award seeks to challenge the students to explore the role of daylight in architecture and inspire new thinking. The aim of the award is to engage with students of architecture about how to use sunlight and daylight as main sources of energy and light and how to ensure health and well-being of the people who live and work in buildings.
Since the launch, it has grown into the largest competition of its kind with students from 800 schools, from 130 countries of all continents, submitting more than 6,000 projects on the award theme “Light of Tomorrow”.
The award is global and open to any registered student of architecture backed by a teacher from a school of architecture. The total prize money is up to 30,000 Euro. The jury, comprising internationally renowned architects, will award a number of prize winners and honourable mentions.
International VELUX Award 2024 for students of architecture is arranged in close collaboration with the International Union of Architects (UIA) and acknowledged by the following educational organizations: The European Association for Architectural Education, The American Institute of Architecture Students, the Architectural Research Centers Consortium, and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.
1 September 2023: Registration opens
14 April 2024: Registration closes (deadline 23:59 UTC-12)
15 April 2024: Submission upload opens
30 May 2024: Submission upload ends (deadline 23:59 UTC-12)
June 2024: Regional winners announcement
26 – 30 August 2024: Regional winners workshop/ presentations to the jury / Global winners announcement
The total prize money is up to 30,000 €. Depending on the results of the international jury, a Grand Prize of 5,000 € per category will be awarded (4,000 € to the student and 1,000 € to the teacher) for the most outstanding projects. Depending on the results for each region, a prize of 1,250 € per category will be awarded for the best projects (1,000 € to the student and 250 € to the teacher). The jury will be allowed to award a number of special prizes, including prizes for innovative use of VELUX products.
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