Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa

Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa , Subsahara-Afrika/ Südafrika

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Nicht offener Wettbewerb
Architekt*innen, Student*innen, Designer*innen und Ingenieur*innen

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1. Preis

Juan Pablo Lopez Isabella, Uruguay
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa

2. Preis

David Gonçalves · João Dias · Gonçalo Santos
Pedro Gomes · Daniel Simões, Portugal
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa

3. Preis

Annachiara Trabacchin · Elena Paccagnella
Gloria Aiolfi · Alberto Martini, Italien
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa

Honorable Mention

Quý Ngô Thanh · Nghĩa Nguyễn Đức · Sơn Đào Thanh
Long Cao Hoàng · Ngân Phạm Thị Thanh, Vietnam
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa

Honorable Mention

Weronika Paczkowska · Aleksandra Kubiak
Marta Mojsik · Piotr Gajdak, Polen
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa

Special Mention

Trina Listanco · Lealyn San Juan · Lilian Wang, Kanada
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa

Special Mention

Kalin Cakov · Metodiy Monev · Jan Obusek
Zuzana Potocna · Sophia Cakova, Slowakei
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa

Special Mention

Daniil Komitski · Mila Lyutskanova, Bulgarien
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa

Special Mention

Aikaterini Pouliasi · Aliki Konstantinidou · Aimilia Maria Sokri, Griechenland
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa

Special Mention

Daniel Arruda Weinstein Teixeira · Maria Isabela Neves Ferreira
Clara Maria Barbosa Teodoro · Silva Bruno de Albuquerque Ferreira Lima
Mateus Leandro, Brasilien
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
  • Kaira Looro Competition 2021 for a Women’s House in Africa
Internationaler Wettbewerb

Das WOMEN'S HOUSE, das Objekt dieser neuen Ausgabe, wird in einem kleinen Dorf im Süden Senegals gebaut, um die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter als Schlüsselfaktor der ländlichen Entwicklung zu fördern. Diese Struktur muss symbolisch sein, umweltfreundlich, von lokalen Traditionen inspiriert und in der Lage sein, Schulungsveranstaltungen, Seminare und Labore zu beherbergen, die in der ländlichen Gemeinschaft das Bewusstsein für die Menschenrechte und die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter als fünftes grundlegendes Ziel der von den Vereinten Nationen aufgestellten "Sustainable Development Goals" fördern, um zu gewährleisten, dass alle Menschen den gleichen Zugang zu Bildung, medizinischer Versorgung und Beschäftigung sowie ein Mitspracherecht bei Entscheidungsprozessen erhalten und so eine nachhaltige Wirtschaft gefördert wird, die für die Gesellschaft und die Menschheit als Ganzes von Nutzen ist.

Die Herausforderung, der sich die Teilnehmer stellen müssen, besteht darin, eine humanitäre Struktur zu entwerfen, in der sich die verschiedenen Mitglieder der Gesellschaft treffen und über die Themen Gleichheit und Menschenrechte diskutieren können: ein Raum von maximal 200 Quadratmetern, mit nur einem Erdgeschoss, gebaut mit natürlichen Materialien und unter Verwendung nachhaltiger Technologien in einem Prozess des Selbstbaus mit der profitierenden Gemeinschaft vor Ort.

Competition assignment
The WOMEN’S HOUSE, the object of this new edition, will be built in a small village in southern Senegal in order to promote gender equality as a key factor in rural development. This structure must be symbolic, environmentally friendly, inspired by local traditions, and capable of accommodating training events, seminars, and laboratories that raise awareness in the rural community regarding human rights and gender equality as the fifth fundamental objective of the “Sustainable Development Goals” established by the United Nations for the purpose of guaranteeing that everyone receive equal access to education, medical care, and employment, as well as a say in decision making processes, thereby promoting sustainable economies which are a benefit to society and humanity and as a whole.

The challenge which participants will have to face is that of designing a humanitarian structure in which the various members of society will be able to meet and discuss the topics of equality and human rights: a space measuring a maximum of 200 square meters, with only a ground floor, built with natural materials and using sustainable technologies in a process of self-construction with the benefiting community itself.

Preisgericht / Jury
Kengo Kuma (Kengo Kuma & Associates)
Benedetta Tagliabue (EMBT Miralles Tagliabue)
Urko Sanchez (Urko Sanchez Architects)
Agostino Ghirardelli (SBGA)
Azzurra Muzzonigro (Sex and the City)
Oulimata Sarr (Regional Director of UN Women West and Central Africa)
Lehau Victoria Maloka (Director of Women Gender and Development of African Union Commission)
Salimata Diop Dieng (Minister of Women, Family, Gender and Child Protection of Senegal)

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:
Kaira Looro Architecture Competition 2021
Women's house in Africa

The WOMEN’S HOUSE, the object of this new edition, will be built in a small village in southern Senegal in order to promote gender equality as a key factor in rural development. This structure must be symbolic, environmentally friendly, inspired by local traditions, and capable of accommodating training events, seminars, and laboratories that raise awareness in the rural community regarding human rights and gender equality as the fifth fundamental objective of the “Sustainable Development Goals” established by the United Nations for the purpose of guaranteeing that everyone receive equal access to education, medical care, and employment, as well as a say in decision making processes, thereby promoting sustainable economies which are a benefit to society and humanity and as a whole.
The challenge which participants will have to face is that of designing a humanitarian structure in which the various members of society will be able to meet and discuss the topics of equality and human rights: Official Press Release Kaira Looro Architecture Competition - 2021’s Edition A non-profit Event by NPO Balouo Salo
a space measuring a maximum of 200 square meters, with only a ground floor, built with natural materials and using sustainable technologies in a process of self-construction with the benefiting community itself.

The competition is organised by the Balouo Salo Non Profit Organisation, engaged in charitable projects in Africa, and all proceeds (obtained from the participation fees) will be donated to the construction of the winning project in a village in southern Senegal, where the organisation itself operates.

Architecture student competition for an architecture of WOMEN'S HOUSE in a Senegalese village.

Kengo Kuma (Kengo Kuma & Associates)
Benedetta Tagliabue (EMBT Miralles Tagliabue)
Urko Sanchez ( Urko Sanchez Architects)
Agostino Ghirardelli (SBGA)
Azzurra Muzzonigro (Sex and the City)
Oulimata Sarr (Regional Director of UN Women West and Central Africa)
Lehau Victoria Maloka (Director of Women Gender and Development of African Union Commission)
Salimata Diop Dieng ( Minister of Women, Family, Gender and Child Protection of Senegal).

Architects, students, designers and engineers from anywhere in the world in individual participation or with a team with at least 1 member under 35

1st prize: € 5,000 + Internship at Kengo Kuma Associates + Construction
2nd prize: € 1,000 + Internship at Miralles Tagliabue EMBT
3rd prize: € 500 + Publication + Certificate
Honorable mentions - 5 mentions - 20 finalists - 20 Top 50
All awarded teams will receive a certificate and will be: published in the competition channels, broadcast to over 30 media partners, shared with institutions and published in the official volume.

Registration: from 16/01/2021 to 30/04/2021
Delivery deadline: 30/05/2021
Publication of results: 27/06/2020

Non-profit to launch young architectural talents, promote the theme of the competition internationally and support humanitarian projects.

Info and registration:
www.kairalooro.com | facebook

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