- wa-ID
- wa-2038048
- Tag der Veröffentlichung
- 22.05.2024
- Aktualisiert am
- 26.02.2025
- Verfahrensart
- Offener Wettbewerb
- Zulassungsbereich
- Teilnehmer
- Keine Teilnahmebeschränkungen
- Auslober
- Buildner Architecture Competitions
- Bewerbungsschluss
- 13.11.2024
- Abgabetermin
- 18.12.2024
- Bekanntgabe
- 20.02.2025
Offener internationaler Architekturwettbewerb
Der Wettbewerb Kinderspace: Architecture for Children's Development, ist eine Architekturaufgabe mit dem Ziel, innovative Bildungsräume zu entwerfen, die das frühkindliche Lernen fördern. In den ersten Lebensjahren junger Kinder spielt die Umgebung, in der sie lernen, eine entscheidende Rolle für ihre kognitive, emotionale und soziale Entwicklung. Herkömmliche Bildungseinrichtungen werden der Dynamik der frühen Kindheit oft nicht gerecht, was Kreativität und Entdeckungsgeist hemmen kann.
Dieser Wettbewerb soll die Gestaltung von Kindergärten verändern, indem Umgebungen geschaffen werden, die nicht nur sicher und funktional, sondern auch anregend und integrativ sind. Die Teilnehmer sind aufgefordert, Räume zu konzipieren, die das Lernen, die Kreativität und die Interaktion in der Gemeinschaft fördern und dabei nachhaltige und innovative Designlösungen einsetzen, die eine gesunde Entwicklung unterstützen.
Durch die Flexibilität, einen Standort in ihrem Heimatland auszuwählen, haben die Teilnehmer die einmalige Gelegenheit, ihre Entwürfe in verschiedene kommunale Umgebungen zu integrieren und so möglicherweise untergenutzte Gebiete neu zu beleben. Beim Wettbewerb Kinderspace geht es um mehr als nur um die Gestaltung von Bildungseinrichtungen; es geht darum, Gemeinden zu bereichern und die Bildungslandschaft zu verbessern, um die jüngsten Mitglieder unserer Gesellschaft zu fördern. Die Teilnehmer sind aufgefordert, über konventionelle Grenzen hinauszudenken und Räume zu entwickeln, die inspirieren, bilden und verbinden.
Competition assignment
The Kinderspace: Architecture for Children's Development competition, an architectural challenge dedicated to crafting innovative educational spaces that enhance early childhood learning. As young children navigate their formative years, the environment in which they learn plays a pivotal role in their cognitive, emotional, and social development. Traditional educational settings often do not fully cater to the dynamism of early childhood, potentially stifling creativity and exploration.
This competition seeks to transform kindergarten design by creating environments that are not only safe and functional but also stimulating and inclusive. Participants are encouraged to conceive spaces that foster learning, creativity, and community interaction, using sustainable and innovative design solutions that promote healthy development.
With the flexibility to select a site within their home country, participants have the unique opportunity to integrate their designs within diverse community settings, potentially revitalizing underutilized areas. The Kinderspace competition is more than just designing educational facilities; it's about enriching communities and enhancing the educational landscapes to nurture the youngest members of our society. Participants are invited to think beyond conventional boundaries and develop spaces that inspire, educate, and connect.
Jake Heffington, founder and Principal of ...and other works, architectural professor of practice at North Carolina State University, and recipient of the 2022 AIA NC Young Architect Award;
Danielle Reimers, Principal at SAOTA, with extensive experience in international design competitions and sustainable architectural practices, formerly with Renzo Piano Building Workshop;
Jan Vondrák, co-founder of the renowned Czech studio Mjölk, known for its innovative and context-driven designs;
Edward Weysen, co-founder of WE-S architects, a Belgian firm recognized for its award-winning projects blending architecture and landscape
Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinner*innen finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:
Offener internationaler Architekturwettbewerb
Der Wettbewerb Kinderspace: Architecture for Children's Development, ist eine Architekturaufgabe mit dem Ziel, innovative Bildungsräume zu entwerfen, die das frühkindliche Lernen fördern. In den ersten Lebensjahren junger Kinder spielt die Umgebung, in der sie lernen, eine entscheidende Rolle für ihre kognitive, emotionale und soziale Entwicklung. Herkömmliche Bildungseinrichtungen werden der Dynamik der frühen Kindheit oft nicht gerecht, was Kreativität und Entdeckungsgeist hemmen kann.
Dieser Wettbewerb soll die Gestaltung von Kindergärten verändern, indem Umgebungen geschaffen werden, die nicht nur sicher und funktional, sondern auch anregend und integrativ sind. Die Teilnehmer sind aufgefordert, Räume zu konzipieren, die das Lernen, die Kreativität und die Interaktion in der Gemeinschaft fördern und dabei nachhaltige und innovative Designlösungen einsetzen, die eine gesunde Entwicklung unterstützen.
Durch die Flexibilität, einen Standort in ihrem Heimatland auszuwählen, haben die Teilnehmer die einmalige Gelegenheit, ihre Entwürfe in verschiedene kommunale Umgebungen zu integrieren und so möglicherweise untergenutzte Gebiete neu zu beleben. Beim Wettbewerb Kinderspace geht es um mehr als nur um die Gestaltung von Bildungseinrichtungen; es geht darum, Gemeinden zu bereichern und die Bildungslandschaft zu verbessern, um die jüngsten Mitglieder unserer Gesellschaft zu fördern. Die Teilnehmer sind aufgefordert, über konventionelle Grenzen hinauszudenken und Räume zu entwickeln, die inspirieren, bilden und verbinden.
Competition assignment
The Kinderspace: Architecture for Children's Development competition, an architectural challenge dedicated to crafting innovative educational spaces that enhance early childhood learning. As young children navigate their formative years, the environment in which they learn plays a pivotal role in their cognitive, emotional, and social development. Traditional educational settings often do not fully cater to the dynamism of early childhood, potentially stifling creativity and exploration.
This competition seeks to transform kindergarten design by creating environments that are not only safe and functional but also stimulating and inclusive. Participants are encouraged to conceive spaces that foster learning, creativity, and community interaction, using sustainable and innovative design solutions that promote healthy development.
With the flexibility to select a site within their home country, participants have the unique opportunity to integrate their designs within diverse community settings, potentially revitalizing underutilized areas. The Kinderspace competition is more than just designing educational facilities; it's about enriching communities and enhancing the educational landscapes to nurture the youngest members of our society. Participants are invited to think beyond conventional boundaries and develop spaces that inspire, educate, and connect.
Jake Heffington, founder and Principal of ...and other works, architectural professor of practice at North Carolina State University, and recipient of the 2022 AIA NC Young Architect Award;
Danielle Reimers, Principal at SAOTA, with extensive experience in international design competitions and sustainable architectural practices, formerly with Renzo Piano Building Workshop;
Jan Vondrák, co-founder of the renowned Czech studio Mjölk, known for its innovative and context-driven designs;
Edward Weysen, co-founder of WE-S architects, a Belgian firm recognized for its award-winning projects blending architecture and landscape
Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinner*innen finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:
Kinderspace: Architecture for Children's Development
Buildner Architecture Competitions
Introducing the Kinderspace: Architecture for Children's Development competition, an architectural challenge dedicated to crafting innovative educational spaces that enhance early childhood learning. As young children navigate their formative years, the environment in which they learn plays a pivotal role in their cognitive, emotional, and social development. Traditional educational settings often do not fully cater to the dynamism of early childhood, potentially stifling creativity and exploration.
This competition seeks to transform kindergarten design by creating environments that are not only safe and functional but also stimulating and inclusive. Participants are encouraged to conceive spaces that foster learning, creativity, and community interaction, using sustainable and innovative design solutions that promote healthy development.
With the flexibility to select a site within their home country, participants have the unique opportunity to integrate their designs within diverse community settings, potentially revitalizing underutilized areas. The Kinderspace competition is more than just designing educational facilities; it's about enriching communities and enhancing the educational landscapes to nurture the youngest members of our society. Participants are invited to think beyond conventional boundaries and develop spaces that inspire, educate, and connect.
Competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required.
Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum).
Correspondence with organizers must be conducted in English;
All information submitted by participants must be in English.
Closing date for registration: 13 November 2024
Closing date for project submission: 18 December 2024, 23:59 (LONDON TIME)
Announcement of winners: 20 February 2025
Total Prize Fund: 10,000 €
1st Prize: 5,000 €
2nd Prize: 2,500 €
3rd Prize: 1,000 €
Buildner Student Award: 1,000 €
Buildner Sustainability Award: 500 €
More information and documents at