Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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L A M P 2024 International Lighting Design Competition , Vancouver/ Kanada

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
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Offener Wettbewerb
Lichtdesigner*innen, Designer*innen, Künstler*innen, Innenarchitekt*innen, Architekt*innen und Student*innen

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?

2024 Winners Professional

• Scraps by Octavio Asensio (Madrid, Spain)
• Shelf Angle by Melody Chen (Vancouver, Canada)
• A-Light by Pentograph (Seattle, WA, United States)
• Pupa by Andrea Brugnera (Treviso, Italy)
• SPIKE by Ricardo Silva, Susana Rafael, Catarina Félix, iLAP (Alenquer, Portugal)
• B Light by Alex Touguet / ALT Design (Nantes, France)

2024 Winners Student

• Entracte by Mathilde Piel (Paris, France / London, United Kingdom)
• V-Lamp by Josua Roters (Halle, Germany)
• Gaia by Zoë Wilson (San Francisco Bay Area, United States)
• Sguardo by Vico Vercelloni (Milan, Italy)
• LYFT by Roman Freynhofer (Michelbach, Austria)
• Flesso by Jacopo Lonfernini (Borgo Maggiore, San Marino, Italy)

2024 People’s Choice Winners Professional

• Ramona Lamp by Federica de Lemos Lopez, Mionopeto (Caracas, Venezuela)
• HaloFold by Yiyu Zhou, Xinyuan Yue, Wan-Yu Chen, Jinxin Xu - StudioWXYZ (Kansas City, New York, Los Angeles, United States / Beijing, China)

2024 People’s Choice Winners Student

• Sguardo by Vico Vercelloni (Milan, Italy)
Offener internationaler Lichtdesign-Wettbewerb

L A M P ist eine kleine Organisation, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, aufstrebende Talente zu fördern und neue Märkte im Bereich des Lichtdesigns zu erschließen. Dies ist eine Gelegenheit, Ihre Arbeit außerhalb der kostspieligen Messeveranstaltungen zu präsentieren. Einreichungen aus allen Bereichen sind willkommen, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf: Künstler, Industriedesigner und Architekten.

Competition assignment
L A M P is a small organization that devotes itself to promoting and connecting emerging talents to new markets in lighting design. This is an opportunity to showcase your work outside of costly trade show environments. Entries welcome from all disciplines including, but not limited to: Artists, Industrial Designers and Architects.

Cheryl S. Durst, (HON. FIIDA Executive Vice President and CEO, IIDA)
Rodrigo Fernández, (Diez Company, The Light Report)
Brian Richer, (Castor Design)

Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinner*innen finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:

L A M P 2024 International Lighting Design Competition
About the Competition
L A M P is a small organization that devotes itself to promoting and connecting emerging talents to new markets in lighting design. This is an opportunity to showcase your work outside of the costly trade show environment. Participation in L A M P as a finalist affords you the following benefits:
● Online feature on the L A M P website for the duration of one year following finalist announcement and listed on our site in perpetuity.
● As a finalist your design will be promoted through our newsletters and social media.
● Opportunity to be featured through our exclusive media partner - Design Milk - across their various media channels. Design Milk’s audience has over 500k+ readers monthly and more than 8 million social media followers.
Submission deadline: October, 1, 2024
Winners announcement: December 8, 2024
More information

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