- wa-ID
- wa-2034102
- Tag der Veröffentlichung
- 10.05.2022
- Aktualisiert am
- 06.03.2023
- Verfahrensart
- Offener Wettbewerb
- Zulassungsbereich
- Teilnehmer
- Keine Teilnahmebeschränkungen
- Auslober
- Buildner Architecture Competitions
- Bewerbungsschluss
- 02.11.2022
- Abgabetermin
- 07.12.2022
- Bekanntgabe
- 15.02.2023
Offener Ideenwettbewerb
Im Jahr 2017 stellte sich heraus, dass Las Vegas für Mieter die am wenigsten erschwingliche Stadt in den USA ist, mit dem größten Mangel an erschwinglichen und verfügbaren Mietwohnungen, wie aus den Zahlen der National Low Income Housing Coalition hervorgeht. Es wurde festgestellt, dass in Las Vegas nur 12 erschwingliche Mietwohnungen für je 100 Haushalte, die als extrem einkommensschwach eingestuft wurden, zur Verfügung standen. Das ist schlechter als in Los Angeles, Houston, Orlando und San Diego, die ebenfalls zu den am wenigsten erschwinglichen Städten in den USA gehören.
Seitdem haben wir eine globale Pandemie und eine Krise der Lebenshaltungskosten erlebt, die das Leben in Ländern auf der ganzen Welt unendlich viel teurer gemacht haben. Und nach dem Immobiliencrash von 2008 zögern die Bauträger, den Bau neuer Wohnungen wieder aufzunehmen, was zu einer Angebotsverknappung führt, die die Preise weiter in die Höhe treibt und die Mieter am härtesten trifft.
Im Rahmen der Las Vegas Affordable Housing Challenge ruft Buildner Architekten und Designer auf, ein neues Konzept für erschwinglichen Wohnraum zu entwerfen, das den Druck auf die Bevölkerung von Las Vegas mindern könnte.
Die Teilnehmer sollten Entwürfe in Betracht ziehen, die flexibel genug sind, um sich an verschiedene Größen anzupassen und eine Vielzahl von Bewohnern (Familien, alleinstehende Berufstätige, Paare usw.) und deren unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse zu berücksichtigen. Da es keine spezifischen Anforderungen in Bezug auf den Standort oder die Strukturen gibt, werden die Teilnehmer ermutigt, bei ihren Entwürfen so kreativ wie möglich zu sein. Die Jury wird nach Entwürfen Ausschau halten, die typische Vorstellungen von Wohnen, Design und der Gemeinschaft im Allgemeinen in Frage stellen und gleichzeitig ein praktisches Element aufweisen, mit dem sich diese Entwürfe möglicherweise realisieren lassen.
Competition assignment
In 2017, Las Vegas was revealed to be the least affordable city in the USA for renters, with the biggest shortage of affordable and available rental homes according to figures from the National Low Income Housing Coalition. It was found that Las Vegas only had 12 affordable rental units available for every 100 households classified as “extremely low income.” This is worse than Los Angeles, Houston, Orlando, and San Diego which were also considered some of the least affordable cities in the US.
Since then, we’ve experienced a global pandemic and a cost of living crisis that has made life infinitely more expensive in countries all around the world. And in the wake of the 2008 real estate crash, developers have been reluctant to restart construction of new homes, causing a supply shortage which further drives up prices, hitting renters the hardest.
For the Las Vegas Affordable Housing Challenge, Buildner is asking architects and designers to create a new concept for affordable housing that could alleviate the pressures for the Las Vegas population.
Participants should consider designs that are flexible enough to adapt to different sizes and accommodate a variety of inhabitants (families, single professionals, couples, etc.) and their different requirements. As there are no specific requirements in terms of site or structures, participants are encouraged to be as creative as possible in the solutions they design. The jury will be looking for designs that challenge typical ideas of housing, design, and the community at large, while at the same time maintaining a practical element that could potentially see these designs realized.
Craig Galati is a Principal of Las Vegas*based architecture firm LGA and has received honors including the AIA “Nevada Service Award,” and the American Planning Association “DeBoer Excellence in Planning Award” for his outstanding service on the City of Las Vegas Planning Commission;
Avi Friedman is a professor of architecture at McGill University Peter Guo-hua Fu School of Architecture and president of Avi Friedman Consultants, a design firm with a focus on affordable and sustainable residential environments;
Persis Lam is an associate at Toronto-based Diamond Schmitt Architects as well as executive member of Building Equality in Architecture Toronto (BEAT);
Dr. Steffen Lehmann is a tenured full Professor of Architecture and former Executive Director of schools of architecture, including the UNLV School of Architecture in Las Vegas;
Christina Lennox is the Cofounder and Chief Product Officer of Brownstone, a shared housing company which makes sleeping pods that transform existing homes into affordable shared living arrangements;
Maya Mahgoub-Desai is the Chair of Environmental Design at OCAD University and a practicing Urban Designer and Planner with Moriyama Teshima Architects whose research focuses on public health;
Fotini Pitoglou is a licensed architect in Ontario, Canada, the UK and Greece and a lead architect on hospitality projects at Toronto-based FORREC as well as an executive member of Building Equality in Architecture Toronto;
Caitlin J. Saladino serves as the Director of Strategic Development at The Lincy Institute and Brookings Mountain West, a public policy think tank focused on improving health, education, economic development, governance, non-profits, and social services in Nevada;
Andreas Tjeldflaat, who is the founder of Framlab, a New York and Bergen-based design studio
Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:
Offener Ideenwettbewerb
Im Jahr 2017 stellte sich heraus, dass Las Vegas für Mieter die am wenigsten erschwingliche Stadt in den USA ist, mit dem größten Mangel an erschwinglichen und verfügbaren Mietwohnungen, wie aus den Zahlen der National Low Income Housing Coalition hervorgeht. Es wurde festgestellt, dass in Las Vegas nur 12 erschwingliche Mietwohnungen für je 100 Haushalte, die als extrem einkommensschwach eingestuft wurden, zur Verfügung standen. Das ist schlechter als in Los Angeles, Houston, Orlando und San Diego, die ebenfalls zu den am wenigsten erschwinglichen Städten in den USA gehören.
Seitdem haben wir eine globale Pandemie und eine Krise der Lebenshaltungskosten erlebt, die das Leben in Ländern auf der ganzen Welt unendlich viel teurer gemacht haben. Und nach dem Immobiliencrash von 2008 zögern die Bauträger, den Bau neuer Wohnungen wieder aufzunehmen, was zu einer Angebotsverknappung führt, die die Preise weiter in die Höhe treibt und die Mieter am härtesten trifft.
Im Rahmen der Las Vegas Affordable Housing Challenge ruft Buildner Architekten und Designer auf, ein neues Konzept für erschwinglichen Wohnraum zu entwerfen, das den Druck auf die Bevölkerung von Las Vegas mindern könnte.
Die Teilnehmer sollten Entwürfe in Betracht ziehen, die flexibel genug sind, um sich an verschiedene Größen anzupassen und eine Vielzahl von Bewohnern (Familien, alleinstehende Berufstätige, Paare usw.) und deren unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse zu berücksichtigen. Da es keine spezifischen Anforderungen in Bezug auf den Standort oder die Strukturen gibt, werden die Teilnehmer ermutigt, bei ihren Entwürfen so kreativ wie möglich zu sein. Die Jury wird nach Entwürfen Ausschau halten, die typische Vorstellungen von Wohnen, Design und der Gemeinschaft im Allgemeinen in Frage stellen und gleichzeitig ein praktisches Element aufweisen, mit dem sich diese Entwürfe möglicherweise realisieren lassen.
Competition assignment
In 2017, Las Vegas was revealed to be the least affordable city in the USA for renters, with the biggest shortage of affordable and available rental homes according to figures from the National Low Income Housing Coalition. It was found that Las Vegas only had 12 affordable rental units available for every 100 households classified as “extremely low income.” This is worse than Los Angeles, Houston, Orlando, and San Diego which were also considered some of the least affordable cities in the US.
Since then, we’ve experienced a global pandemic and a cost of living crisis that has made life infinitely more expensive in countries all around the world. And in the wake of the 2008 real estate crash, developers have been reluctant to restart construction of new homes, causing a supply shortage which further drives up prices, hitting renters the hardest.
For the Las Vegas Affordable Housing Challenge, Buildner is asking architects and designers to create a new concept for affordable housing that could alleviate the pressures for the Las Vegas population.
Participants should consider designs that are flexible enough to adapt to different sizes and accommodate a variety of inhabitants (families, single professionals, couples, etc.) and their different requirements. As there are no specific requirements in terms of site or structures, participants are encouraged to be as creative as possible in the solutions they design. The jury will be looking for designs that challenge typical ideas of housing, design, and the community at large, while at the same time maintaining a practical element that could potentially see these designs realized.
Craig Galati is a Principal of Las Vegas*based architecture firm LGA and has received honors including the AIA “Nevada Service Award,” and the American Planning Association “DeBoer Excellence in Planning Award” for his outstanding service on the City of Las Vegas Planning Commission;
Avi Friedman is a professor of architecture at McGill University Peter Guo-hua Fu School of Architecture and president of Avi Friedman Consultants, a design firm with a focus on affordable and sustainable residential environments;
Persis Lam is an associate at Toronto-based Diamond Schmitt Architects as well as executive member of Building Equality in Architecture Toronto (BEAT);
Dr. Steffen Lehmann is a tenured full Professor of Architecture and former Executive Director of schools of architecture, including the UNLV School of Architecture in Las Vegas;
Christina Lennox is the Cofounder and Chief Product Officer of Brownstone, a shared housing company which makes sleeping pods that transform existing homes into affordable shared living arrangements;
Maya Mahgoub-Desai is the Chair of Environmental Design at OCAD University and a practicing Urban Designer and Planner with Moriyama Teshima Architects whose research focuses on public health;
Fotini Pitoglou is a licensed architect in Ontario, Canada, the UK and Greece and a lead architect on hospitality projects at Toronto-based FORREC as well as an executive member of Building Equality in Architecture Toronto;
Caitlin J. Saladino serves as the Director of Strategic Development at The Lincy Institute and Brookings Mountain West, a public policy think tank focused on improving health, education, economic development, governance, non-profits, and social services in Nevada;
Andreas Tjeldflaat, who is the founder of Framlab, a New York and Bergen-based design studio
Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:
Las Vegas Affordable Housing Challenge
Buildner Architecture Competitions
The Competition
In 2017, Las Vegas was revealed to be the least affordable city in the USA for renters, with the biggest shortage of affordable and available rental homes according to figures from the National Low Income Housing Coalition. It was found that Las Vegas only had 12 affordable rental units available for every 100 households classified as “extremely low income.” This is worse than Los Angeles, Houston, Orlando, and San Diego which were also considered some of the least affordable cities in the US.
Since then, we’ve experienced a global pandemic and a cost of living crisis that has made life infinitely more expensive in countries all around the world. And in the wake of the 2008 real estate crash, developers have been reluctant to restart construction of new homes, causing a supply shortage which further drives up prices, hitting renters the hardest.
For the Las Vegas Affordable Housing Challenge, Buildner is asking architects and designers to create a new concept for affordable housing that could alleviate the pressures for the Las Vegas population.
Participants should consider designs that are flexible enough to adapt to different sizes and accommodate a variety of inhabitants (families, single professionals, couples, etc.) and their different requirements. As there are no specific requirements in terms of site or structures, participants are encouraged to be as creative as possible in the solutions they design. The jury will be looking for designs that challenge typical ideas of housing, design, and the community at large, while at the same time maintaining a practical element that could potentially see these designs realized.
Competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required.
Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum).
Correspondence with organizers must be conducted in English;
All information submitted by participants must be in English.
Closing date for registration: 02 November 2022
Closing date for project submission: 07 December 2022
Announcement of winners: 15 February 2023
Total Prize Fund: 7,000 €
1st Prize: 3,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
2nd Prize: 1,500 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
3rd Prize: 1,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
ARCHHIVE Student Award: 1,000 € + 50 € ARCHHIVE BOOKS Gift Card + 50 Points Buildner Architecture University Rankings + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
BUILDNER SUSTAINABILITY AWARD: 500 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
6 Honorable Mentions: Publications + Certificate of Achievement
More information and documents at