Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Liberty Museum New York: Freedom to the people , New York/ Vereinigte Staaten

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb
Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum

Wie lautet der dritte Buchstabe von "wettbewerbe"?

1. Preis

Jungwoo Ji · Bosuk Hur · Suk Lee, Korea, USA

2. Preis

Maherul Kader Prince · Nabila Ferdousi, Bangladesh

3. Preis

Yuxin Zhang · Shujuan Tang · Yiran Wang, China


Yutian Wang, China


Anatolios Stathiou · Yang Yang Chen · Amar Mehta,
Greece, Canada, Kenya


Qiang Wang · William Toohey · Paul Arduini, USA


Mateusz Halek · Kamil Schynol, Polen


Jun Seong Ahn, USA


Marc-Antoine Latouche · Chloé Samson, Canada


Frédérique Trottier · Michel Asselin, Canada


Alicia Faucheux · Penelope Dupont, Frankreich


Ronan Meziere, Armand Leliard, Frankreich


Yong Huang · Nicholas Fish · Garrett Grelle, USA


Maherul Kader Prince · Nabila Ferdousi, Bangladesh


Yuxin Zhang · Shujuan Tang · Yiran Wang, China
Offener internationaler Ideenwettbewerb

Liberty Enlightening the World (Statue of Liberty), is a colossal statue given to the United States by France in 1886, standing at Liberty Island, New York in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbour. The statue is the symbol of civic freedom to the people of the world, since the civil war in USA. The broken shackles on the feet of the statue asks people to be free from oppression and resistance.
As the Statue of Liberty nears its 130th anniversary, the competition seeks to create a LIBERTY MUSEUM on the site of the legendary Statue of Liberty National Monument, located on Liberty Island in New York Harbour.
- The museum should strive to create a new-world ideal and symbol for the cause of civil rights and social justice. The museum should become an icon that would generate mass awareness on the aforementioned issues and provide an interpretive learning experience for the visitors on various aspects and events of the civil rights movement, becoming a „virtual epicentre“ for the resistance against tyranny.
- The architectural expression of the museum should be innovative, dynamic, accessible and contemporary. The aesthetic quality of the museum must be profound, powerful enough to teleport the visitor into another world. The spatiality and circulatory flow must be immersive and interesting, branching out beyond just organised space. It should not only provides the material built contexts within which museums exist, but also add meaning to the objects and interactions in the „spaces of encounter“. The museum should also respect the strong context around it, merging with the existing envelope, yet managing to create its own presence.
- The museum should aim to increase the visitor capacity to the Liberty island, adding a wide range of activities and programs which would increase the exchange between different people. The museum should strive to provide a multi-cultural and ethnic platform to the visitors, making it a socially active zone.
Liberty Museum New York: Freedom to the people
Archasm Competitions, Indien
Civil and social justice are the two most important fundamentals of human rights. The issues unequal civil rights and social injustice are not confined to a particular region and country but are a global phenomenon. These issues are a result of unequal resource distribution and unfair treatment of individuals with different traits i.e. race, culture, sexual orientation etc. Civil unrest broods violence and forces retaliation against the segregation and unfair laws and rules. The issues of civil and social injustice are more complex as they involve a wide category of issues such as a racial profiling, LGBT rights, equal opportunities (jobs and healthcare), ageism, criminal justice, freedom of speech, social security, immigration, internet privacy, bullying etc.The importance of civil rights still remains a non-issue at the global level. The champions of civil rights and social justice are often portrayed as enemies of the state, to hide the government inefficiencies. Liberty Enlightening the World (Statue of Liberty), is a colossal statue given to the United States by France in 1886, standing at Liberty Island, New York in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbour. The statue is the  symbol of civic freedom to the people of the world, since the civil war in USA. The broken shackles on the feet of the statue asks people to be free from oppression and resistance. Designed by Frederic Bartholdi, the statue was a modern day rendition of Roman goddess Libertas, who represented freedom from tyranny and oppression. As the Statue of Liberty nears its 130th anniversary, the competition seeks to create a LIBERTY MUSEUM on the site of the legendary Statue of Liberty National Monument, located on Liberty Island in New York Harbour.
- The museum should  strive to create a new-world ideal and symbol for the cause of civil rights and social justice. The museum should become an icon that would generate mass awareness on the aforementioned issues and provide an interpretive learning experience for the visitors on various aspects and events of the civil rights movement, becoming a 'virtual epicentre' for the resistance against tyranny.
- The architectural expression of the museum should be innovative, dynamic, accessible and contemporary. The aesthetic quality of the museum must be profound, powerful enough to teleport the visitor into another world. The spatiality and circulatory flow must be immersive and interesting, branching out beyond just organised space.  It should not only provides the material built contexts within which museums exist, but also add meaning to the objects and interactions in the ‘spaces of encounter.' The museum should also respect the strong context around it, merging with the existing envelope, yet managing to create its own presence.
- The museum should aim to increase the visitor capacity to the Liberty island, adding a wide range of activities and programs (galleries, theatre, data centre, library, plaza, outdoor performance area etc.) which would increase the exchange between different people. The museum should strive to provide a multi-cultural and ethnic platform to the visitors, making it a socially active zone.
Offener Ideenwettbewerb (auch für Studenten)
Architekten, Ingenieure, Designer, Künstler und Philosphen, sowie Studenten der jeweiligen Fachrichtigungen
Interdisziplinäre Teams mit bis zu 3 Teilnehmern sind erlaubt.
Ende Early Registration 31. Oktober 2016
Ende Standard Registration 29. November 2016
Ende Abgabe Unterlagen 30. November 2016
Bekanntgabe der Gewinner 24. Dezember 2016
Early Registration: From 1st September to 31st October 2016
- For Indian nationals- INR 1500 (per team)
- For Foreign nationals- EUR 60 (per team)
Standard Registration: From 1st November to 29th November 2016
- For Indian nationals- INR 1800 (per team)
- For Foreign nationals- EUR 80 (per team)
Winning participants will receive prizes totaling INR 2,00,000 with the distribution as follows: First prize- INR 1,00,000/- + Certificate
Second prize- INR 60,000/- + Certificate
Third prize- INR 40,000/- + Certificate
10 Honorable mentions
Winners and honorable mentions will be published on archasm’s website and several international architecture magazines and websites partnered by us.

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