Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Lignano Pinewood
  • Lignano Pinewood
  • Lignano Pinewood
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: Marine Joli, Claire Neff, Adrien Petit (France)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize: © Guillaume Celante (France)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: © Linda De Giacomo (Germany)

Lignano Pinewood , Lignano Sabbiadoro/ Italien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
Student*innen, Architekt*innen, Designer*innen, Stadtplaner*innen, Ingenieur*innen, Künstler*innen, Kreative, Aktivist*innen und alle, die an der Umgestaltung des zeitgenössischen Stadtraums interessiert sind.
47 Arbeiten

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?

1. Preis/ 1st prize

Pinewood Synesthesia
Marine Joli, Claire Neff, Adrien Petit (France)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: Marine Joli, Claire Neff, Adrien Petit (France)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: Marine Joli, Claire Neff, Adrien Petit (France)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: Marine Joli, Claire Neff, Adrien Petit (France)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: Marine Joli, Claire Neff, Adrien Petit (France)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: Marine Joli, Claire Neff, Adrien Petit (France)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: Marine Joli, Claire Neff, Adrien Petit (France)

2. Preis/ 2nd prize

In the Shade of Pines
Guillaume Celante (France)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize: © Guillaume Celante (France)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize: © Guillaume Celante (France)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize: © Guillaume Celante (France)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize: © Guillaume Celante (France)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize: © Guillaume Celante (France)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize: © Guillaume Celante (France)

3. Preis/ 3rd prize

Lignano Pinewood: Masterplan & Eco-Hotel
Linda De Giacomo (Germany)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: © Linda De Giacomo (Germany)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: © Linda De Giacomo (Germany)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: © Linda De Giacomo (Germany)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: © Linda De Giacomo (Germany)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: © Linda De Giacomo (Germany)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: © Linda De Giacomo (Germany)

Golden Mention

Rifugio Naturale: exploring Lignano's beauty
Mateus Tedeschi, Alan de Mello Coelho, Cássia Fillus, Gabriela Zaruvne (Brazil)

Golden Mention

Walk through the canopies
Valerio Pacelli, Ludovico Spinozzi, Paolo Luparello, Adrian Martin Rodriguez, Giacomo Fruzzetti (Italy)

Golden Mention

Vasi di Fiori
Sergi Riera Solà, Ines Clavell Labastida (Spain)

Golden Mention

Visit Lignano Pinewood
Anna Högberg (Sweden)
Offener Wettbewerb

Lignano Pinewood: Architekturwettbewerb | Berühmt für seine natürliche Schönheit, stellt der Pinienwald von Lignano einen der charakteristischsten Orte der Stadt dar: eine wilde Umgebung, die durch die für die Adriaküste typische autochthone Vegetation gekennzeichnet ist. Obwohl heute ein großer Teil des Pinienwaldes unter Naturschutz steht, befinden sich einige Grundstücke in Privatbesitz. Der Druck der Immobilienentwicklung ist nicht gering, und die Gefahr unkontrollierter Spekulation ist heute größer denn je.

Das ehrgeizige Ziel dieses Wettbewerbs besteht darin, einen Öko-Hotelkomplex in die Landschaft des Pinienwaldes zu integrieren und gleichzeitig die Aufwertung und Erhaltung der natürlichen Umgebung zu gewährleisten. Außerdem werden die Teilnehmer die Herausforderung annehmen, einen neuen Masterplan zu entwerfen, der in der Lage ist, die Verbindungen zwischen dem Pinewood-Gebiet und dem Rest des städtischen Gefüges zu integrieren und wiederherzustellen.

Competition assignment
Lignano Pinewood: Architecture Competition | Famous for its natural beauty, Lignano’s Pine Forest represents one of the most distinctive locations of the city: a wild environment characterised by autochthonous vegetation typical of the Adriatic coast. Although today a large part of the Pinewood is protected, several plots are privately owned. The pressures of real estate development are not few and the risk of uncontrolled speculation is now stronger than ever.

The ambitious aim of this competition is to achieve the incorporation of an Eco-Hotel complex immersed within the Pinewood landscape, while si­multaneously ensuring the enhancement and preservation of its natural surroundings. Besides, participants will take on the challenge of designing a new Masterplan capable of integrating and re-establishing the connections between the Pinewood area and the rest of the urban fabric.

Martina Rosati, Zaha Hadid Architects (London, United Kingdom)
Andrea Federico Toccolini, Kengo Kuma & Associates (Tokyo, Japan)
Nathalie Rozencwajg, NAME architecture (London, United Kingdom)
Marco Leitão, Pedro Henrique Arquiteto (Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal)
Federico Minelli, Andreas Gruber Architekt (Naz-Sciaves, Italy)
Tatiana Dimou, Tatiana Dimou Architects (Patras, Greece)
Thibaut Gevers, Atelier Bau (Antwerp, Belgium)
Paola Morales O., AS/D Arquitectos (Mexico City, Mexico)

Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinner*innen finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:

Lignano Pinewood
TerraViva S.r.l.
in partnership with the italian Municipality of Lignano Sabbiadoro
About the Competition
Lignano Pinewood: Architecture Competition | Famous for its natural beauty, Lignano’s Pine Forest represents one of the most distinctive locations of the city: a wild environment characterised by autochthonous vegetation typical of the Adriatic coast. Although today a large part of the Pinewood is protected, several plots are privately owned. The pressures of real estate development are not few and the risk of uncontrolled speculation is now stronger than ever.
The ambitious aim of this competition is to achieve the incorporation of an Eco-Hotel complex immersed within the Pinewood landscape, while si­multaneously ensuring the enhancement and preservation of its natural surroundings. Besides, participants will take on the challenge of designing a new Masterplan capable of integrating and re-establishing the connections between the Pinewood area and the rest of the urban fabric.
The competition is open to students, architects, designers, urbanists, engineers, artists, makers, activists and anyone interested in the transformation of the contemporary urban space.
Participants can join the competition either individually or with a team.
Registrations: from 20.11.2023 to 15.03.2024
Results: on 08.04.2024
1st Prize: 7.000 €
2nd Prize: 2.000 €
3rd Prize: 1.000 €
Gold Mention #1: 500 €
Gold Mention #2: 500 €
Gold Mention #3: 500 €
Gold Mention #4: 500 €
10 Honorable Mentions
30 Finalists
More information and documents at

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