Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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LILA – Landezine International Landscape Award 2024 , Ljubljana/ Slowenien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
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Landschaftsarchitekturbüros, Studenten und junge Fachleute

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?

LILA 2024 Honour Award

Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates

LILA 2024 Office of the Year

Wagon landscaping

LILA 2024 Jury Award

The Warsaw Uprising Mound Park
Archigrest + topoScape

LILA 2024 Jury Award

Airlie Park

LILA 2024 Jury Award

Shirley Chisholm State Park

LILA 2024 Jury Award

The Passage and The Smithy

LILA 2024 Jury Award

Science Courtyard
Straub Thurmayr

LILA 2024 Jury Award / Revisited projects

Parc de la Feyssine

Special Mention by the LILA 2024 Jury

Still Alive – Rocaille Vivante, Italy
Wagon landscaping

Special Mention by the LILA 2024 Jury

Shanghai Super Tube: The Cultural Metamorphosis of Infrastructure, China

Special Mention by the LILA 2024 Jury

Pico Playground, Switzerland
De Molfetta Strode

Special Mention by the LILA 2024 Jury

Tepoztlan Spa, Mexico

Special Mention by the LILA 2024 Jury

The Croft Garden, USA
Practice Landscape

LILA 2024 Portfolio Award

Tatiana Nozaki
Award / Auszeichnung

Landezine ruft Landschaftsarchitekturbüros, Studenten und junge Fachleute dazu auf, ihre Arbeiten für LILA 2024 einzureichen. Es werden mehr als 50 Anerkennungen erwartet (Preise, besondere Erwähnungen und Auswahllisten).

Competition assignment
Landezine is calling landscape architecture offices, students and young professionals to submit their work to LILA 2024. There are more than 50 expected recognitions (awards, special mentions and shortlists).

Lisa Diedrich
Catherine Mosbach
Lilli Lička
Joost Emmerik
Zaš Brezar

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinner*innen finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:
LILA – Landezine International Landscape Award 2024
LILA - Landezine International Landscape Award 
is organized by Landezine Media LLC
Legal address: Malgajeva 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
About the Award
Landezine is calling landscape architecture offices, students and young professionals to submit their work to LILA 2024. There are more than 50 expected recognitions (awards, special mentions and shortlists).
Landscape Architecture Offices
Offices can submit one or more built landscape architecture projects. Any type of project can be submitted (public places, private gardens, corporate, hospitality, infrastructure, schools, sports, cemeteries, memorials, installations and everything else). Offices can submit landscape architecture projects built after 1/1/2019 or before 1/1/2009. 
One of the projects built after 1/1/2019 or later will be named Project of the Year.
‘Revisited‘ category for older projects presented with old and new photos, where the project must have been built before 2009. 
The Office of the Year award will be chosen from offices with an active Landezine Membership. Get in touch if you’d like to know more.
Landscape architecture students and young professionals
Students and young professionals from the field of landscape architecture and urban design are welcome to submit their personal portfolios (pdf booklet, A3, max 25MB) for the LILA Portfolio Award. Winning portfolios will be promoted in detail on Landezine and will enjoy international visibility.
NEW: The winning student or young professional will receive a monetary prize of 1250 euros in total (taxes incl.) 
Only people born after May 16, 1988, can participate.
The Jury
Lisa Diedrich
Catherine Mosbach
Lilli Lička
Joost Emmerik
Zaš Brezar
Early bird registration deadline is Thursday 14 March / fees: offices € 150, students € 40
Regular registration deadline is Thursday 18 April / fees: offices € 200, students € 60
Late registration deadline is Thursday 16 May / fees: offices € 250, students € 80
There is one submission deadline: 16 May 2024. You may register early to catch the low fee and submit the material later, on or before 16 May.
More information and documents at

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