Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Live Laugh Love – Elevating people through architecture
  • Live Laugh Love – Elevating people through architecture
  • Live Laugh Love – Elevating people through architecture
  • Gewinner: 梦雅黄 · Tian Wenhui,
  • Runner-Up: Yulia Smirnova,
  • People’s Choice Award: Alexander Chudakov,

Live Laugh Love – Elevating people through architecture , Edinburgh/ Vereinigtes Königreich

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
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Offener Wettbewerb
Keine Teilnahmebeschränkung

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?


梦雅黄 · Tian Wenhui,
Projekt: Chess Encounter
  • Gewinner: 梦雅黄 · Tian Wenhui,
  • Gewinner: 梦雅黄 · Tian Wenhui,


Yulia Smirnova,
Projekt: Safe Oasis
  • Runner-Up: Yulia Smirnova,
  • Runner-Up: Yulia Smirnova,

People’s Choice Award

Alexander Chudakov,
Projekt: Live Laugh Love Center
  • People’s Choice Award: Alexander Chudakov,
  • People’s Choice Award: Alexander Chudakov,
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Die erschütternden Zahlen selbst sind ein Beweis dafür, dass psychische Erkrankungen zu einem allgemeinen Gesundheitsproblem geworden sind. Auch wenn die Zahlen hier so alarmierend sind, fehlt es an Wissen und Bewusstsein für psychische Erkrankungen. Daher wurden leichte psychische Störungen (Depressionen, Angstzustände, Zwangsstörungen, bipolare Störungen, soziale Ängste usw.) noch immer nicht als ernsthafte Gesundheitsprobleme eingestuft. Dies liegt daran, dass die Auswirkungen solcher Erkrankungen auf den Einzelnen nicht sofort und über einen bestimmten Zeitraum hinweg zu beobachten sind.

Sie wirken sich sowohl auf das persönliche als auch auf das berufliche Leben schwerwiegend aus und haben in einigen Fällen zu Drogenmissbrauch und schließlich zum Tod geführt. Menschen, die an Depressionen oder anderen Störungen leiden, neigen dazu, sich von der realen Welt zu isolieren und in einem Treibsand negativer Gedanken gefangen zu sein.

Kann eine gemeindebasierte architektonische Intervention einen Raum für einen offenen Dialog zwischen den Menschen bieten? Wie können Räume für Therapie und Beratung in größerem Maßstab so gestaltet werden, dass das soziale Stigma gegen psychische Störungen aufgebrochen wird?

Competition assignment
The staggering numbers itself is a proof that mental health disorders have become a common health issue. Even though the numbers here are so alarming there is a lack of knowledge and awareness for mental health diseases. As a result, it has still not categorized mild mental disorders (Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Social Anxiety etc.) as serious health issues. This is because the repercussions of such ailments on individuals is not seen immediately and can be observed over a period of time.

It affects the personal as well as professional lives gravely and, in some cases, have led to substance abuse and eventually death. People affected with depression or any other disorders tend to isolate themselves from the real world and get trapped in a quicksand of negative thoughts.

Can a community based architectural intervention provide a space for having an open dialogue among the people? How can design integrate spaces for therapy and counselling on a larger scale that breaks the social stigma against mental disorders?

Preisgericht / Jury
Juanjo Otero, Architect, MOL Arquitectura, Spain
Eleena Jamil, Principal, Eleena Jamil Architect
Marco Dell'Agli, Project Director, MC Architects, Italy
Live Laugh Love – Elevating people through architecture

UNI, UNIEGIS NETWORK Private Limited, New Delhi

Our social behavior is a direct projection of our mental and physical wellbeing, it goes without saying that it directly impacts lifestyle, livelihood and eventually the prosperity of an individual. A deterioration in mental health adversely affects all the above and is therefore an element to ensure a healthy life.

The social stigma that exist with mental disorders has led us to a scenario where there are 300 million people estimated to be affected by depression, which is curable if identified at early stages. It is now a common mental disorder and one of the main causes of disease worldwide. The onset of digital ease and presence of social media in the past decade has helped connect people in the virtual realm.

How do we move ahead to a more physical solution and use design/infrastructure as strong tools for the same?

The staggering numbers itself is a proof that mental health disorders have become a common health issue. Even though the numbers here are so alarming there is a lack of knowledge and awareness for mental health diseases. As a result, it has still not categorized mild mental disorders (Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Social Anxiety etc.) as serious health issues. This is because the repercussions of such ailments on individuals is not seen immediately and can be observed over a period of time.

It affects the personal as well as professional lives gravely and, in some cases, have led to substance abuse and eventually death. People affected with depression or any other disorders tend to isolate themselves from the real world and get trapped in a quicksand of negative thoughts.

Can a community based architectural intervention provide a space for having an open dialogue among the people? How can design integrate spaces for therapy and counselling on a larger scale that breaks the social stigma against mental disorders?

Competition Type
Open competition

Admission Area

Minimum eligible age for participation is 18 years.
There is no restriction to the degree or design disciplines to participate in the challenge.
Participation in the competition can happen in a team as well as an individual.
Maximum numbers of participants in a team are 4.
The challenge is open worldwide for anyone to participate.

Registration ends: December 18, 2019
Submission ends: December 28, 2019
Shortlist entries announced: January 07, 2020
Jury evaluation: January 07 – 28, 2020
Public voting ends: January 28, 2020
Results announcement: February 07, 2020

More information and documents at

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