Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Living Places - Simon Architecture Prize 2024 , Barcelona/ Spanien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Architekt*innen, Planer*innen, Auftraggeber*innen und Nutzer*innen
235 Arbeiten

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Winner in the category “Collective Places“

“Coconut Harvester Center“ by Estudio Flume (Brazil)

Winner in the category “Personal Places“

“Kontigo” by Manuel Cervantes Estudio (Mexico)

Best Audiovisual Narrative

“Quinze decibels” by Matilda Vidal de Llobatera
for the project “Consell de Cent Green Hub“ by Cierto Estudio and B67 Arquitectes (Spain)
Award / Auszeichnung

Der Living Places - Simon Architecture Prize ist eine Initiative des Büros Simon, die von der Fundació Mies van der Rohe kuratiert wird und 2016 ins Leben gerufen wurde. Mit diesem Preis sollen Architekturprojekte (einschließlich Innenräume, öffentliche Räume und Landschaftsgestaltung) gewürdigt werden, deren herausragende Leistungen die Fähigkeit von Räumen verbessern, den Menschen, die sich darin aufhalten, Komfort zu bieten. Diese Entwürfe verbessern die Lebensqualität der Menschen im Alltag: beim Arbeiten, Lernen, Teilen, Genießen... Das ist Architektur zum Leben!

Competition assignment
The Living Places - Simon Architecture Prize is an initiative of the firm Simon curated by the Fundació Mies van der Rohe since the prize’s inception in 2016. The purpose of this award is to recognise architectural projects (including interiors, public spaces and landscaping) whose excellence enhances the ability of spaces to provide comfort to those who dwell within them. These designs improve people’s quality of life on a daily basis: while working, learning, sharing, enjoying... It’s architecture to be lived!

Andrés Jaque, PhD Architect, writer and curator (Vorsitz / President)
Amanda Sans, filmmaker and screenwriter
Verena Von Beckerath, Berlin-based architect and professor
Gabriela de Matos, Brazilian architect and urban planner
Salvi Plaja, Industrial designer, Global Director of Design at Simon and president of the FAD

Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinner*innen finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:

Press release
Call for entries now open for 5th edition of Living Places - Simon Architecture Prize 2024
The talk "Space Narratives", held on 29 May at SWITCH, Simon's new corporate headquarters in Barcelona, marks the beginning of the 5th edition of the Living Places - Simon Architecture Prize 2024.

The Living Places - Simon Architecture Prize is an initiative of the firm Simon curated by the Fundació Mies van der Rohe since the prize’s inception in 2016. The purpose of this award is to recognise architectural projects (including interiors, public spaces and landscaping) whose excellence enhances the ability of spaces to provide comfort to those who dwell within them. These designs improve people’s quality of life on a daily basis: while working, learning, sharing, enjoying... It’s architecture to be lived!
This year's jury features: PhD Architect, writer and curator Andrés Jaque,president of the jury;  filmmaker and screenwriter Amanda Sans; Berlin-based architect and professor Verena Von Beckerath; Brazilian architect and urban planner Gabriela de Matos; and industrial designer Salvi Plaja, Global Director of Design at Simon and president of the FAD.
The event "Space Narratives" featured the presentation of the short film 'El Luchador', produced by RA! Arquitectos, which launches the new edition of the award and highlights the ability of architecture to transform dreams into reality. 
This kicks off the registration period for nominations of projects from all European countries, Mexico and Brazil. Nominations can be made until 16 September.
More information about the prize: www.simonprize.org
Watch the video here: vimeo.com/simonprize

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