Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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#LondonCall – New Metropolitan Conference Hall , London/ Vereinigtes Königreich

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
Architekt*innen, Ingenieur*innen, Student*innen etc
136 Arbeiten

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?

1. Preis

Action Liu, China
  • 1. Preis: Action Liu, China
  • 1. Preis: Action Liu, China

2. Preis

William Sevilla Penaherrera, Spanien
  • 2. Preis: William Sevilla Penaherrera, Spanien
  • 2. Preis: William Sevilla Penaherrera, Spanien

3. Preis

Claudio C. Araya Arias, Chile
  • 3. Preis: Claudio C. Araya Arias, Chile
  • 3. Preis: Claudio C. Araya Arias, Chile

3. Preis

Maria Milagros Cortinas · Maria Milagros Pradelli, Argentinien
  • 3. Preis: Maria Milagros Cortinas · Maria Milagros Pradelli, Argentinien
  • 3. Preis: Maria Milagros Cortinas · Maria Milagros Pradelli, Argentinien


Pedro Mendes · Alfredo Carvalho · Luis Silva, Portugal
  • Erwähnung: Pedro Mendes · Alfredo Carvalho · Luis Silva, Portugal
  • Erwähnung: Pedro Mendes · Alfredo Carvalho · Luis Silva, Portugal


Orlando Sica, Italien
  • Erwähnung: Orlando Sica, Italien
  • Erwähnung: Orlando Sica, Italien


Agustina Victorica · Francisco Fernandez · Micaela Benchoam, Uruguay
  • Erwähnung: Agustina Victorica · Francisco Fernandez · Micaela Benchoam, Uruguay
  • Erwähnung: Agustina Victorica · Francisco Fernandez · Micaela Benchoam, Uruguay


Carlos Gondola · Ivan Otero · Jose Delgado · Pierre Garrido, Panama
  • Erwähnung: Carlos Gondola · Ivan Otero · Jose Delgado · Pierre Garrido, Panama
  • Erwähnung: Carlos Gondola · Ivan Otero · Jose Delgado · Pierre Garrido, Panama


Flavian Basile · Mariarosaia Savoia · Flavio Maio · Mirka Maio, Italien
  • Erwähnung: Flavian Basile · Mariarosaia Savoia · Flavio Maio · Mirka Maio, Italien
  • Erwähnung: Flavian Basile · Mariarosaia Savoia · Flavio Maio · Mirka Maio, Italien
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

London gehört zu den größten und kosmopolitischsten Städten Europas und folgt dem Lauf der Themse über etwa zehn Kilometer. Sie besteht aus zahlreichen Vierteln, jedes mit seiner eigenen Identität, und erkennt in ihrer Architektur - Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge - einige der bekanntesten Symbole der Welt. Am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs war ein Wiederaufbau dringend notwendig, der die Morphologie der britischen Hauptstadt veränderte; der Shared und der Swiss Tower sind einige der Wolkenkratzer, die heute die Skyline dominieren.

In diesem heterogenen Szenario wollen wir uns eine Architektur vorstellen, die in der Lage ist, die auf dem Territorium bereits vorhandenen Instanzen zu integrieren, innerhalb derer Pole wie das British Museum oder der vom Architekten Renzo Piano unterzeichnete Komplex von Saint Giles es schaffen, in perfektem Gleichgewicht zu leben.

Die neue Konferenzhalle wird in Bloomsbury, im Stadtteil Camden, einen Platz finden, einen Ort der Kultur, an den Bewohner und Touristen gehen können, um an öffentlichen Versammlungen teilzunehmen. Debatten und Shows werden eine Gelegenheit zur Begegnung sein, sie werden Momente der Zusammenkunft in einem Gebäude schaffen, das als ein weiteres Element in einem Szenario in ständiger Veränderung gedacht ist.

Competition assignment
London is among the largest and most cosmopolitan cities in Europe, following the course of the Thames for about ten kilometers. It is made up of numerous neighborhoods, each with its own identity, and recognizes in its architecture – Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge – some of the best known symbols in the world. At the end of the Second World War a reconstruction was urgent which transformed the morphology of the British capital; the Shared and Swiss Tower are some of the skyscraper that dominate the skyline today.

In this heterogeneous scenario we want to imagine an architecture capable of integrating the instances already present in the territory within which poles such as the British Museum or the Saint Giles Complex signed by the architect Renzo Piano manage to live in perfect balance.

The New Conference Hall will find a place in Bloomsbury, in the Camden district, it will be a place of culture in which residents and tourists can go to take part in public gatherings. Debates and shows will be an opportunity to meet, they will create moments of aggregation in a building designed to be a further element in a scenario in continuous transformation.

Preisgericht / Jury
CLAB architettura
INOUT architettura
km 429 architettura
MORANA RAO Architettura
OPPS Architettura
Pardini Hall architecture
RRS Studio
LondonCall – New Metropolitan Conference Hall

ArchiContest, Italy

The Competition
London is among the largest and most cosmopolitan cities in Europe, following the course of the Thames for about ten kilometers. It is made up of numerous neighborhoods, each with its own identity, and recognizes in its architecture – Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge – some of the best known symbols in the world. At the end of the Second World War a reconstruction was urgent which transformed the morphology of the British capital; the Shared and Swiss Tower are some of the skyscraper that dominate the skyline today.

In this heterogeneous scenario we want to imagine an architecture capable of integrating the instances already present in the territory within which poles such as the British Museum or the Saint Giles Complex signed by the architect Renzo Piano manage to live in perfect balance.

The New Conference Hall will find a place in Bloomsbury, in the Camden district, it will be a place of culture in which residents and tourists can go to take part in public gatherings. Debates and shows will be an opportunity to meet, they will create moments of aggregation in a building designed to be a further element in a scenario in continuous transformation.

Competition Type
Open Competition

Admission Area

Architects, engineers, students and professionals.
There are no age or provenance limits.

Special Entry: from 27th of April – 24th of May the fee entry is of 15,00 euro for the people that will use PayPal transfer, 20,00 euro for the people that will use bank transfer.

Ordinary Entry: from 25th of May – 22th of June the fee entry is of 20,00 euro for the people that will use PayPal transfer, 25,00 euro for the people that will use bank transfer.

Extraordinary Entry: from 23th of June – 03rd of August the fee entry is of 25,00 euro for the people that will use PayPal transfer, 30,00 euro for the people that will use bank transfer.

Announcement of Winners: no later than 01st of September 2020

# The winner will receive a prize of 500,00 euro (excluding TAX) for each participant.
#Top three finishers will have an annual subscription to the DOMUS magazine in digital format.
#The winners and mentioned might take part for life at all our future competitions that we will propose on our portal.

More information and documents at

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