Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Los Angeles Affordable Housing Challenge – Affordable Housing Series #16
  • Los Angeles Affordable Housing Challenge – Affordable Housing Series #16
  • Los Angeles Affordable Housing Challenge – Affordable Housing Series #16
  • Los Angeles Affordable Housing Challenge – Affordable Housing Series #16
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: Remedy Towers | © Jihoon Kim, Brenna Elise Fransen (United States)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize + Buildner Student Award: Housing Textures | © Harshwardhan Jitendra Kotwal, University of Adelaide (Australia)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: Thrive Revive Unite | © Zuzanna Bucko, Alona Usychenko, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Community Energizer | © Madalyn Grace Asker (United States)

Los Angeles Affordable Housing Challenge – Affordable Housing Series #16 , Los Angeles/ Vereinigte Staaten

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb
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1. Preis/ 1st prize

Project: Remedy Towers
Jihoon Kim, Brenna Elise Fransen (United States)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: Remedy Towers | © Jihoon Kim, Brenna Elise Fransen (United States)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: Remedy Towers | © Jihoon Kim, Brenna Elise Fransen (United States)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: Remedy Towers | © Jihoon Kim, Brenna Elise Fransen (United States)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: Remedy Towers | © Jihoon Kim, Brenna Elise Fransen (United States)

2. Preis/ 2nd prize + Buildner Student Award

Project: Housing Textures
Harshwardhan Jitendra Kotwal, University of Adelaide (Australia)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize + Buildner Student Award: Housing Textures | © Harshwardhan Jitendra Kotwal, University of Adelaide (Australia)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize + Buildner Student Award: Housing Textures | © Harshwardhan Jitendra Kotwal, University of Adelaide (Australia)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize + Buildner Student Award: Housing Textures | © Harshwardhan Jitendra Kotwal, University of Adelaide (Australia)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize + Buildner Student Award: Housing Textures | © Harshwardhan Jitendra Kotwal, University of Adelaide (Australia)

3. Preis/ 3rd prize

Project: Thrive Revive Unite
Zuzanna Bucko, Alona Usychenko, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: Thrive Revive Unite | © Zuzanna Bucko, Alona Usychenko, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: Thrive Revive Unite | © Zuzanna Bucko, Alona Usychenko, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: Thrive Revive Unite | © Zuzanna Bucko, Alona Usychenko, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: Thrive Revive Unite | © Zuzanna Bucko, Alona Usychenko, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: Thrive Revive Unite | © Zuzanna Bucko, Alona Usychenko, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: Thrive Revive Unite | © Zuzanna Bucko, Alona Usychenko, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

Buildner Sustainability Award

Project: Community Energizer
Madalyn Grace Asker (United States)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Community Energizer | © Madalyn Grace Asker (United States)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Community Energizer | © Madalyn Grace Asker (United States)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Community Energizer | © Madalyn Grace Asker (United States)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Community Energizer | © Madalyn Grace Asker (United States)
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Die Los Angeles Affordable Housing Challenge, die 16. Ausgabe der Buildner Affordable Housing Wettbewerbsserie, lädt Architekten und Design-Enthusiasten aus der ganzen Welt ein, originelle Lösungen zur Bewältigung der Wohnungskrise in Los Angeles einzureichen. Da die Stadt mit explodierenden Mieten, Gentrifizierung und teuren Einsteigerwohnungen zu kämpfen hat, wird bezahlbarer Wohnraum für Haushalte mit geringem Einkommen immer knapper.

Dieser Wettbewerb soll einfallsreiche und pragmatische Lösungen für die unterschiedlichen Wohnbedürfnisse der Einwohner von Los Angeles, darunter Familien, alleinstehende Berufstätige und Paare, aufzeigen. Die Teilnehmer werden ermutigt, über konventionelle Wohnmodelle hinauszudenken und innovative Entwürfe zu erforschen, die Flexibilität, Erschwinglichkeit, Nachhaltigkeit und einen Sinn für Gemeinschaft bieten.

Bei der Wahl des Standorts innerhalb von Los Angeles sollten die Teilnehmer Faktoren wie Zugänglichkeit, Ausstattung und die möglichen Auswirkungen auf die umliegende Gemeinde sorgfältig berücksichtigen. Die Herausforderung besteht darin, anpassungsfähige Entwürfe zu entwerfen, die in der Lage sind, verschiedene Bewohner und deren Bedürfnisse zu berücksichtigen, wobei die Erschwinglichkeit im Vordergrund steht, ohne Kompromisse bei der Qualität oder Nachhaltigkeit einzugehen.

Durch die Einbeziehung nachhaltiger Merkmale und energieeffizienter Systeme sollen die Teilnehmer Wohnraumlösungen schaffen, die die Umweltbelastung und die langfristigen Kosten minimieren und sich gleichzeitig nahtlos in das bestehende Stadtbild einfügen. Letztendlich ist es das Ziel, die Zukunft des Wohnens in Los Angeles durch ästhetisch ansprechende und innovative Entwürfe zu inspirieren und neu zu gestalten, die traditionelle Vorstellungen von Wohnen, Design und Gemeinschaft in Frage stellen.

Competition assignment
The Los Angeles Affordable Housing Challenge, the 16th installment of Buildner's affordable housing competition series, welcomes architects and design enthusiasts from around the globe to submit inventive solutions to tackle Los Angeles' housing crisis. As the city grapples with skyrocketing rents, gentrification, and expensive starter homes, affordable housing for lower-income households has become increasingly scarce.

This competition seeks to generate imaginative and pragmatic solutions to address the diverse housing needs of Los Angeles residents, including families, single professionals, and couples. Participants are encouraged to think beyond conventional housing models and explore innovative designs that offer flexibility, affordability, sustainability, and a sense of community.

With the freedom to select a site within Los Angeles, competitors should carefully consider factors such as accessibility, amenities, and the potential impact on the surrounding community. The challenge demands designs that are adaptable and capable of accommodating various inhabitants and their needs, prioritizing affordability without compromising quality or sustainability.

By incorporating sustainable features and energy-efficient systems, participants should strive to create housing solutions that minimize environmental impact and long-term costs while seamlessly integrating into the existing urban landscape. Ultimately, the goal is to inspire and reshape the future of housing in Los Angeles through aesthetically pleasing and innovative designs that challenge traditional notions of housing, design, and community.

Persis Lam is an associate at Toronto-based Diamond Schmitt Architects as well as executive member of Building Equality in Architecture Toronto (BEAT);
Dr. Steffen Lehmann is a tenured full Professor of Architecture and former Executive Director of schools of architecture, including the UNLV School of Architecture in Las Vegas;
Christina Lennox is the Cofounder and Chief Product Officer of Brownstone, a shared housing company which makes sleeping pods that transform existing homes into affordable shared living arrangements;
Maya Mahgoub-Desai is the Chair of Environmental Design at OCAD University and a practicing Urban Designer and Planner with Moriyama Teshima Architects whose research focuses on public health;
Fotini Pitoglou is a licensed architect in Ontario, Canada, the UK and Greece and a lead architect on hospitality projects at Toronto-based FORREC as well as an executive member of Building Equality in Architecture Toronto;
Caitlin J. Saladino serves as the Director of Strategic Development at The Lincy Institute and Brookings Mountain West, a public policy think tank focused on improving health, education, economic development, governance, non-profits, and social services in Nevada;
Yimeng Teng is a project architect at Ro Rockett Design, an award winning design firm based in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Aspen;
Katrina Yin, AIA, is an architect and design manager at JDS Development Group in New York City

Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinner*innen finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:

Los Angeles Affordable Housing Challenge
Affordable Housing Series #16
Buildner Architecture Competitions 
in partnership with:
The Competition
The Los Angeles Affordable Housing Challenge, the 16th installment of Buildner's affordable housing competition series, welcomes architects and design enthusiasts from around the globe to submit inventive solutions to tackle Los Angeles' housing crisis. As the city grapples with skyrocketing rents, gentrification, and expensive starter homes, affordable housing for lower-income households has become increasingly scarce.
This competition seeks to generate imaginative and pragmatic solutions to address the diverse housing needs of Los Angeles residents, including families, single professionals, and couples. Participants are encouraged to think beyond conventional housing models and explore innovative designs that offer flexibility, affordability, sustainability, and a sense of community.
With the freedom to select a site within Los Angeles, competitors should carefully consider factors such as accessibility, amenities, and the potential impact on the surrounding community. The challenge demands designs that are adaptable and capable of accommodating various inhabitants and their needs, prioritizing affordability without compromising quality or sustainability.
By incorporating sustainable features and energy-efficient systems, participants should strive to create housing solutions that minimize environmental impact and long-term costs while seamlessly integrating into the existing urban landscape. Ultimately, the goal is to inspire and reshape the future of housing in Los Angeles through aesthetically pleasing and innovative designs that challenge traditional notions of housing, design, and community.
Competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required. 
Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum). 
Correspondence with organizers must be conducted in English; 
All information submitted by participants must be in English. 
Closing date for registration: 01 November 2023
Closing date for project submission: 06 December 2023
Announcement of winners: 14 February 2024
Total Prize Fund: 7,000 €
1st Prize: 3,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
2nd Prize: 1,500 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
3rd Prize: 1,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
BUILDNER STUDENT AWARD: 1,000 € + 50 € ARCHHIVE BOOKS Gift Card + 50 Points BUILDNER Architecture University Rankings + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
BUILDNER SUSTAINABILITY AWARD: 500 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
6 Honorable Mentions: Publications + Certificate of Achievement
More information and documents at

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