Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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#MadridCall , Madrid/ Spanien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Wie lautet der dritte Buchstabe von "wettbewerbe"?

1. Preis

Cheng Shuai · Shen Shuqian · Lian Meng, China
  • 1. Preis: Cheng Shuai · Shen Shuqian · Lian Meng, China
  • 1. Preis: Cheng Shuai · Shen Shuqian · Lian Meng, China

2. Preis

Luciano Bonelli · Aguirre Pranzoni Alan, Argentinien
  • 2. Preis: Luciano Bonelli · Aguirre Pranzoni Alan, Argentinien
  • 2. Preis: Luciano Bonelli · Aguirre Pranzoni Alan, Argentinien

3. Preis

Sergey Korobkov · Dmitry Shklyaruk · Evgeniy Korobskoy · Andrey Tsyplakov, Russland
  • 3. Preis: Sergey Korobkov · Dmitry Shklyaruk · Evgeniy Korobskoy · Andrey Tsyplakov, Russland
  • 3. Preis: Sergey Korobkov · Dmitry Shklyaruk · Evgeniy Korobskoy · Andrey Tsyplakov, Russland


Katerina Bondarenko · Ann Khyzhniak, Ukraine
  • Erwähnung: Katerina Bondarenko · Ann Khyzhniak, Ukraine
  • Erwähnung: Katerina Bondarenko · Ann Khyzhniak, Ukraine


Emilia Markowska, Niederlande
  • Erwähnung: Emilia Markowska, Niederlande
  • Erwähnung: Emilia Markowska, Niederlande


Davide Massimo · Francesco Gabriele · Lorenzo Micarelli · Marco Paolucci, Italien
  • Erwähnung: Davide Massimo · Francesco Gabriele · Lorenzo Micarelli · Marco Paolucci, Italien
  • Erwähnung: Davide Massimo · Francesco Gabriele · Lorenzo Micarelli · Marco Paolucci, Italien


Bianca Ludovica Palmieri · Chiara Quintanal Rivacoba, Frankreich
  • Erwähnung: Bianca Ludovica Palmieri · Chiara Quintanal Rivacoba, Frankreich
  • Erwähnung: Bianca Ludovica Palmieri · Chiara Quintanal Rivacoba, Frankreich


Ignacio Gimeno Arana · Laura Quintero Palfy, Spanien
  • Erwähnung: Ignacio Gimeno Arana · Laura Quintero Palfy, Spanien
  • Erwähnung: Ignacio Gimeno Arana · Laura Quintero Palfy, Spanien
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Madrid interpretiert seine Rolle als Hauptstadt, indem es seinen alten Charme mit modernistischen Instanzen kombiniert. Der Flughafen Barajas, das Caixa Forum, die Kio-Türme sind einige der bekanntesten Architekturen des letzten Jahrhunderts und in der Lage, in perfekter Balance mit Notfällen von großem Wert wie dem Palazzo Real und der Plaza Mayor zu leben. In der Nähe des letzteren, einem Geschäftsstandort während des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts, wollen wir uns die Neue Bibliothek von Madrid vorstellen, eine Architektur, die den Placa de Villa neu gestalten wird, einen städtischen Bereich, der von Gebäuden aus der Zeit der Habsburger Monarchie umgeben ist. Das Projekt wird dem Platz ein neues Image geben müssen, indem es sich als Symbol für eine starke Anerkennung anbietet. Ausstellungssäle und Klassenzimmer für die Katalogisierung werden Teil eines Komplexes sein, der für die Gemeinschaft konzipiert wurde und dessen Grünflächen im Freien den ganzen Tag über von Bürgern und Touristen belebt werden. Ein Gebäude, das es versteht, Geschichte und Tradition aufzuwerten, indem es zu einer imaginären Verbindung zwischen den Epochen wird.

Competition assignment
Madrid interprets its role as capital by combining its ancient charm with modernist instances. Barajas airport, the Caixa Forum, the Kio towers are some of the most recognized architectures of the last century and able to live in perfect balance with emergencies of great value such as the Palazzo Real and the Plaza Mayor. Close to the latter, a business location during the 17th-18th centuries, we want to imagine The New Madrid Library, architecture that will redesign Placa de Villa, an urban area surrounded by buildings built during the Habsburg monarchy period. The project will have to give the place a new image by offering itself as a symbol of strong recognition. Exhibition halls and classrooms for cataloging will be part of a complex designed for the community where outdoor green areas will be animated by citizens and tourists throughout the day. A building that knows how to enhance history and tradition by becoming an imaginary union between the eras.
Madrid interprets its role as capital by combining its ancient charm with modernist instances. Barajas airport, the Caixa Forum, the Kio towers are some of the most recognized architectures of the last century and able to live in perfect balance with emergencies of great value such as the Palazzo Real and the Plaza Mayor. Close to the latter, a business location during the 17th-18th centuries, we want to imagine The New Madrid Library, architecture that will redesign Placa de Villa, an urban area surrounded by buildings built during the Habsburg monarchy period. The project will have to give the place a new image by offering itself as a symbol of strong recognition. Exhibition halls and classrooms for cataloging will be part of a complex designed for the community where outdoor green areas will be animated by citizens and tourists throughout the day. A building that knows how to enhance history and tradition by becoming an imaginary union between the eras.

Anyone can participate, without limits of age or country, either individually or in group. You cannot take part in the contest with more than one project.

Contemporary Bookshop Center for the Spanish capital.

ORDINARY ENTRY: from 01st of September – 18th of October the registration fee is 20 euros per single participant, from the second participant and for the subsequent participants ot the team, the fee will has an increase of 5 euros for each added component. (Example for a team of three people: 20+5+5, the participation fee is 30 euros).

EXTRAORDINARY ENTRY: from 19th of October – 18th of December the registration fee is 25 euros for single participant, from the second participant and for the subsequent participants ot the team, the fee will has an increase of 10 euros for each added component. (Example for a team of three: 25+10+10, the participation fee is 45 euros).

One A0 panel and the project report no later than the date of 18th of Dicember 2020 (deadline 23:59 Madrid timetable). The works might be send in digital format to the mail: startfortalents@gmail.com

# The prize for the first classified job is 1000 euro (excluding VAT) per single participant with an increase of 250 euro (excluding VAT) for each added component, starting from the second component of team, if the winning project is attributable to a grouping. (Example for a team of three people: 1000+250+250, final prize of 1500 euros).
# The winners and the aforementioned are guaranteed lifetime participation in all our future competitions and will be present on our portal.

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