Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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MasterPeace - A Meditation & Yoga Retreat Center Design Challenge , Gandhinagar/ Indien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
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Offener Wettbewerb

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First Prize

Ana Gabriela Araúz , Christian Lasso, Panama

Second Prize

Chie Ping Boo, Malaysia

Thord Prize

Ashish Suresh Dalal, India
Offener Wettbewerb

Competition Assignment
An invitation to all designers to design a meditation & yoga center catering its services to max. 500-1000 people. The center should have open & enclosed areas for meditation & yoga. The aim of the competition is to promote such retreat centers which have now become the need of the hour in today’s world. Yoga & Meditation in India were first practiced only by religious monks. Today millions of people worldwide roll out their mats daily to practice and is now a worldwide phenomenon. Dedicated centers & studios for practicing yoga & meditation have added to the popularity of both the art. Meditation & Yoga as a trend are bound to grow at a faster pace as more & more people indulge in these two art in order to find peace & physical fitness.
MasterPeace - A Meditation & Yoga Retreat Center Design Challenge


Competition Assignment
An invitation to all designers to design a meditation & yoga center catering its services to max. 500-1000 people. The center should have open & enclosed areas for meditation & yoga. The aim of the competition is to promote such retreat centers which have now become the need of the hour in today’s world. Yoga & Meditation in India were first practiced only by religious monks. Today millions of people worldwide roll out their mats daily to practice and is now a worldwide phenomenon. Dedicated centers & studios for practicing yoga & meditation have added to the popularity of both the art. Meditation & Yoga as a trend are bound to grow at a faster pace as more & more people indulge in these two art in order to find peace & physical fitness.

Early Bird Registrations – 11th May to 11th June 2021
Standard Registrations – 12th June to 12th July 2021
Late Registrations – 13th July to 23rd July 2021
Submission Dates – 06th, 07th & 8th August 2021
Winner Announcement – 08th September 2021

TOTAL PRIZE MONEY : INR 1,50,000 + 15 Honourable Mentions

1st Prize – INR 75,000 + Certificate + Publication
2nd Prize – INR 40,000 + Certificate + Publication
3rd Prize – INR 20,000 + Certificate + Publication

BEST STUDENT DESIGN ENTRY : INR 5,000 + Certificate + Publication
BEST ARCHITECT DESIGN ENTRY : INR 5,000 + Certificate + Publication
BEST DESIGN PRESENTATION AWARD : INR 5,000 + Certificate + Publication

More information and details at

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