Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) | © Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) | © Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) | © Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) | © Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) | © Aldo Amoretti

Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) , Rom/ Italien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
7 Arbeiten
Luca Molinari Studio, Milan

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Fotos: Aldo Amoretti – www.aldoamoretti.com


Labics und Topotek 1

Master Plan: Labics und Topotek 1

Design Team:
Tommaso Mennuni, Carolina Bajetti, Arianna Marino, Federico Pitzalis, Maria Iva Sacchetti

Art Direction:
Maria Claudia Clemente, Francesco Isidori, Arianna Marino

Campus Bio-Medico S.p.A

Hauptnutzfläche: 10.500 m2
Umbauter Raum: 6.500 m2
Bauzeit: 2020-2023

Via Álvaro del Portillo, 21, 00128 Rom
Stadtteil Trigoria

Tragwerksplanung: Planning Ingegneria e Pianificazione srl – Domenico Andreacchi
Mechanische Systeme: Planning Ingegneria e Pianificazione srl - Stefano Neri, Filippo Borrini
Elektrische und spezielle Systeme: Planning Ingegneria e Pianificazione srl - Stefano Neri, Mirko Mantovani
Akustikberatung: Marco Paolicchio
Brandschutzberatung: Planning Ingegneria e Pianificazione srl - Marco Masi
Allgemeine Bauüberwachung: Planning Ingegneria e Pianificazione srl - Marco Masi
Beauftragung: Studio Cartolano srl

Generalunternehmer: Impresa Percassi spa

Auftraggeber: Campus BioMedico


“CuBo” – short for Cultural Box – is the first building to be completed with the expansion of the Campus Bio-Medico in Rome. Pioneering the campus’ further development and construction, CuBo exhibits the traits and building criteria set in the 2019 master plan, drafted by Labics and Topotek 1 and selected amongst multiple international entries. The building has a square footprint following a grid of equal-sized modules. All its elevations feature portico façades that increase permeability between indoor and outdoor spaces and foster interrelation with neighboring facilities and the landscape.

With a simple yet rigorous floorplan of a courtyard set between two rectangular volumes, CuBo is defined by its clear programmatic arrangement. Lecture halls and large multipurpose spaces are consolidated to the volumes on the north and south sides of the building, freeing up the middle for free-flowing public use and circulation including common areas for collective use. A displaced double-height courtyard establishes a grand forecourt from the east that cascades directly into a sunken public auditorium. Floating above the open ground floor, enclosed loggias encircle the courtyard and frame a quiet study hall.

The architecture emphasizes rigor, simplicity, and openness, creating a design that interacts with the expansive landscape, based on the following essential principles:

Towards Innovative Teaching - In the typological evolution of educational buildings, the classroom, once central, has transitioned into one of many spaces within the building. This shift is crucial for the flexible use of space.

Between Centrality and Seriality - The building combines a linear structure of alternating 'full' and 'empty' bands with a courtyard layout.

The Design of Empty Space - Circulation space, seen as a hub of collectivity with continuous flows of people and relationships, holds a central role in the project.

Between Interior and Exterior: Relationship with the Landscape - The new building is designed to strengthen both physical and visual connections with the outdoor environment.

The System of Porticos - The extensive use of porticos in the building aligns with the principles of the master plan, emphasizing open spaces as a continuum that organizes the built environment.

The Language of Materials - The chosen materials align with the concept of simplicity and essentiality, consistent with the overall intervention strategy from the Master plan level down to the scale of individual buildings.


Beteiligten Hersteller u. a.:
Fenster ung Vorhangfassaden: Schüco
Ziegelverkleidung: S.Anselmo
Holzlamellen-Deckenverkleidung: Nodoo
Terrazzo: EUVAL Betonwerkstein
Gummiboden: Artigo
Brandschutztüren: Novoferm
Verglaste Brandschutztüren: Glassfire
Holztüren: Garofoli
Glaswände: Citterio
Akustikdecken: Rockfon


  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) | © Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) | © Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) | © Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) | © Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) | © Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) | © Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) | © Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) | © Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) | © Aldo Amoretti
  • Erdgeschoss | © Labics und Topotek 1
  • 1. Obergeschoss | © Labics und Topotek 1
  • Schnitte/Ansicht | © Labics und Topotek 1
  • Axometrie | © Labics und Topotek 1
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM)
    Copyright: Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM)
    Copyright: Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM)
    Copyright: Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM)
    Copyright: Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM)
    Copyright: Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM)
    Copyright: Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM)
    Copyright: Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM)
    Copyright: Aldo Amoretti
  • Masterplan für die Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM)
    Copyright: Aldo Amoretti
  • Erdgeschoss
    Copyright: Labics und Topotek 1
  • 1. Obergeschoss
    Copyright: Labics und Topotek 1
  • Schnitte/Ansicht
    Copyright: Labics und Topotek 1
  • Axometrie
    Copyright: Labics und Topotek 1


Labics Architects, Rom
TOPOTEK 1 Gesellschaft von Landschaftsarchitekten mbH, Berlin
Systematica, Mailand
Prof. Eliana Cangelli, Rom

The urban design UCBM Masterplan for the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome is a 90 ha project with urban design, landscape, and architectural relevance, which was developed by the architects and landscape architects of Topotek 1 in a joint venture with Labics.
Considering the Town Planning Scheme’s goal to transform the monocentric arrangement of Rome into a polycentric structure, the design serves as a model for the creation of future urban centralities. In this sense, the planning of the new bio-medical center therefore seeks to address connectivity, openness, and accessibility, while at the same time acknowledging and integrating elements from the surrounding context.
Following the concept of porosity, the surrounding landscape becomes an essential component of the masterplan, forming the backbone of the campus, creating a place to encourage dialogue within the community. Furthermore, the masterplan embeds the new urban fabric into the existing spatial structures, allowing for the development of a coherent sequence of built units and open spaces. The new facilities are concentrated close to the main entrance towards Trigoria. The sport facilities and residential areas located in the north side of the campus further open the site towards the adjacent area.
Central to the design is the creation of a functional public space through the concordant intertwining of built and natural elements, resulting in a continuous interrelation of landscape and urbanity. Using the grid’s units to seek formal regularity, the inner and outer spaces define dynamic zones for diverse program and activity to unfold both inside and outside. Light building structures give space to research and simultaneously foster social encounter on their inner spaces, corridors, and terraces.
The outside areas are characterised by width and spaciousness. Lush vegetation such as lavender bushes and evergreen cedars reference southern-European landscapes and typologically connect the new site to the existing landscapes around Rome.
  • Campus | © Labics und Topotek 1
  • Campus | © Labics und Topotek 1
  • Campus | © Labics und Topotek 1
  • Campus | © Labics und Topotek 1
  • Masterplan | © Labics und Topotek 1
  • Masterplan | © Labics und Topotek 1
  • Campus
  • Campus
  • Campus
  • Campus
  • Masterplan
  • Masterplan

Das Hauptziel des Wettbewerbs ist es, die Entwicklung der Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) in zwei verschiedenen Projektgrößen zu gestalten: einerseits die Masterplanerstellung von UCBM-Gebieten, sowohl von bebauten als auch von unbebauten Flächen, die bis 2045 zu entwickeln sind, andererseits die architektonische Gestaltung von kurzfristigen neuen Funktionen und Dienstleistungen.

Gesetzte Teilnehmer
- Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia
- Diller Scofidio + Renfro and Alvisi Kirimoto Partners
- El Equipo Mazzanti
- Labics + TOPOTEK 1
- Mario Cucinella Architects
- Sauerbruch Hutton
- Xaveer De Geyter Architects

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