Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Memorial for Witches
  • Memorial for Witches
  • Memorial for Witches
  • Memorial for Witches
  • 1. Preis: Xiaodan Zhou · Chuhong Yin (USA)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)

Memorial for Witches , Singapur

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb
Keine Teilnahmebeschränkungen

Wie lautet der dritte Buchstabe von "wettbewerbe"?

1. Preis

Projekt: The Weightless Being
Xiaodan Zhou · Chuhong Yin (USA)
  • 1. Preis: Xiaodan Zhou · Chuhong Yin (USA)
  • 1. Preis: Xiaodan Zhou · Chuhong Yin (USA)
  • 1. Preis: Xiaodan Zhou · Chuhong Yin (USA)
  • 1. Preis: Xiaodan Zhou · Chuhong Yin (USA)
  • 1. Preis: Xiaodan Zhou · Chuhong Yin (USA)
  • 1. Preis: Xiaodan Zhou · Chuhong Yin (USA)
  • 1. Preis: Xiaodan Zhou · Chuhong Yin (USA)
  • 1. Preis: Xiaodan Zhou · Chuhong Yin (USA)
  • 1. Preis: Xiaodan Zhou · Chuhong Yin (USA)
  • 1. Preis: Xiaodan Zhou · Chuhong Yin (USA)

2. Preis

Projekt: Barefoot under the Weight of Injustice
Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)
  • 2. Preis: Maria Tîlvescu-Nicula (Rumänien)

3. Preis + Buildner Student Award

Projekt: dialogue
Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)
  • 3. Preis + Buildner Student Award: Annasya Koesty Fadhillah · Muhammad Rafli · Gina Khairunnisa, University of Indonesia (Indonesien)

Buildner Sustainability Award

Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
  • Buildner Sustainability Award: Roman Tay · Weixuan Wang (England)
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Die Verfolgung von Frauen, die als Hexen angesehen wurden, fand in ganz Europa und Amerika über mehrere hundert Jahre statt. Frauen, die wegen ihrer nichtchristlichen Praktiken als Hexen galten, wurden in Europa bereits ab Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts gefoltert und getötet, und zwischen 1500 und 1660 wurden etwa 80 000 Hexen hingerichtet.

Hexenprozesse fanden überall auf der Welt statt, aber der berühmteste war der Salemer Hexenprozess, der 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, stattfand. In jenem Jahr wurden über 150 Frauen, Männer und Kinder der Hexerei beschuldigt. Eine relativ geringe Zahl im Vergleich zu den baskischen Hexenprozessen des 17. Jahrhunderts in Spanien, bei denen etwa 7.000 Fälle von Hexerei verhandelt wurden.

Es ist ein weit verbreiteter Irrglaube, dass Hexen auf dem Scheiterhaufen verbrannt wurden. Obwohl sie nicht weniger grausam und endgültig waren, wurden Hexen sowohl in England als auch in den amerikanischen Kolonien in der Regel gehängt. Während der Hauptzeit der Hexenverfolgungen wurden etwa 30.000 bis 60.000 Frauen, Männer und Kinder hingerichtet.

Der Wettbewerb Memorial for Witches ist der erste einer jährlichen Reihe, die die Öffentlichkeit daran erinnern soll, wie die Gesellschaft einst mit irrationalen Ängsten umging. Diejenigen, die gefürchtet und missverstanden wurden, wurden unterdrückt und zu Opfern gemacht - ein Trend der sozialen Ungerechtigkeit, der bis heute anhält.

Die Teilnehmer werden gebeten, sich ein aktuelles oder vergangenes Unrecht auszusuchen und einen beliebigen Ort zu wählen, der sich für eine theoretische Gedenkstätte eignen würde. Die eingereichten Entwürfe könnten als Quelle für die Aufklärung über vergangene Ereignisse dienen oder als Methode, um auf aktuelle Ungerechtigkeiten hinzuweisen und das Bewusstsein dafür zu schärfen.

Da es sich um einen Ideenwettbewerb handelt, steht es den Teilnehmern frei, einen beliebigen realen oder imaginären Ort sowie die Größe ihrer Struktur zu wählen.

Competition assignment
The persecution of women perceived to be witches took place throughout Europe and America for several hundred years. Women who were classed as witches because of their non-Christian practices were tortured and killed from as early as the mid-1400s in Europe, and roughly 80,000 witches were put to death between 1500 and 1660.

Witch trials took place all over the world, but the most famous was the Salem Witch Trials which took place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. During that year, over 150 women, men, and children were accused of witchcraft. A relatively small number compared to the Basque Witch Trials of the 17th century in Spain, in which around some 7,000 cases of witchcraft were heard.

It’s a common misconception that witches were burned at the stake. While no less horrible and final, witches were typically hanged both in England and in the American colonies, with roughly 30,000–60,000 women, men, and children executed during the main era of witchcraft persecutions.

The Memorial for Witches competition is the first in an annual series that looks to remind the public of the ways in which society once dealt with irrational fears. Those who were feared and misunderstood were suppressed and victimized, a trend of social injustice that still takes place to this day.

Participants are asked to choose any injustice that is either currently ongoing or an issue from the past and select any site that would be an appropriate location for a theoretical memorial structure. Submitted designs could function as a source of education about past events, or a method of whistleblowing and raising awareness of ongoing injustices.

As this is an ideas competition, participants are free to choose any site location, real or imaginary, as well as the size of their structure.

Rachel Christ-Doane is the Director of Education at the Salem Witch Museum;
Bartosz Haduch is an architect, academic teacher, and publicist who runs run the interdisciplinary collective NArchitekTURA, based in Poland;
Sebastian Letz is a Partner and Creative Director at Milla & Partner, in Germany;
Katie MacDonald is Cofounder of After Architecture and Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia;
Paul Monaghan is Director at AHMM in London;
Hans Olof Furberg is Head of Culture and Education in the county council of Västernorrland and development manager of the Witch Museum in Torsåker Sweden;
Elke Sterling-Presser and Nicolas Sterling are Co-founders and Directors of Sterling Presser Architects and Engineers in Berlin;
David Telerman is founder of Paris-based studio Atelier David Telerman

Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:

Memorial for Witches
Buildner Architecture Competitions 
The Competition
The persecution of women perceived to be witches took place throughout Europe and America for several hundred years. Women who were classed as witches because of their non-Christian practices were tortured and killed from as early as the mid-1400s in Europe, and roughly 80,000 witches were put to death between 1500 and 1660.
Witch trials took place all over the world, but the most famous was the Salem Witch Trials which took place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. During that year, over 150 women, men, and children were accused of witchcraft. A relatively small number compared to the Basque Witch Trials of the 17th century in Spain, in which around some 7,000 cases of witchcraft were heard.
It’s a common misconception that witches were burned at the stake. While no less horrible and final, witches were typically hanged both in England and in the American colonies, with roughly 30,000–60,000 women, men, and children executed during the main era of witchcraft persecutions.
The Memorial for Witches competition is the first in an annual series that looks to remind the public of the ways in which society once dealt with irrational fears. Those who were feared and misunderstood were suppressed and victimized, a trend of social injustice that still takes place to this day.
Participants are asked to choose any injustice that is either currently ongoing or an issue from the past and select any site that would be an appropriate location for a theoretical memorial structure. Submitted designs could function as a source of education about past events, or a method of whistleblowing and raising awareness of ongoing injustices.
As this is an ideas competition, participants are free to choose any site location, real or imaginary, as well as the size of their structure.
Competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required. 
Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum). 
Correspondence with organizers must be conducted in English; 
All information submitted by participants must be in English.
Closing date for registration: 11 November 2022
Closing date for project submission: 15 December 2022 (11:59pm LONDON TIME)
Announcement of winners: 24 February 2023
Total Prize Fund: 7,000 €
1st Prize: 3,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
2nd Prize: 1,500 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
3rd Prize: 1,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
BUILDNER Student Award: 1,000 € + 50 € ARCHHIVE BOOKS Gift Card + 50 Points Buildner Architecture University Rankings + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
BUILDNER SUSTAINABILITY AWARD: 500 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
6 Honorable Mentions: Publications + Certificate of Achievement
More information and documents at

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