Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Museum of Design Oslo , Oslo/ Norwegen

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb
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Wie lautet der dritte Buchstabe von "wettbewerbe"?

1. Preis

Enrique S Gallardo · Vasiliki Christakou, Spanien
  • 1. Preis: Enrique S Gallardo · Vasiliki Christakou, Spanien
  • 1. Preis: Enrique S Gallardo · Vasiliki Christakou, Spanien

2. Preis

Marcin Wieczorek · Isabelle Menu · Luc Saison, Frankreich
Projekt: FJORDISM / Fjord Design Museum of Oslo
  • 2. Preis: Marcin Wieczorek · Isabelle Menu · Luc Saison, Frankreich
  • 2. Preis: Marcin Wieczorek · Isabelle Menu · Luc Saison, Frankreich

3. Preis

Kritika Saini, Indien
Projekt: Möbiuseum
  • 3. Preis: Kritika Saini, Indien
  • 3. Preis: Kritika Saini, Indien
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

„Die Evolution des Menschen ist ein Ergebnis seiner Gestaltungsfähigkeit.“

Das Feld des Designs wird durch die Bereiche definiert, in denen der Designprozess angewendet werden kann: Architektur, städtischer Raum, Kleidung, Möbel, Konsumgüter, gedruckte Materialien, digitale Schnittstellen, soziale Strukturen, Websites usw. Aber Design umfasst viel mehr als nur Form und Funktion. Design ist kein Wesen, sondern ein Ereignis, es ist nicht ein Ding, sondern eine Wirkung.

Design entsteht aus dem Wunsch heraus, unsere Erfahrungen sowohl praktisch als auch emotional zu steigern. Design ermutigt uns zum Forschen und Experimentieren und damit zur Transzendenz in eine verbesserte Welt. Die menschliche Fähigkeit, Design als Ausdruckssystem und als Prozess zur Entwicklung von Lösungen zu nutzen, ist seit Urzeiten offensichtlich. Trotz seiner Vielfältigkeit in den verschiedenen Interventionsbereichen ist Design allgegenwärtig und unsichtbar. Ob wir uns dessen bewusst sind oder nicht, Design umgibt uns und kann an den kleinsten Orten und in den kleinsten Formen gefunden werden. Es hat eine dreigleisige Wirkung: erfahrungsbezogen, ästhetisch und sozial hat im Laufe der Geschichte verschiedene Stile und Bewegungen hervorgebracht, die einen tiefgreifenden Einfluss auf das Wachstum der Menschen und der Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen hatten.

Ziel dieses Wettbewerbs ist es, in Oslo ein ikonenhaftes „Museum für Design“ zu schaffen, das die Domäne des Designs feiert und eine angemessene Hommage an das gesamte Gebiet darstellt. Design ist als museologische Domäne weltweit weitgehend vernachlässigt worden, abgesehen von einigen bestimmten Abteilungen in großen Kunstmuseen, die einzelnen Designern gewidmet sind. Mit dem Eintritt in ein neues Jahrzehnt muss das „Museum für Design“ Bewusstsein schaffen und über die Reise des Designs durch die Zeit nachdenken. Das Museum für Design muss ein Archiv und eine Drehscheibe für die Entwicklung zukünftiger Designbewegungen und Innovationen werden.

Das Museum für Design sollte alle wichtigen Designbereiche unter einem einzigen Umschlag zusammenfassen und eine starke Aussage machen. Das Museum für Design sollte den Prozess und die Anstrengungen, die hinter dem Design stehen, in einer aussagekräftigen Weise erzählen, so dass die Menschen seine tiefgreifende Wirkung beobachten und würdigen können. Das Museum sollte eine Zeitleiste mit spezifischen Designbereichen erstellen, in der die Menschen seine Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft erfahren können. Die räumliche und architektonische Manifestation der Reise/Geschichte sollte für die Menschen eine immersive Erfahrung sein, so dass sie die Informationen leicht aufnehmen können.

Das Designmuseum muss ein Ort sein, an dem sich Menschen, die Design lieben, treffen können. Es sollte eine architektonische Ikone für die Stadt Oslo werden, wo Menschen zusammenkommen und über Design sprechen können. Das Museum sollte neben seinen üblichen Archivierungsprogrammen auch Lernzentren und Kongressbereiche für Biennalen usw. einbeziehen, damit es den Menschen der Stadt etwas zurückgeben kann.

Competition assignment
“Evolution of mankind is a result of his ability to design.”

The field of Design is defined by the areas where design process can be applied: architecture, urban space, clothing, furniture, consumer products, printed materials, digital interfaces, social structures, websites etc. But design encompasses much more than form and function. Design is not a being, but an event, it is not a thing but an impact.

Design is born out of our desire to elevate our experiences, both practically and emotionally. Design encourages us to explore and experiment, and thus transcend into an improved world. Human ability to use design as an expressive system and a process to develop solutions is evident all the way from primitive times. Despite its diversity w.r.t to different areas of intervention, design is omnipresent and invisible. Whether we’re aware of it or not, design surrounds us, and can be found in the tiniest of places and forms. It’s three-pronged impact: experiential, aesthetic and social has created various styles and movements throughout history which has had a profound impact on the growth of men and society in general.

The aim of this competition is to create an iconic ‘Museum of Design’ in Oslo that would celebrate the domain of design and become a fitting tribute to the field as a whole. Design has been largely neglected as a museological domain worldwide, apart from some certain sections in major art museums dedicated to individual designers. Entering into a new decade, the ‘Museum of Design’ must generate awareness and reflect upon the journey of design through time. The Museum of Design must become an archive and a hub for development of future design movements and innovations.

Museum of Design should encompass all the major design areas under a single envelope and make a powerful statement. The Museum of Design should narrate the process and effort behind design in a powerful manner so that people can observe and appreciate its profound impact. The museum should create a timeline w.r.t specific design fields where people can experience its impact on society. The spatial and architectural manifestation of the journey/story should be an immersive experience for people so that they can absorb the information easily.

Design Museum must be a place where people who love design can meet. It should become an architectural icon for the city of Oslo where people can converge and talk about design. The museum should also insert learning centers and convention areas for biennale etc. apart from its usual archival programs so that it can give back to the people of the city.

“Evolution of mankind is a result of his ability to design.”

The field of Design is defined by the areas where design process can be applied: architecture, urban space, clothing, furniture, consumer products, printed materials, digital interfaces, social structures, websites etc. But design encompasses much more than form and function. Design is not a being, but an event, it is not a thing but an impact.

Design is born out of our desire to elevate our experiences, both practically and emotionally. Design encourages us to explore and experiment, and thus transcend into an improved world. Human ability to use design as an expressive system and a process to develop solutions is evident all the way from primitive times. Despite its diversity w.r.t to different areas of intervention, design is omnipresent and invisible. Whether we’re aware of it or not, design surrounds us, and can be found in the tiniest of places and forms. It’s three-pronged impact: experiential, aesthetic and social has created various styles and movements throughout history which has had a profound impact on the growth of men and society in general.

The aim of this competition is to create an iconic ‘Museum of Design’ in Oslo that would celebrate the domain of design and become a fitting tribute to the field as a whole. Design has been largely neglected as a museological domain worldwide, apart from some certain sections in major art museums dedicated to individual designers. Entering into a new decade, the ‘Museum of Design’ must generate awareness and reflect upon the journey of design through time. The Museum of Design must become an archive and a hub for development of future design movements and innovations.

Museum of Design should encompass all the major design areas under a single envelope and make a powerful statement. The Museum of Design should narrate the process and effort behind design in a powerful manner so that people can observe and appreciate its profound impact. The museum should create a timeline w.r.t specific design fields where people can experience its impact on society. The spatial and architectural manifestation of the journey/story should be an immersive experience for people so that they can absorb the information easily.

Design Museum must be a place where people who love design can meet. It should become an architectural icon for the city of Oslo where people can converge and talk about design. The museum should also insert learning centers and convention areas for biennale etc. apart from its usual archival programs so that it can give back to the people of the city.

Prizes worth EUR 2500 are up for claim with the distribution as follows:
Apart from the winners, the jury will select ’10 Editors’ Choices’ who will be featured on our website and several other international magazines and websites across the world. The winners and Editors’ Choices will be provided with an honorary certificate.

The competition is open to everyone in the world (architects, students, engineers etc.). You can participate individually or in a team. A team can have a maximum of three members only.

Early registration: 1st June 2020 – 31st July 2020
For foreign nationals: 60 EUR + taxes (PER TEAM)
For Indian nationals: 1800 INR + taxes (PER TEAM)

Standard registration: 1st August 2020 – 30th August 2020
For foreign nationals: 80 EUR + taxes (PER TEAM)
For Indian nationals: 2100 INR + taxes (PER TEAM)

Submission deadline: 31st August 2020
Result: 25th September 2020

*All deadlines are 11:59 PM–00:00 IST (India)

- Participants may register by filling the registration form and submitting it with appropriate payment through our secure payment gateways at www.switchcompetition.com
- The participants will receive their teamcode within 48 hours of completing the payment successfully.
- Teamcode will be sent primarily to the email address provided to PAYUMONEY/PAYPAL.

Group discounts apply for a minimum of 5 teams from one particular architecture school/university as our initiative to promote more participation from students. Send us the following details at queries@switchcompetition.com to avail the offer.
- Names of all the participating team members and their respective team leaders.
- Name of the university.
- School ID proofs of the team leaders.

It will not be possible to amend or update any information relating to your registration including the names of team members once validated.

- Switch reserves the right to modify the competition schedule if deemed necessary.
- Participant teams will be disqualified if any of the competition rules or submission requirements are not considered. Participation assumes acceptance of the regulations.
- Team code is the only means of identification of a team as it is an anonymous competition.
- The official language of the competition is English.
- The registration fee is non-refundable.
- Contacting the Jury is prohibited.

Please see the terms and conditions section on www.switchcompetition.com

This is an open international competition hosted by Switch to generate progressive design ideas. There are no plans for any proposal to be built. The competition is organized for education purpose only.

Website: www.switchcompetition.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/switchcompetition
Instagram: www.instagram.com/switch_competitions

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