- wa-ID
- wa-2035335
- Tag der Veröffentlichung
- 07.12.2022
- Aktualisiert am
- 20.04.2023
- Verfahrensart
- Offener Wettbewerb
- Zulassungsbereich
- Teilnehmer
- Keine Teilnahmebeschränkungen
- Beteiligung
- 78 Arbeiten
- Auslober
- Landsbyggefonden (National Building Fund)
- Abgabetermin
- 17.02.2023 12:00
- Preisgerichtssitzung
- 13.04.2023
Offener Ideenwettbewerb
Dies ist ein offener Aufruf für ehrgeizige, innovative und kreative Ideen, die zu einer sozial nachhaltigen Nachbarschaft für Generationen in der Zukunft beitragen. Nachbarschaften für Generationen sind Orte, die zu Geselligkeit und gegenseitiger Unterstützung einladen, an denen Menschen aller Altersgruppen als Mitglieder ihres Treppenhauses, ihres Wohnblocks und ihrer Nachbarschaft gesehen und geschätzt werden.
Aufgrund des demografischen Wandels und der Verstädterung sehen sich Städte und Stadtviertel mit zahlreichen, konvergierenden Herausforderungen konfrontiert, darunter ein Mangel an erschwinglichem Wohnraum, eine zunehmende soziale Segregation, ein schlechter Zugang zu Gesundheits- und Sozialdiensten und eine Verschlechterung der psychischen und physischen Gesundheit der Menschen. Um sozial nachhaltigere Orte für Menschen aller Altersgruppen zu schaffen, müssen wir die Art und Weise, wie wir unsere Städte planen, organisieren, leben und miteinander umgehen, neu überdenken. Erschwinglicher Wohnraum ist ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil der Entwicklung, da angemessener und erschwinglicher Wohnraum eine der wichtigsten Voraussetzungen für ein gutes Leben ist.
Wir rufen Menschen aller Berufe, Hintergründe und Führungsebenen auf, Ideen einzureichen, die zur Entwicklung des Konzepts Neighbourhoods for Generations beitragen können. Von akademischen Gruppen und Abteilungen bis hin zu städtischen Strategie- und Designfirmen, Wohnungsbauunternehmen, öffentlichen Dienstleistern und sozialen Unterstützungsdiensten, um nur einige zu nennen, ermutigen wir zu Einsendungen aus allen relevanten Bereichen.
Neighbourhoods for Generations bietet den Gewinnern finanzielle Unterstützung für die weitere Entwicklung und Ausstellung, Diskussionen mit Experten und die Präsentation auf der Weltbühne. Die prämierten Ideen werden im Rahmen von Ausstellungen, Debatten und Präsentationen auf dem UIA-Weltkongress der Architekten und den „Almene Boligdage“ des dänischen Non-Profit-Sektors vorgestellt - alles im Rahmen von Kopenhagen als Welthauptstadt der Architektur 2023, einem wichtigen Forum zur Diskussion über die Zukunft unserer Städte.
Wir freuen uns auf all Ihre fantastischen Ideen!
Competition assignment
This is an open call for ambitious, innovative and creative ideas that contribute to socially sustainable Neighbourhood for Generation in the future. Neighbourhoods for Generations are places that invite sociability and mutual support, where people of all ages are seen and valued as members of their stairwell, housing block and neighbourhood.
Due to demographic changes and urbanisation, cities and neighbourhoods are facing multiple, converging challenges including a lack of affordable housing, an increase in social segregation, poor access to health and social services and worsening rates of mental and physical health among people. In order to achieve more socially sustainable places for people of all ages, we need to rethink the way we plan, organise, live and interact in our cities. Affordable housing is an inevitable part of the development as decent and affordable housing is one of the most important requirements to be met in order to establish a good life.
We call on people of all professions, backgrounds and levels of seniority to submit ideas that can contribute to the development of the Neighbourhoods for Generations concept. From academic groups and departments, to urban strategy and design firms, housing startups, public service providers and social support services, to name a few, we encourage submissions from all relevant sectors.
Neighbourhoods for Generations offers winning ideas financial support for further development and exhibition, discussions with experts and exposure on the world stage. The winning ideasthat are developed will be showcased through exhibitions, debates, and presentations at the UIA World Congress of Architects and the Danish Non-profit Sector’s 'Almene Boligdage' - all part of Copenhagen being the World Capital of Architecture 2023, a major forum for discussing the future of our cities.
We look forward to receiving all your fantastic ideas!
Christian Pagh, Director and Chief Curator of Oslo Architecture Triennale NO (Vorsitz/Head of Jury)
Hanna Harris Chief Design Officer of Helsinki FIN
Gro Sandkjær Hanssen Senior researcher in welfare, democracy and governance at OsloMet NO
Mikkel Warming (Høje Gladsaxe) Head of Development, 3B, DK
Finn Williams City Architect of Malmö SE
Steffen Møller Borgbjerg (Axelborg) Director, ALBO, DK
Natalie Mossin Head of Institute, Institute of Architecture and Technology, KADK, DK
Jan Gehl Urban Expert, DK
Denmark-Copenhagen: Architectural and related services
2022/S 236-679769
Design contest notice
Section I: Contracting authority/entity
National registration number: DK
Postal address: Studiestræde 50
Town: Copenhagen
NUTS code: DK Danmark
Postal code: 1554
Country: Denmark
Contact person: Anita Pedersen, Team Manager
E-mail: ape@lbf.dk
Telephone: +45 33762114
Internet address(es):
Main address: www.lbf.dk
Section II: Object
Neighbourhoods for generations_open international ideas competition
This is an open call for ambitious, innovative and creative ideas that contribute to socially sustainable Neighbourhood for Generation in the future. Neighbourhoods for Generations are places that invite sociability and mutual support, where people of all ages are seen and valued as members of their stairwell, housing block and neighbourhood.
Due to demographic changes and urbanisation, cities and neighbourhoods are facing multiple, converging challenges including a lack of affordable housing, an increase in social segregation, poor access to health and social services and worsening rates of mental and physical health among people. In order to achieve more socially sustainable places for people of all ages, we need to rethink the way we plan, organise, live and interact in our cities. Affordable housing is an inevitable part of the development as decent and affordable housing is one of the most important requirements to be met in order to establish a good life.
We call on people of all professions, backgrounds and levels of seniority to submit ideas that can contribute to the development of the Neighbourhoods for Generations concept. From academic groups and departments, to urban strategy and design firms, housing startups, public service providers and social support services, to name a few, we encourage submissions from all relevant sectors.
Neighbourhoods for Generations offers winning ideas financial support for further development and exhibition, discussions with experts and exposure on the world stage. The winning ideasthat are developed will be showcased through exhibitions, debates, and presentations at the UIA World Congress of Architects and the Danish Non-profit Sector’s 'Almene Boligdage' - all part of Copenhagen being the World Capital of Architecture 2023, a major forum for discussing the future of our cities.
We look forward to receiving all your fantastic ideas!
Section IV: Procedure
Entries will be assessed on the basis of their ability to filfil the vision defined, as well as the wishes and requirements set out in the competition brief. There will furthermore, be emphasis on the ability of the idea to be:
o innovative and contribute to bridginge generations
o scalable and robust
o further developed and communicated widely to the general public
o socially and economically sustainable
The four most innovative ideas submitted will be selected as winners of the competition. In addition up to 10 ideas will receive honourable mentions on the website and be part of the competition’s exhibition.
The four selected ideas will receive financial support and experts to develop and adapt ideas to one of two case sites in Axelborg and Høje Gladsaxe, Denmark. The developed ideas will be exhibited in Copenhagen and presented at the UIA World Congress of Architects and the Danish Non-profit housing sector’s 'Almene Boligdage' - all part of Copenhagen bein World Capital of Architecture 2023 (https://copenhagenincommon.kk.dk/en), a major forum for discussing the future of our cities.
Winning teams will receive:
DKK 350,000 (excluding VAT) to finance further development of the initial pitch.
A dedicated profile on the Neighbourhoods for Generations website.
Expert support and sparing from Neighbourhoods for Generations’ secretariat and partners during a development process.
Exhibition in Copenhagen being the World Capital of Architecture 2023 to an international audience, the non-profit housing sector and general public.
Access to, and participation in debates at the UIA World Congress of Architects and Almene Boligdage.
Up to 150,000 DKK (excluding VAT) to cover exhibition materials, construction, and maintenance. Of which, up to 35,000 DKK (excluding VAT) to cover travel and accommodation costs associated with participation expenses in Copenhagen.
Section VI: Complementary information
1) The competition brief is available at: https://www.ibinder.com/External/EnquiryLink.aspx?id=phggeqdgky
2) Call iBinder SUPPORT if you need help: +45 89 88 78 29
3) Meet the Nordic jury
The jury consists of strong interdisciplinary profiles within urban planning, design thinking, social sustainability, citizen engagement, affordable housing, collaboration and partnerships, community building, and more from the Nordic countries.
Christian Pagh (Head of Jury)
Director and Chief Curator of Oslo Architecture Triennale
Focus area: social, cultural, and artistic aspects of urban development
Christian is Director and Chief curator of the Oslo Architecture Triennale. Before joining the Triennale, Pagh was partner and cultural director in the Danish strategic design office Urgent.Agency. He has headed a range of projects in urban planning, strategic design, architecture, and cultural development.
Hanna Harris
Chief Design Officer of Helsinki
Focus area: design thinking, collaborations, citizen engagement
Hanna is the Chief Design Officer of Helsinki. She holds a licentiate in Social Sciences and Urban Research and specialises in making architecture and design visible, and making use of the opportunities they present in society.
Mikkel Warming
Head of Development, 3B
Mikkel is Head of Development in the non-profit housing association 3B with approximately 12,000 non-profit housing units in Copenhagen. Earlier, Mikkel has been chief of social development plans and social initiatives in 3B. Before joining 3B Mikkel was
Mayor for Social Affairs in the City of Copenhagen from 2005 to 2013.
Gro Sandkjær Hanssen
Senior researcher at OsloMet
Focus area: participation, democracy and governance
Gro holds a Ph.d. in political science and is a senior researcher in welfare, democracy and governance at the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR), OsloMet. Her research in urban planning centres around the themes of participation, co-management and governance challenges at both local and regional levels.
Finn Williams
City Architect of Malmö
Focus area: public sector, placemaking, urban regeneration
Finn is the City Architect of Malmö. He was one of the co-founders and CEO of Public Practice in London; a social enterprise focusing on building the public sector’s capacity for proactive planning.
Steffen Møller Borgbjerg
Director, ALBO
Steffen is director of ALBO, Horsen’s largest non-profit organisation that manages 55% of all the non-profit housing in Horsens - including Axelborg. Steffen has been in the non-profit housing sector for more than 15 years. He holds a Master of Business Administration degree..
Natalie Mossin
Head of Institute, Institute of Architecture and Technology, KADK
Focus area: sustainable development in built environment, partnerships and organisations
Natalie is Head of Institute at the Institute of Architecture and Technology at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. She is a co-chair of the UIA Commission of Sustainable Development as well as President of Congress for the UIA World Congress of Architects in 2023.
Jan Gehl
Urban Expert
Focus area: people-centred urban design, public spaces, urban planning
Jan is an Architect and Founding Partner of Gehl Architects, and former Professor and Researcher at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture. Over the course of his career, he has published several books and won numerous national and international awards.
Postal address: Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2
Town: Viborg
Postal code: 8800
Country: Denmark
E-mail: klfu@naevneneshus.dk
Telephone: +45 72405708
Internet address: www.klfu.dk
Town: Valby
Postal code: 2500
Country: Denmark
Telephone: +45 41715000
Internet address: www.kfst.dk
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
According to the Danish Act on a Complaints Board for Public Procurement (available at www.retsinformation.dk) the following time limits apply to the lodging of complaints:
Complaints about non-selection for participation must be submitted to the Complaints Board for Public Procurement within twenty calendar days (see section 7(1) of the Act) from the day after the dispatch of a notification to the applicants concerned stating the names of the selected participants, where the notification is accompanied by a reason for the decision as set out in section 2(1)1 of the Act.
In other cases, complaints about tenders in pursuance of section 7(2) of the Act must be submitted to the Complaints Board for Public Procurement within the following time limits:
1) 45 calendar days after the contracting authority has published a notice in the EU Official Journal stating that the contracting authority has signed a contract. The time limit is counted from the day on which the notice was published.
2) 30 calendar days from the day after the day on which the contracting authority notified the tenderers concerned of a contract having been signed based on a framework agreement concerning the reopening of the competition or a dynamic procurement system, if the notification includes a reason for the decision.
3) 6 months after the contracting authority has entered into a framework agreement, counting from the day on which the contracting authority notified the applicants and tenderers concerned (see section 2(2) of the Act).
On or before the date on which a complaint is lodged with the Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the complaining party must submit a written notification to the contracting authority stating that a complaint has been lodged with the Complaints Board for Public Procurement and indicating whether the complaint has been lodged in the standstill period (see section 6(4) of the Act). In cases where the complaint has not been lodged in the standstill period, the complaining party must also state whether a suspensive effect of the complaint is desired (see section12(1) of the Act).
The email address of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement is stated in VI.4.1 of this notice.
Guidelines for complaints to the Complaints Board for Public Procurement are available at www.erhvervsstyrelsen.dk
Town: Valby
Postal code: 2500
Country: Denmark
E-mail: kfst@kfst.dk
Telephone: +45 41715000
Internet address: www.kftst.dk