Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Neues Rathaus Rådhus
  • Neues Rathaus Rådhus
  • Neues Rathaus Rådhus
  • 1. Preis: Longva Arkitekter AS,
  • 2. Preis: Transborder Studio AS,
  • 3. Preis: Agraff Arkitektur,

Neues Rathaus Rådhus , Sola/ Norwegen

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum

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1. Preis

Longva Arkitekter AS,
Knut Longva
Nils Köplin
Ewan Smith
Mille Mee Herstad
  • 1. Preis: Longva Arkitekter AS,
  • 1. Preis: Longva Arkitekter AS,
  • 1. Preis: Longva Arkitekter AS,
  • 1. Preis: Longva Arkitekter AS,
  • 1. Preis: Longva Arkitekter AS,
  • 1. Preis: Longva Arkitekter AS,
  • 1. Preis: Longva Arkitekter AS,
  • 1. Preis: Longva Arkitekter AS,
  • 1. Preis: Longva Arkitekter AS,
  • 1. Preis: Longva Arkitekter AS,
  • 1. Preis: Longva Arkitekter AS,
  • 1. Preis: Longva Arkitekter AS,

2. Preis

Transborder Studio AS,
FORFATTERE: Øystein Rø Espen Røyseland Håvard Skarstein Fredrikke Frølich Margrete Bjone Engelien
  • 2. Preis: Transborder Studio AS,
  • 2. Preis: Transborder Studio AS,
  • 2. Preis: Transborder Studio AS,
  • 2. Preis: Transborder Studio AS,
  • 2. Preis: Transborder Studio AS,
  • 2. Preis: Transborder Studio AS,
  • 2. Preis: Transborder Studio AS,
  • 2. Preis: Transborder Studio AS,
  • 2. Preis: Transborder Studio AS,
  • 2. Preis: Transborder Studio AS,
  • 2. Preis: Transborder Studio AS,
  • 2. Preis: Transborder Studio AS,

3. Preis

Agraff Arkitektur,
FORFATTERE: Svend Johnny Breiby Lydia Høyem Anker Ingrid Grændsen Silje Høyem Amundsen Bjørnar Kvalen Marte Bysting Willumsen
MEDARBEIDERE: Johannes Smidt Sevrin Gjerde Jan Løvdal Birgit Høyland Trond Heggem Marius Unnerud Oddveig Hovdenak
  • 3. Preis: Agraff Arkitektur,
  • 3. Preis: Agraff Arkitektur,
  • 3. Preis: Agraff Arkitektur,
  • 3. Preis: Agraff Arkitektur,
  • 3. Preis: Agraff Arkitektur,
  • 3. Preis: Agraff Arkitektur,
  • 3. Preis: Agraff Arkitektur,
  • 3. Preis: Agraff Arkitektur,
  • 3. Preis: Agraff Arkitektur,
  • 3. Preis: Agraff Arkitektur,
  • 3. Preis: Agraff Arkitektur,
  • 3. Preis: Agraff Arkitektur,
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Open planning and design contest for a new Town Hall in Sandnes in co-operation with Norske arkitekters landsforbund (NAL) [The National Association of Norwegian Architects] The New Town Hall shall contain the municipality's core activities and joint functions which comprise approximately 270 office spaces and accounts for approximately 4,700 m2 net. The current Town Hall is central in down town Sola
16/05/2015    S94    European Economic Area - Service contract - Design contest - Open procedure  Norway-Sola: Architectural services for buildings2015/S 094-171657Design contest noticeThis contest is covered by: Directive 2004/18/EC
Section I: Contracting authority
I.1) Name, addresses and contact point(s)
Sola kommune948243113Rådhusv. 21For the attention of: Hans Erik Haugvaldstad4050 SolaNORWAYE-mail: hans.erik.haugvaldstad@sola.kommune.noInternet address(es): Address of the buyer profile: kgv.doffin.no/ctm/Supplier/CompanyInformation/Index/2537Electronic access to information: kgv.doffin.no/ctm/Supplier/Documents/Folder/131864Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s) Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s) Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)
I.2) Type of the contracting authority
Regional or local authority1.3) Main activityGeneral public services1.4) Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities/entitiesThe contracting authority/entity is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities/entities: no
Section II: Object of the design contest/description of the project
II.1) Description
II.1.1) Title attributed to the design contest/project by the contracting
authority/entity:Open planning and design contest for New Sola Rådhus [Town Hall].
II.1.2) Short description:
Open planning and design contest for a new Town Hall in Sandnes in co-operation with Norske arkitekters landsforbund (NAL) [The National Association of Norwegian Architects] The New Town Hall shall contain the municipality's core activities and joint functions which comprise approximately 270 office spaces and accounts for approximately 4,700 m2 net. The current Town Hall is central in down town SolaSee the tender programme for a more detailed description of the design contest.
II.1.3) Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)
71221000, 71200000, 71000000, 71210000, 71220000, 71240000, 71230000
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
III.1) Criteria for the selection of participants:
III.2) Information about a particular profession
Participation is reserved to a particular profession: yesThe contest is open for all architects with approved exams in accordance with the EU's architects directive. Participants outside this area must substantiate equivalent qualifications.
Section IV: Procedure
IV.1) Type of contest
OpenIV.2) Names of participants already selectedIV.3) Criteria to be applied in the evaluation of projects:This program with associated attachments forms the basis for the replies. The assignment shall be released in accordance with the conditions described in the program, and the jury will place emphasis on the following criteria:a) Architectural design.— How the draft assists in promoting the realisation of the municipality's vision, values and initiatives.— How the draft relates to the immediate surroundings and the existing buildings— How the new construction is designed as an original object— Good design and central placement of the municipal council and executive committee, in connection to the training department.b) Disposal site— Sensible site utilisation in regard to market place, arrival, Rådhusgata, future church site, joining of existing building and new construction, and other future possible construction in the detailed capacity of the site.c) Accessibility— User friendliness for both employees and the public— That the building present as open and welcoming— Good facilitation for public oriented activity on the first floor, both day and evening— Universal designd) Area efficiency— Favourable gross/net factor— Multi-purpose rooms— Rational placement of technical units and guidance for these.e) Area flexibility and user needs— Good working environment with good lighting and simple internal communication— Good facilitation for both cell offices and landscape solutions— Flexibility in relation to future re-organisations/alterations— Good coherence between the new and old premises.f) Feasibility and costs— The design of the building shall be adapted for rational construction methods— Cost-effective solutions in relation to conditions in the stated budgetary frame with a view to LCC (Life Cycle Costs).Note that the stated criteria are not in any prioritised order.
IV.4) Administrative information
IV.4.1) File reference number attributed by the contracting authority/entity:15/1928
IV.4.2) Conditions for obtaining contractual documents and additional
IV.4.3) Time-limit for receipt of projects or requests to participate
Date: 26.8.2015 - 14:00IV.4.4) Date of dispatch of invitations to participate to selected candidates
IV.4.5) Language(s) in which projects or requests to participate may be
drawn upOther Norwegian.
IV.5) Rewards and jury
IV.5.1) Information about prize(s):
A prize/prizes will be awarded: yesnumber and value of the prize(s) to be awarded: The municipality has set aside a combined prize of 1 200 000 NOK which shall be divided in accordance with the jury's assessment.
IV.5.2) Details of payments to all participants
IV.5.3) Follow-up contracts
Any service contract following the contest will be awarded to the winner or one of the winners of the contest: yes
IV.5.4) Decision of the jury
The decision of the jury is binding on the contracting authority/entity: noIV.5.5) Names of the selected members of the jury
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.1) Information about European Union funds
The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
VI.2) Additional information:
A site inspection will be held for all contest participants. Participation is not mandatory. The site inspection starts with a meeting in the municipal council hall, in the current Sola Town Hall on 28.5.2015, 12:00. After the meeting, there will be a site inspection of the existing building and on the site, with the Contracting Authority's representatives in attendance.Questions which arise will be answered in a report which will be available as additional information on Doffin, ref. point 8.6. Attendance is voluntary. Those who wish to participate are asked to notify Hans Erik Haugvaldstad by 22.5.2015.Last question deadline is Thursday 11.6.2015.The jury only has recommending authority to Sola kommune in regard to the consequent awarding of contract.Complete contest programme with annexes are published as announcement documents on www.doffin.no and are available for downloading free of charge for interested parties.Doffin will be used as the only place for publication of later additional information or additional documents to the tender program from the jury or the Contracting Authority.See the tender programme for a more detailed description of the contest.
VI.3) Procedures for appeal
VI.3.1) Body responsible for appeal procedures
VI.3.2) Lodging of appeals
VI.3.3) Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may
be obtained
VI.4) Date of dispatch of this notice:

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