Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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New European Bauhaus Awards 2021 , Brüssel/ Belgien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
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Wie lautet der dritte Buchstabe von "wettbewerbe"?

Gewinner | Techniken, Werkstoffe und Verfahren für Bau und Gestaltung


Gewinner | Bauen im Sinne der Kreislaufwirtschaft

Jardines en el Aire
Nomad Garden

Gewinner | Regenerierte städtische und ländliche Räume

La Fábrika de toda la Vida

Gewinner | Produkte und Lebensstil


Gewinner | Lösungen für die parallele Entwicklung von baulicher Umwelt und Natur

Studio Anna Heringer
Martin Rauch - Lehm Ton Erde Baukunst GmbH

Gewinner | Erhaltung und Wandel des Kulturerbes

Terrats d’en Xifré: „Schwebender Wildgarten“
MataAlta Studio

Gewinner | Modulare, anpassungsfähige und mobile Lösungen für das Wohnen

Aprop Ciutat Vella
Eulia Arkitektura
Yaiza Terré Estudi d'Arquitectura

Gewinner | Erneuerte Orte der Begegnung und des Austausches

Uliako Lore-BaratzakGewinner | Techniken, Werkstoffe und Verfahren für Bau und Gestaltung

Gewinner | Mobilisierung von Kultur, Kunst und Gemeinschaften


Gewinner | Interdisziplinäre Bildungsmodelle

Escuela de Arquitectura – Universidad de Navarra (ETSAUN)
Award / Auszeichnung

New European Bauhaus Awards for existing completed examples/projects

To accelerate the green transition, contribute to the recovery and to ensure a better living together for all, we have to capitalise on the existing wealth of knowledge, experience and capacities as much as to call for new visions, new ideas and new solutions. The 2021 Prizes will be part of and represent the culmination of the first phase of the New European Bauhaus, which is focused on design and engagement. They will recognize and celebrate existing achievements and support the younger generation to further develop emerging concepts and ideas. They will give visibility to examples and concepts that illustrate how the triangle of sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion has already been translated in our territories, our communities and in our practices, or that pave the way to the future.

To reflect the participatory dimension of the design phase of the New European Bauhaus, the selection process for the prizes will involve a public voting by the subscribers to the New European Bauhaus newsletter, as well as an evaluation by the New European Bauhaus official partners.

The New European Bauhaus has the ambition to make the Green Deal a cultural, human-centred and positive, tangible experience. Everyone should be able to feel, see and experience the green and digital transformation and the way it enhances our quality of life. It is about bridging the global challenges with the local solutions to achieve our climate targets and support a broader transformation perspective.

The New European Bauhaus is about our daily lives, focusing on better living together in more beautiful, sustainable and inclusive places. Its objective is to articulate, in an innovative way, three key dimensions:

- sustainability (including circularity),
- aesthetics (and other dimensions of the quality of experience beyond functionality)
- inclusion (including accessibility and affordability).

New European Bauhaus Awards 2021

About the Awards
New European Bauhaus Awards for existing completed examples/projects

To accelerate the green transition, contribute to the recovery and to ensure a better living together for all, we have to capitalise on the existing wealth of knowledge, experience and capacities as much as to call for new visions, new ideas and new solutions. The 2021 Prizes will be part of and represent the culmination of the first phase of the New European Bauhaus, which is focused on design and engagement. They will recognize and celebrate existing achievements and support the younger generation to further develop emerging concepts and ideas. They will give visibility to examples and concepts that illustrate how the triangle of sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion has already been translated in our territories, our communities and in our practices, or that pave the way to the future.

To reflect the participatory dimension of the design phase of the New European Bauhaus, the selection process for the prizes will involve a public voting by the subscribers to the New European Bauhaus newsletter, as well as an evaluation by the New European Bauhaus official partners.

The New European Bauhaus has the ambition to make the Green Deal a cultural, human-centred and positive, tangible experience. Everyone should be able to feel, see and experience the green and digital transformation and the way it enhances our quality of life. It is about bridging the global challenges with the local solutions to achieve our climate targets and support a broader transformation perspective.

The New European Bauhaus is about our daily lives, focusing on better living together in more beautiful, sustainable and inclusive places. Its objective is to articulate, in an innovative way, three key dimensions:

- sustainability (including circularity),
- aesthetics (and other dimensions of the quality of experience beyond functionality)
- inclusion (including accessibility and affordability).

The deadline for submissions is on 31 May 2021.

More information and details at

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