- wa-ID
- wa-2034635
- Tag der Veröffentlichung
- 02.08.2022
- Aktualisiert am
- 16.06.2023
- Verfahrensart
- Studentenwettbewerb
- Zulassungsbereich
- Teilnehmer
- Architekturstudent*innen
- Beteiligung
- 175 Arbeiten
- Auslober
Union internationale des architectes - UIA
UIA Public Health Group
NOVELL Redesign Team - Bewerbungsschluss
- 15.03.2023
- Abgabetermin
- 15.04.2023
- Bekanntgabe
- 05.06.2023
- Ausstellung
- 02.-06.07.2023
Offener Ideenwettbewerb für Student*innen
Die International Union of Architects (UIA) hat den internationalen einstufigen Ideenwettbewerb für die nächste Generation von Rehabilitationszentren für Schlaganfallpatienten ausgeschrieben, an dem alle Architekturstudenten weltweit teilnehmen können.
Der Wettbewerb wird von der UIA Public Health Group und dem NOVELL Redesign Team organisiert. Er wird vom Australian Health Design Council (AHDC) gesponsert.
Als Reaktion auf die jüngsten globalen Gesundheitskrisen, darunter die COVID-19-Pandemie und andere verheerende Katastrophen, hat die UIA-Generalversammlung im Juli 2021 das "2022: UIA Year of Design for Health ausgerufen". Diese Verpflichtung fordert alle UIA-Mitgliedssektionen auf, Architekten und ihre Kunden zu ermutigen, evidenzbasiertes Design zur Förderung der Gesundheit in Gebäuden und Städten einzusetzen, und fördert "Design, das die Gesundheit schützt, Design, das eine bessere Gesundheit entwickelt, und Design, das die Gesundheit wiederherstellt, wenn sie beeinträchtigt ist."
Dieser Wettbewerb soll Architektur- und Designstudenten ermutigen, sich für Design im Dienste der Gesundheit zu interessieren und neue Ideen und zukunftsweisende Konzepte zu entwickeln, um aktuelle Herausforderungen zu lösen, die von Patienten mit Hirnverletzungen (Schlaganfall), ihren Familienangehörigen und dem medizinischen Personal erkannt werden. Der Wettbewerb fordert Studierende auf, ein Rehabilitationszentrum für 30 Schlaganfallüberlebende zu entwerfen, und sucht nach kreativen und ehrgeizigen Entwürfen, die den Bedürfnissen der Schlaganfallüberlebenden während ihrer Genesung gerecht werden.
Competition assignment
The International Union of Architects (UIA) has launched the Next Generation of Stroke Rehabilitation Centres international single stage student ideas competition open to all students in architecture of the world.
The competition is organised by the UIA Public Health Group and the NOVELL Redesign Team. It is co-sponsored by the Australian Health Design Council (AHDC).
To respond to recent global health crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and other devastating disasters, the UIA General Assembly in July 2021 declared "2022: UIA Year of Design for Health". This commitment urges all UIA Member Sections to encourage architects and their clients to use evidence-based design to promote health in buildings and cities, and promotes “Design that protects health, design that develops Better Health, and design that restores health once it is impaired.”
This competition aims to encourage architecture and design students interested in design for health and to advance new ideas and futuristic concepts to solve current challenges identified by brain-injured (stroke) patients, family members, and medical staff. It invites students to design a rehabilitation centre for 30 stroke survivors and seeks creative and ambitious designs to meet stroke survivors' needs during their recovery.
John Cooper, Architect, UK (Jury president)
Fani Vavili-Tsinika, Professor Emeritus, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, UIA Council member, Greece (UIA representative)
Philip Patrick Sun, Architect, USA
Jane Repin Carthey, Architect, Australia
Innocent Okpanum, Architect, South Africa
Alternate jurors:
Pei Ing Tan, UIA Secretary General, Malaysia (UIA representative)
Henning Lensch, Architect, Germany
Die Gewinnerbeiträge werden auf der Ausstellung des UIA Public Health Work Programm während des 28. UIA World Congress of Architects in Kopenhagen, Dänemark, vom 2. bis 6. Juli 2023 ausgestellt.
The winning entries will be exhibited at the UIA Public Health Work Programme Exhibition during the 28th UIA World Congress of Architects in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 2-6 July 2023.
Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:
Offener Ideenwettbewerb für Student*innen
Die International Union of Architects (UIA) hat den internationalen einstufigen Ideenwettbewerb für die nächste Generation von Rehabilitationszentren für Schlaganfallpatienten ausgeschrieben, an dem alle Architekturstudenten weltweit teilnehmen können.
Der Wettbewerb wird von der UIA Public Health Group und dem NOVELL Redesign Team organisiert. Er wird vom Australian Health Design Council (AHDC) gesponsert.
Als Reaktion auf die jüngsten globalen Gesundheitskrisen, darunter die COVID-19-Pandemie und andere verheerende Katastrophen, hat die UIA-Generalversammlung im Juli 2021 das "2022: UIA Year of Design for Health ausgerufen". Diese Verpflichtung fordert alle UIA-Mitgliedssektionen auf, Architekten und ihre Kunden zu ermutigen, evidenzbasiertes Design zur Förderung der Gesundheit in Gebäuden und Städten einzusetzen, und fördert "Design, das die Gesundheit schützt, Design, das eine bessere Gesundheit entwickelt, und Design, das die Gesundheit wiederherstellt, wenn sie beeinträchtigt ist."
Dieser Wettbewerb soll Architektur- und Designstudenten ermutigen, sich für Design im Dienste der Gesundheit zu interessieren und neue Ideen und zukunftsweisende Konzepte zu entwickeln, um aktuelle Herausforderungen zu lösen, die von Patienten mit Hirnverletzungen (Schlaganfall), ihren Familienangehörigen und dem medizinischen Personal erkannt werden. Der Wettbewerb fordert Studierende auf, ein Rehabilitationszentrum für 30 Schlaganfallüberlebende zu entwerfen, und sucht nach kreativen und ehrgeizigen Entwürfen, die den Bedürfnissen der Schlaganfallüberlebenden während ihrer Genesung gerecht werden.
Competition assignment
The International Union of Architects (UIA) has launched the Next Generation of Stroke Rehabilitation Centres international single stage student ideas competition open to all students in architecture of the world.
The competition is organised by the UIA Public Health Group and the NOVELL Redesign Team. It is co-sponsored by the Australian Health Design Council (AHDC).
To respond to recent global health crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and other devastating disasters, the UIA General Assembly in July 2021 declared "2022: UIA Year of Design for Health". This commitment urges all UIA Member Sections to encourage architects and their clients to use evidence-based design to promote health in buildings and cities, and promotes “Design that protects health, design that develops Better Health, and design that restores health once it is impaired.”
This competition aims to encourage architecture and design students interested in design for health and to advance new ideas and futuristic concepts to solve current challenges identified by brain-injured (stroke) patients, family members, and medical staff. It invites students to design a rehabilitation centre for 30 stroke survivors and seeks creative and ambitious designs to meet stroke survivors' needs during their recovery.
John Cooper, Architect, UK (Jury president)
Fani Vavili-Tsinika, Professor Emeritus, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, UIA Council member, Greece (UIA representative)
Philip Patrick Sun, Architect, USA
Jane Repin Carthey, Architect, Australia
Innocent Okpanum, Architect, South Africa
Alternate jurors:
Pei Ing Tan, UIA Secretary General, Malaysia (UIA representative)
Henning Lensch, Architect, Germany
Die Gewinnerbeiträge werden auf der Ausstellung des UIA Public Health Work Programm während des 28. UIA World Congress of Architects in Kopenhagen, Dänemark, vom 2. bis 6. Juli 2023 ausgestellt.
The winning entries will be exhibited at the UIA Public Health Work Programme Exhibition during the 28th UIA World Congress of Architects in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 2-6 July 2023.
Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:
Launch student ideas competition to design a rehabilitation centre for 30 stroke survivors
The International Union of Architects (UIA) has launched the Next Generation of Stroke Rehabilitation Centres international single stage student ideas competition open to all students in architecture of the world.
The competition is organised by the UIA Public Health Group and the NOVELL Redesign Team. It is co-sponsored by the Australian Health Design Council (AHDC).
To respond to recent global health crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and other devastating disasters, the UIA General Assembly in July 2021 declared "2022: UIA Year of Design for Health." This commitment urges all UIA Member Sections to encourage architects and their clients to use evidence-based design to promote health in buildings and cities, and promotes “Design that protects health, design that develops Better Health, and design that restores health once it is impaired.”
This competition aims to encourage architecture and design students interested in design for health and to advance new ideas and futuristic concepts to solve current challenges identified by brain-injured (stroke) patients, family members, and medical staff. It invites students to design a rehabilitation centre for 30 stroke survivors and seeks creative and ambitious designs to meet stroke survivors' needs during their recovery.
The competition is open to full-time university architectural students from all over the world. Multidisciplinary teams are encouraged. However, only architectural students can serve as team leaders or authors. Full-time university students from other disciplines, including interior design, landscape architecture, urban design, urban planning, medicine, neuroscience, psychology, and others, can be co-authors or team members acting as specialists.
All team members (authors, co-authors, specialists) must be enrolled as university students by the time of the project submission to the competition website. Each team may have 1 to 5 university students, with 1 or 2 advisors. Having an advisor for this competition is not mandatory. Advisors must be named as consultants.
The international jury is composed of:
John Cooper (UK), Architect (Chair, Region I)
Fani Vavili, (Greece) Professor Emeritus, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, UIA Council member, UIA Representative (Region II)
Philip Patrick Sun (USA) Architect (Region III)
Jane Carthey (Australia), Architect (Region IV)
Innocent Okpanum (South Africa), Architect (Region V)
Alternate jurors
Pei Ing Tan (Malaysia), UIA Secretary General, (Region IV)
Henning Lensch (Germany), Architect (Region I)
A total of € 12500 will be distributed among the authors of the winning projects:
1st Prize: 5,000 EUR + a certificate
2nd Prize: 3,000 EUR + a certificate
3rd Prize: 2,000 EUR + a certificate
4th Prize: 1,500 EUR + a certificate
5th Prize: 1,000 EUR + a certificate
Honourable Mentions: a certificate
NOVELL will invite the prize winners to become co-researchers at the NOVELL Redesign.
The official language of the competition is English. Entries must be submitted in the official language.
Launch of competition: 1 August 2022
Deadline for submitting questions: 15 November 2022
Deadline for responses: 15 December 2022
Deadline for registrations: 15 March 2023
Deadline for submission of entries: 15 April 2023
Announcement of results: 15 May 2023
Exhibitions: TBA
Award ceremony: TBA
Participants will be required to register on the UIA competition platform. Competitors will receive a number or code that they will use to log into the system and download the competition documents. No fees are required for registering.
More information