Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Nový hlavák (New Main Station District) , Prague/ Tschechische Republik

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
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Sonstiger Wettbewerb
24 Arbeiten
Jurysitzung | Auswahl der Finalist*innen
Abgabetermin der Entwürfe
Finale Jurysitzung
Bekanntgabe des Gewinners

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Henning Larsen Architects A/S, Kopenhagen
Wettbewerblicher Dialog

Die Hauptstadt Prag schreibt gemeinsam mit den Prager Verkehrsbetrieben und der Eisenbahnverwaltung (Správa železnic) ein Wettbewerbsdialogverfahren für die Revitalisierung des Parks Vrchlického sady aus, einschließlich der Einbindung der neuen Straßenbahnlinie in das Gebiet und des Umbaus der Neuen Bahnhofshalle des Prager Hauptbahnhofs (NOH).

Der Park Vrchlického sady und die Neue Bahnhofshalle des Hauptbahnhofs bilden aus geografischer Sicht und in Bezug auf ihre Bedeutung einen eindeutigen Teil des Zentrums der Hauptstadt der Tschechischen Republik. Im Hinblick auf die aktuellen Bedürfnisse des Funktionierens des städtischen Organismus an diesem Ort und in der weiteren Umgebung erfüllt das betreffende Gebiet seine stadtbildende Rolle heute jedoch nur sehr problematisch.

Ziel des Verfahrens des wettbewerblichen Dialogs ist es daher, eine architektonische, städtebauliche, landschaftsplanerische und verkehrstechnische Lösung zu finden, die sich auf die Funktionalität und die stadtbildprägende Rolle dieses äußerst wichtigen Bereichs konzentriert. Gleichzeitig soll mit dem wettbewerblichen Dialog eine umfassende Lösung gefunden werden, die diesen Teil der Stadt zu einem Ort macht, der nicht nur von Durchreisenden und Umsteigern, sondern vor allem von den Bewohnern der angrenzenden Stadtteile besucht wird, die heute durch die Eisenbahn- und Straßeninfrastruktur unnatürlich getrennt sind. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass eine qualitativ hochwertige Gestaltung des Geländes dem Ort eine natürliche Attraktivität und Sicherheit verleihen wird. Gleichzeitig wird die vorgeschlagene Lösung, auch im Hinblick auf die künftige Bewirtschaftung des Geländes, eine langfristige ökologische Nachhaltigkeit in der Stadt gewährleisten.

Competition assignment
The Capital City of Prague together with the Prague Public Transit Company and Správa železnic (Railway Administration) announce Competition Dialogue Procedure for the revitalisation of the Vrchlického sady Park, including the integration of the new tramway line into the area and the reconstruction of the New Terminal Hall of the Prague Main Railway Station (NOH).

The Vrchlického sady Park and the New Terminal Hall of the Main Railway Station form a clear part of the centre of the capital of the Czech Republic from the geographical and significance point of view. However, with regard to the current needs of the functioning of the urban organism in the locality and its wider surroundings, the area concerned fulfils its city-forming role very problematically today.

The aim of the Competition Dialogue Procurement Procedure is therefore to find an architectural, urban, landscaping and transport solution that will focus on the functionality and city-forming role of this extremely important area. At the same time, the aim of the competitive dialogue is to find a comprehensive solution that will turn this part of the city into a place visited not only by passing and transferring passengers, but primarily by the inhabitants of the adjacent urban districts, which are today unnaturally divided by the railway and road infrastructure. It is anticipated that a good-quality design of the site will bring natural attractiveness and security to the site. At the same time, the proposed solution will bring, also with regard to the future management of the area, long-term environmental sustainability within the city.

Jaroslav Wertig, Chairman of the evaluation committee
Peter Gero, Regular member of the evaluation committee / independent part
Štěpánka Šmídová, Regular member of the evaluation committee / independent part
Jana Pyšková, Regular member of the evaluation committee / independent part
Igor Marko, Regular member of the evaluation committee / independent part
Zdeněk Lukeš, Regular member of the evaluation committee / independent part
Petr Hlaváček, Regular member of the evaluation committee / dependent part
Jan Šurovský, Regular member of the evaluation committee / dependent part
Jan Rak, Regular member of the evaluation committee / dependent part
Michal Kliský, Regular member of the evaluation committee / dependent part
Petr Hofhanzl, Vice – Chairman of the evaluation committee

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Competitive dialogue: Nový hlavák (New Main Station District)
International competitive dialogue
Submission of Applications for Participation: July 15 2022/ 3:00 PM CET
Contracting Authority: The Capital City of Prague represented by the 
Department of Property Management of the Capital City of Prague
Prague Public Transit Company, joint-stock company 
Správa železnic, state organisation
Subject of the competitive dialogue:
The Capital City of Prague together with the Prague Public Transit Company and Správa železnic (Railway Administration) announce Competition Dialogue Procedure for the revitalisation of the Vrchlického sady Park, including the integration of the new tramway line into the area and the reconstruction of the New Terminal Hall of the Prague Main Railway Station (NOH).
The Vrchlického sady Park and the New Terminal Hall of the Main Railway Station form a clear part of the centre of the capital of the Czech Republic from the geographical and significance point of view. However, with regard to the current needs of the functioning of the urban organism in the locality and its wider surroundings, the area concerned fulfils its city-forming role very problematically today. 
The aim of the Competition Dialogue Procurement Procedure is therefore to find an architectural, urban, landscaping and transport solution that will focus on the functionality and city-forming role of this extremely important area. At the same time, the aim of the competitive dialogue is to find a comprehensive solution that will turn this part of the city into a place visited not only by passing and transferring passengers, but primarily by the inhabitants of the adjacent urban districts, which are today unnaturally divided by the railway and road infrastructure. It is anticipated that a good-quality design of the site will bring natural attractiveness and security to the site. At the same time, the proposed solution will bring, also with regard to the future management of the area, long-term environmental sustainability within the city.
The course of the competitive dialogue: 
The Contracting Authority will invite the participants who prove that they meet the qualifications in the Procurement Procedure to participate in the Competitive Dialogue. Other participants will be excluded from participation in the Procurement Procedure. Participants invited to participate in the Competitive Dialogue shall prepare and submit an Approach Methodology to the Contracting Authority. 
Based on the Approach Methodology, a reduction in the number of solutions will be made. The 5 participants whose Approach Methodologies have been assessed as the most advantageous to the Contracting Authority will proceed to the next stage. The selected participants (5 participants) shall prepare and submit the Concept to the Contracting Authority. The Concept shall then be presented by the participants to the Evaluation Committee at the workshop. At the end of the presentation, the Evaluation Committee shall evaluate the participants‘ Concepts and shortlist the designs based on the
evaluation results.
Three participants, whose Concept has been evaluated as the most advantageous for the Contracting Authority, shall proceed to the next phase. The selected participants (3 participants) shall prepare and submit to the Contracting Authority the Draft Design based on the Concept and responding to the recommendations of the Evaluation Committee for the completion of the Concept. The Draft Design shall then be presented by the participants to the Evaluation Committee at the workshop. At the end of the presentation of the Draft Designs, the Evaluation Committee shall evaluate the participants‘ Designs. The Evaluation Committee shall also provide the participants with a written recommendation for completion of the Draft Design into the form of the Final Draft Design (part of the participant‘s Bid).  
The Evaluation Committee will evaluate the Bid and rank the Bids based on the results of the evaluation.  A Contract for the performance of the subject of the Public Contract will be concluded with the participants whose Bid is evaluated as the most economically advantageous for the Contracting Authority.
Expense reimbursements: 
The total amount for reimbursement of expenses is set at CZK 7,600,000 = approximately EUR 312,243. 
The Contracting Authority will pay each participant who submitted a Concept in the Procurement Procedure, which was subsequently assessed and evaluated by the Evaluation Committee, reimbursement of expenses in the amount of CZK 440,000 (approximately EUR 18,077).
The Contracting Authority shall pay each participant who submitted a proposal for a Draft Design, which was subsequently assessed and evaluated by the Evaluation Committee, reimbursement of expenses in the amount of CZK 900,000 (approximately EUR 36,976).
The Contracting Authority will pay each participant who submitted a Final Proposal in the Procurement Procedure, which was subsequently assessed and evaluated by the Evaluation Committee, reimbursement of expenses in the amount of CZK 900,000 (approximately EUR 36,976).
Public contract of the winning architect:
Each of the contracting authorities will conclude a separate contract with the winner of the competitive dialogue for the implementation of its project. 
The winner of the Competitive Dialogue will prepare an architectural study, for all phases of the project, provide engineering and author‘s supervision for each project (Revitalization of Vrchlického sady Park/New tram line construction, Reconstruction of the NOH) on the basis of the concluded contracts. 
Estimated remuneration for the revitalization of the Vrchlického sady Park: CZK 37,000,000 = approximately EUR 1,520,131
Estimated remuneration for the new tram line construction: CZK 15,000,000 = approximately 
EUR 616,269
Estimated remuneration for the reconstruction of the NOH: CZK 114,000,000 = approximately 
EUR 4,683,648
More details: 
Link to the Competitive Dialogue documents: 

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