Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Private Island in The Bahamas , Nassau/ Bahamas

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
Architekt*innen, Designer*innen und Student*innen
27.10.2022 12:00
Interviews 1. Phase
Bekanntgabe Shortlist/Finalisten 1. Phase
Finale Interviews/Präsentationen 2. Phase
Bekanntgabe Gewinner

Wie lautet der dritte Buchstabe von "wettbewerbe"?

Overall Winner

James Hamilton Architects, Turks & Caicos Islands

Marina concept Winner + Runner Up Beach Club concept

Jestico + Whiles, London

Marina concept Runner Up


Accommodation concept Winner

Liyang Wang, New York

Accommodation concept Runner Up

SABI by Sabina Blasiotti, London

Accommodation concept Runner Up

Studio Line Between, Florida

Accommodation concept Runner Up

Mola Mucho, Indonesia
Offener zweiphasiger Wettbewerb

Das Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) hat einen Wettbewerb für den Entwurf eines neuen Luxusresorts auf einer Privatinsel auf den Bahamas ausgeschrieben.

Der Auftraggeber möchte ein äußerst nachhaltiges Reiseziel schaffen, das verschiedene Gruppen von Reisenden, Seglern und Einwohnern anziehen und gleichzeitig die natürliche Schönheit der Insel bewahren soll.

Die Insel, die früher eine Ananasplantage beherbergte, verfügt derzeit über keine offizielle Wohninfrastruktur, keine Straßen, keinen Strom und keine Wasserversorgung. In der Mitte der Insel befindet sich eine flache Binnenlagune und eine schmale Halbinsel, die 11 km (7 Meilen) nach Osten vorspringt. Das Gelände für die geplante Entwicklung ist insgesamt 107 Hektar groß.

Das Projekt umfasst drei Hauptbereiche, die auf der Insel entwickelt werden sollen: einen Beach Club, einen Jachthafen und voll ausgestattete buchbare Unterkünfte. Die Teilnehmer haben die Möglichkeit, Entwürfe für eine oder mehrere dieser Kategorien einzureichen.

Competition assignment
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has launched a competition for the design of a new luxury resort on a Private Island in the Bahamas.

The client is looking to create a highly sustainable destination that will attract diverse groups of travellers, the yachting community and residents, whilst preserving the surrounding natural beauty of the island.

The island, that once was home to a pineapple plantation, currently has no formal residential infrastructure, no roads, no power and no water supply. It features a shallow inland lagoon in the centre of the island and a thin peninsula which juts out 11 km (7 miles) east. The site for the planned development is a total of 107 acres.

The project revolves around three key areas to be developed on the island: a Beach Club, a Marina, and fully equipped bookable accommodation. Entrants will have the opportunity to submit designs for one or more of these categories.

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:

Wednesday 21 September 2022
RIBA launches international design competition for the development of a Private Island in The Bahamas
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has launched a competition for the design of a new luxury resort on a Private Island in the Bahamas.
The client is looking to create a highly sustainable destination that will attract diverse groups of travellers, the yachting community and residents, whilst preserving the surrounding natural beauty of the island.
The island, that once was home to a pineapple plantation, currently has no formal residential infrastructure, no roads, no power and no water supply. It features a shallow inland lagoon in the centre of the island and a thin peninsula which juts out 11 km (7 miles) east. The site for the planned development is a total of 107 acres.
The project revolves around three key areas to be developed on the island: a Beach Club, a Marina, and fully equipped bookable accommodation. Entrants will have the opportunity to submit designs for one or more of these categories.
The design competition is a two-stage process. The first stage will include the anonymous assessment of concept design ideas and selection of a longlist of up to 10 concepts for each category. The second stage will include a shortlisting process, whereby those selected will be asked to refine their ideas following feedback and the shortlisted designers will be invited to present their refined concepts to the Evaluation Panel. A prize of £25,000 will be awarded to the overall winner with another £25,000 prize fund distributed amongst other prize winners as agreed by the Panel.
Kirsten Lees, Managing Partner at Grimshaw acting as the RIBA Competition Architect Adviser said:
“This is an exciting opportunity to use innovation and creativity to create a high-end resort experience that simultaneously protects and enhances this beautiful location through the promotion of genuinely sustainable and net carbon positive proposals.”
The submission deadline is 12:00 midday (BST) on Thursday 27 October 2022.
The RIBA competition is open to all design professionals and students of these disciplines worldwide. 
Further information can be found on the competition webpage at: 

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