Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Re-use the Fallen Church – Chiesa Diruta / Grottole , Grottole/ Italien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
Architekt*innen, Ingenieur*innen und Student*innen

Wie viele Buchstaben hat "wa"?

1. Preis

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  • 1. Preis: Andrea Romanelli · Andrea Consonni,
  • 1. Preis: Andrea Romanelli · Andrea Consonni,

2. Preis

Zsolt Frikker · Imre Bődi,
  • 2. Preis: Zsolt Frikker · Imre Bődi,
  • 2. Preis: Zsolt Frikker · Imre Bődi,

3. Preis

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Lobende Erwähnung

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  • Lobende Erwähnung: Anastasiia Markina · Veronika Babenko,
Offener Wettbewerb

Chiesa Diruta ist eine katholische Kirche in Grottole (MT), die im 15. Jahrhundert erbaut wurde, um die örtliche Gemeinde von Geistlichen zu beherbergen und eine der wichtigsten Kirchen des Bistums zu werden. Sie erlitt viele Schäden durch Erdbeben, Brände und Bauprobleme, so dass sie bald aufgegeben wurde.

Die Teilnehmer dieses Wettbewerbs sind aufgefordert, diese Räumlichkeiten als Konzertsaal wieder nutzbar zu machen.

Ist es möglich, eines der wichtigsten religiösen Gebäude Süditaliens wieder zum Leben zu erwecken? Die Antwort auf diese Frage liegt in den Händen der Architekten, der Ingenieure und der Studenten, die an diesem Wettbewerb teilnehmen werden.

Competition assignment
Chiesa Diruta is a catholic church built in Grottole (MT) in the 15th century, in order to host the local community of clergymen and to become one the most important churches of the bishopric. It suffered a lot of damages due to earthquakes, fires and building issues so it was soon abandoned.

Participants of this competitions are asked to reuse this space as a Concert Hall.

Is it possible to bring back to life one of the most important religious buildings of Southern Italy? The answer to this question is in the hands of the architects, the engineers and the students who will participate to this competition.

Adam Nathaniel Furman
Eric de Broche des Combes, Luxigon
Simone Bossi
Wenqiang Han, Archstudio
Andrea Paoletti, Wonder Grottole
Graca Correia & Roberto Ragazzi, CORREIA/RAGAZZI Arquitectos
Assemble Architects
Federica Sofia Zambeletti, Koozarch
Jaume Mayol & Irene Pérez, TEd’A arquitectes
Diego Hernandez, ArchDaily
Emanuele Fidone

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:
Re-use the Fallen Church – Chiesa Diruta / Grottole

ReUse Italy

The contest is organized in partnership with Wonder Grottole, ArchDaily, KooZA/rch, Graphisoft, and with the official support of the Municipality of Grottole (Matera), FAI Basilicata, Matera Art Film Festiva, ANCI Basilicata, Associazione Borghi Autentici d’Italia.

All competition related questions can be sent by the form:

Competition assignment
Chiesa Diruta is a catholic church built in Grottole (MT) in the 15th century, in order to host the local community of clergymen and to become one the most important churches of the bishopric. It suffered a lot of damages due to earthquakes, fires and building issues so it was soon abandoned.

Participants of this competitions are asked to reuse this space as a Concert Hall.

Is it possible to bring back to life one of the most important religious buildings of Southern Italy? The answer to this question is in the hands of the architects, the engineers and the students who will participate to this competition.

This ideas competition is open to anyone older than 18 years. It’s up on participants if competing alone or group in teams of maximum 4 people. For teams, the registration fee refers to the total amount of the team. People with professionals or parental relationships with jury members and people involved in the competition organization are not allowed to participate, not individually neither as a team.

9 November 2020: Opening of the Early Registration
14 December 2020: Opening of the Regular Registration
25 January 2021: Opening of the Late Registration
12 March 2021: Submission deadline
12 April 2021: Results
Mid April 2021: Exhibition of the projects

All deadlines are meant to be at 23.59 (GMT +1; Rome) of the prescribed day.

Adam Nathaniel Furman
Eric de Broche des Combes, Luxigon
Simone Bossi
Wenqiang Han, Archstudio
Andrea Paoletti, Wonder Grottole
Graca Correia & Roberto Ragazzi, CORREIA/RAGAZZI Arquitectos
Assemble Architects
Federica Sofia Zambeletti, Koozarch
Jaume Mayol & Irene Pérez, TEd’A arquitectes
Diego Hernandez, ArchDaily
Emanuele Fidone

1st Prize: 2500€
2nd Prize: 1000€
3rd Prize: 500€

10 Honorable Mentions
Special Mentions for Innovative Proposal

The submitted projects will be displayed on a local exhibition on April 2021 in Grottole (Matera).
The winning proposals and the mentions will be published by ArchDaily, other webzines, and on a book with ISBN.

More information and documents at

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